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That's the Western press, so-o-o disappointed that more Chinese aren't dying.

My friend, what you are doing is selective reporting, i am living accross a famous hospital, Fudan University Hospital, and i see the situation daily. I am not lying. Scmp is CCP sponsored? Lol. Reuters? Dude... Come on.

The rest is reporting from Western MSM. Are there overwhelmed hospitals in certain locations? China has maybe 50'000 hospitals, so I am sure some might be overwhelmed? Did you visit all 50'000?
Funeral homes? Of course there will be deaths, it's winter time, if you don't die from Covid, you die from flu. Did you or the so called 'media' survey every single funeral home? China did report a dozen deaths due to Covid, it is not no deaths as reported by the western media.for God's sake INDIA IS NOT TESTING AT ALL. SO CAN YOU TELL ME YOUR DEATHS? LOL

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There is only ONE DEATH IN INDIA. JAI HIND. Don't be a hypocrite, we are all lying now. We held on and saved so many lives for 2 years but you incompetent idiots mutated it into Delta and then omicron, it had been eradicated in China and we had 2 years of bliss. Now let's follow the 'living with covid' method recommended by you dumbasses.

First of all, just 1 or a few hospitals can never be overwhelmed in a medical crisis.

If there is over-capacity in one hospital and too many empty places in another, people automatically transfer to the vacant ones.

Eventually, things balance out across a city in just a matter of hours.

Not only that, 0.1% of 1.4 billion is still 1.4 million.

As you have now opened up and following 'living with COVID', then there would be 1.4 million deaths.

A simple maths tells me that, and hope you are good at it.

So, many hospitals across many cities will be overwhelmed.

Hope your system is prepared for it.

Also, there are several reports of shortage of blood and medical drugs across China. One hospital can't cause that, ryt??

India or USA never recommended anything to China. Do you seriously follow our recommendations 🤣 ?

Then we recommend you to leave Taiwan as it is. Please follow it.

Just the people in China were fed up of daily lockdowns and the protests caused the government to open up.

Neither we are responsible for mutating the virus. It is something that happened in Wuhan first, we all know COVID started from China first.

And now you are trying to blame India and West for the virus and how it mutates. That's just a shameful response.
First of all, just 1 or a few hospitals can never be overwhelmed in a medical crisis.

If there is over-capacity in one hospital and too many empty places in another, people automatically transfer to the vacant ones.

Eventually, things balance out across a city in just a matter of hours.

Not only that, 0.1% of 1.4 billion is still 1.4 million.

As you have now opened up and following 'living with COVID', then there would be 1.4 million deaths.

A simple maths tells me that, and hope you are good at it.

So, many hospitals across many cities will be overwhelmed.

Hope your system is prepared for it.

Also, there are several reports of shortage of blood and medical drugs across China. One hospital can't cause that, ryt??

India or USA never recommended anything to China. Do you seriously follow our recommendations 🤣 ?

Then we recommend you to leave Taiwan as it is. Please follow it.

Just the people in China were fed up of daily lockdowns and the protests caused the government to open up.

Neither we are responsible for mutating the virus. It is something that happened in Wuhan first, we all know COVID started from China first.

And now you are trying to blame India and West for the virus and how it mutates. That's just a shameful response.
Not sure the death rates are 0.1%. I think it's much lower than that, NONE of the people I know were hospitalised. Well 1.4 million dead old and weak is still better. than 6 million dead I guess. Lol. So it's okay to selectively choose ONE hospital to generalise and not okay for me to choose the emergency ward accross the street?

First month will see some spike but gradually we will taper off but we did buy time for Omicron to emerge, i didnt see long queues to buy oxygen tanks like India. Hell the symptoms i had are exactly like flu, i didn't even have coughs.
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Where I work, it's very densely populated, 100% infected with Omicron, I've had a fever only one day, and now I'm coughing. There are more than 2,000 people where I work and there is a suspected death. A 71-year-old man died of respiratory failure. He was not counted as dying of Covid 19, but we suspect he died of the disease.
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