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Thailand leads ASEAN in 5G

We have enough food to survive at least 5 years when we block SCS(east sea) wt sea mines while CN-JP-SK-TW economy will collapse in abt 6 months when their merchant ships, oil tankers cant pass through :)

Investors can leave VN that time, but they also cant manufacture anywhere in Asia when the shipping line is blocked.

US had Wild Weasel squadron to seek and destroy SAM, thats why Egypt also had SAM in "6 day war" against Israel, but lost badly.

Not mentioning US also had radar jamming devices, so SAM radars almost could not see B52.

U are too naive abt US air forces. Soviet also help Eguyt with SAM, but they lost. Ha Noi, capital of VN is not jungle area, my friend :).

Pls tell me how could u detect B 52 when she successfully jam your radar ?? not mentioning Wild Weasel squadron will come and destroy your radar when they detect the signal ??
Among the Egyptian planes lost were all 30 Tu-16 bombers, 27 out of 40 Il-28 bombers, 12 Su-7 fighter-bombers, over 90 MiG-21s, 20 MiG-19s, 25 MiG-17 fighters, and around 32 assorted transport planes and helicopters. In addition, Egyptian radars and SAM missiles were also attacked and destroyed. The Israelis lost 19 planes, including two destroyed in air-to-air combat and 13 downed by anti-aircraft artillery.[81] One Israeli plane, which was damaged and unable to break radio silence, was shot down by Israeli Hawk missiles after it strayed over the Negev Nuclear Research Center.[82] Another was destroyed by an exploding Egyptian bomber

Eypyt is a desert, the Israel attacked them as dawn when they are not in full awareness mode. In VN war the Weasel had a problem the jungle not easy to find the radar hidden with leaves. When flying low there is change being shot down by anti aircraft guns, when flying high cannot detect the target how to do jamming? The B52 is shot down by S75 Sam. However the shooting down of B52 is not 100% all the time. Highest rate 60%. US problem in VN at that time is precision. Fly high bombing not accurate and you can see basically they are 50% of the time bombing jungle. Today technology had changed submarine can even be detected by optical sattelite. Even air plane can be tracked on the fly in real time. Why US is so afraid of 5G? WW2 JP lost is partly their communication is hacked. The world had moved to drones warfare. Why because detection technology had progressed and weapon are more accurate. Another VN war the element of surprise is harder now. Perhaps the only tactic left is the tunnel, that is why the Hamas is still using. Anything above the ground is sitting duck.
Eypyt is a desert, the Israel attacked them as dawn when they are not in full awareness mode. In VN war the Weasel had a problem the jungle not easy to find the radar hidden with leaves. When flying low there is change being shot down by anti aircraft guns, when flying high cannot detect the target how to do jamming? The B52 is shot down by S75 Sam. However the shooting down of B52 is not 100% all the time. Highest rate 60%. US problem in VN at that time is precision. Fly high bombing not accurate and you can see basically they are 50% of the time bombing jungle. Today technology had changed submarine can even be detected by optical sattelite. Even air plane can be tracked on the fly in real time. Why US is so afraid of 5G? WW2 JP lost is partly their communication is hacked. The world had moved to drones warfare. Why because detection technology had progressed and weapon are more accurate. Another VN war the element of surprise is harder now. Perhaps the only tactic left is the tunnel, that is why the Hamas is still using. Anything above the ground is sitting duck.
And lastly Eygyt is not so lucky like Vietnam your airforce is not located in VN during the war. Your airforce is parked in your mummy China that US dare not go in with their experience in Korean War. And this is why Hanoi is so hard to attack. So in fact the Korean war had indirectly helped the VