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Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitab

Explains your soft corner for 'em.

The rest of us Pakistanis will pass on the offer.

Feel free to visit your In-Laws in Jew Land when you please.
Q: Are you married to a man?
No, I didn't take the route your son has from the LGBT Movement. As a result me & my wife were able to bring two girls in this World.

This is just to divert attention from ongoing cleaning operation in Pakistan..
This sounds like utter Israeli nonsense/propaganda.

First of all why would Saudi Arabia even care whether Pakistan recognizes Israel or not? Did Saudi Arabia make a big fuss about direct ARAB NEIGHBORS such as Egypt and Jordan recognizing and signing a peace deal with Israel ages ago? Or force those countries to do it all while never having recognized Israel to this very day?

The most realistic and so far only official proposal to Israel is a Saudi Arabian invention and is called the Arab Peace Initiative which was accepted by all Arab countries without exception.

If you notice, Israel is absolutely obsessed about linking itself/propagandizing that Saudi Arabia is about to recognize Israel. They (Israel) know that it is symbolically/religiously/politically the biggest prize for them in the Muslim world. Once Saudi Arabia accepts them a horde of other Muslim countries will follow suit.

We have been hearing this from Israeli media for years that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is about to recognize Israel without any preconditions. This is absurd and nothing more than a deliberate SPYOP operation. Repeat the same nonsense enough of times and people will believe it.

My two cents.

Outside of Bin Laden who was the son of a Yemeni father and a Syrian mother (and whose lot we as Pakistan - our elites, at least, supported alongside the very same West he later attacked), I am not sure if what you wrote is accurate. All those issues already existed in Pakistan and we never lacked any backwardness to envy anyone, sadly, and still exist to this day even after Saudi Arabia ended their Sahwa era under King Abdullah and long ago suppressed the ultraconservative lot. When girls are stoned for being caught with phones in our rural areas (Baluchistan) or other insane stuff in places like KPK by illiterate people (mostly), I am not sure what Saudi Arabia or Mozambique for that matter can be blamed for. Or when local "landlords" literally enslave locals in rural Sindh. It is an easy scapegoat to somehow throw our own homemade domestic dirt under the carpet.

On the other hand for the conservative lot everything is the fault of the West.

In 100 years time, if the current long-standing problems (corruption, mismanagement, pathetic elites, lack of education etc. to mention a few) are not yet solved, we (some of us) will continue to blame imaginary Arabs for all of our problems.

In the real world, without Saudi Arabia's continued economic support since the beginning of our inception as a country (almost), hosting of the largest Pakistani expat community in the world that "exports" BILLIONS of USD in remittances on a yearly basis, we would have been even worse off, as pathetic as this sounds. Imran Khan knew this hence all his visits (Saudi Arabia was the country that he visited the most BTW) and frank talk.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday thanked Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for $3 billion in financial aid to cash-strapped Pakistan. Khan said that Saudi Arabia "has always been there for Pakistan during its difficult times"..

Unlike many (rather most) of our Muslim allies who have been all talk for the most part in comparison.
There is no smoke with out any basis.

Musharaf wanted to have this done long back. It is just a matter of time i believe.

Look - as others pointed out - you already have relations with India despite Kashmir issue; then why not Isreal. By engagement you can influence change.
Explains your soft corner for 'em.
Your too retard to understand that Jew is not same as Israel. A person can be a Jew and not be a Israeli.

As a result me & my wife were able to bring two girls in this World.
Yeh, it's amazing what they can do these days. So you had daughters by pulgging your 'wife's anus? Remarkable. Mind you the question is who plays the 'wife' in your marriage - him or you.

And one thing you can bet on. The day your master Saudia says so - Pakistan will recognise Israel. KSA, Israel, USA are three peas in the same pod.
Yeh, it's amazing what they can do these days. So you had daughters by pulgging your 'wife's anus? Remarkable. Mind you the question is who plays the 'wife' in your marriage - him or you.
Is that the info your fag son has been feeding you all this time.

Clearly you've got a vivid imagination as far 'plugging' is concerned. Must run in the Family. Does it go back Generations or were you the first?
Is that the info
Okay, okay no need to fight. There is enough to go around. When MBS orders Pakistan to recognise Israel we can both celebrate. I will go ride all the Jew b*tches and you can get ridden to your hearts content by Kosher Kok.

Now there - lets make peace.
There is uproar of a traitor Shia making a film about our holy prophet , Al Bayt and the Sahaba, but little attention is paid towards Saudi Arabia and what these heretics are doing to the world.

My post was deleted when I provided evidence of the fact the Saudi heretics were changing the meaning of our holy book to please the Jews.

The imported government of the Sherifs are truly a bunch of shoe cleaners. They will do anything to please their foreign masters. I am sure that they are willing to sell the country out to the Jews and Saudis to stay in power.

On the bright side if the imported government recognises the Jews then there days will be numbered.
Good Israel can be a great ally to Pakistan. These no good palestinians have gotten us nowhere the last 75 years while always backstabbing us with regards to Kashmir/India.

The Israelis are just as interest seeking as the Palestinians but atleast they can offer Pakistan many benefits. I doubt fat arse Bajwa is that visionary to recognize israel. It would have been best for IK to recognize Israel especially with his zionist (Goldsmith) connections but alas he was more concerns with appeasing idiot afguni islamist than real PAKISTANI NATIONALIST
This sounds like utter Israeli nonsense/propaganda.

First of all why would Saudi Arabia even care whether Pakistan recognizes Israel or not? Did Saudi Arabia make a big fuss about direct ARAB NEIGHBORS such as Egypt and Jordan recognizing and signing a peace deal with Israel ages ago? Or force those countries to do it all while never having recognized Israel to this very day?

The most realistic and so far only official proposal to Israel is a Saudi Arabian invention and is called the Arab Peace Initiative which was accepted by all Arab countries without exception.

If you notice, Israel is absolutely obsessed about linking itself/propagandizing that Saudi Arabia is about to recognize Israel. They (Israel) know that it is symbolically/religiously/politically the biggest prize for them in the Muslim world. Once Saudi Arabia accepts them a horde of other Muslim countries will follow suit.

We have been hearing this from Israeli media for years that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is about to recognize Israel without any preconditions. This is absurd and nothing more than a deliberate SPYOP operation. Repeat the same nonsense enough of times and people will believe it.

My two cents.

Outside of Bin Laden who was the son of a Yemeni father and a Syrian mother (and whose lot we as Pakistan - our elites, at least, supported alongside the very same West he later attacked), I am not sure if what you wrote is accurate. All those issues already existed in Pakistan and we never lacked any backwardness to envy anyone, sadly, and still exist to this day even after Saudi Arabia ended their Sahwa era under King Abdullah and long ago suppressed the ultraconservative lot. When girls are stoned for being caught with phones in our rural areas (Baluchistan) or other insane stuff in places like KPK by illiterate people (mostly), I am not sure what Saudi Arabia or Mozambique for that matter can be blamed for. Or when local "landlords" literally enslave locals in rural Sindh. It is an easy scapegoat to somehow throw our own homemade domestic dirt under the carpet.

On the other hand for the conservative lot everything is the fault of the West.

In 100 years time, if the current long-standing problems (corruption, mismanagement, pathetic elites, lack of education etc. to mention a few) are not yet solved, we (some of us) will continue to blame imaginary Arabs for all of our problems.

In the real world, without Saudi Arabia's continued economic support since the beginning of our inception as a country (almost), hosting of the largest Pakistani expat community in the world that "exports" BILLIONS of USD in remittances on a yearly basis, we would have been even worse off, as pathetic as this sounds. Imran Khan knew this hence all his visits (Saudi Arabia was the country that he visited the most BTW) and frank talk.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday thanked Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for $3 billion in financial aid to cash-strapped Pakistan. Khan said that Saudi Arabia "has always been there for Pakistan during its difficult times"..

Unlike many (rather most) of our Muslim allies who have been all talk for the most part in comparison.
What does Pakistan give Isreal that they don't get from KSA ?
Nothing saddened me more in the last 5 years than to see the GCC traitors one after the other turn their back on the Palestinians. I can see why Egypt had to do it: to curry favor , get some $ and then Sinai back.

For the GCC traitors that have more money than God has given any nation, they still felt they needed to cower down to Trump. I have never been an admirer of Iran, but that time, I felt proud that Iran could actually stay its own course.
There will be a part of the ummah that will be on the side of Baatil, the side of devil, dajjal.
They will forget what the Quran said, that they cannot be your friends.

So who are these ppl dreaming of friendship? I can’t help but think supporters of israel are on that side…..you wanna be on their side, sure go ahead but please stop forcing your new friendship onto others. You’re free to beg them to take you in, maybe go live there too.
Maal aur paise k liyay aj ap israek ko recognize kerlo, kal unke liyay apna imaan b khatm kerdena

Don’t complain on the day of judgement when you’re denied pardon……enjoy your israeli support forever in the hellfires.
70 saal ki choti si zindagi k liya itna ghatya souda kerogay? Think again…..
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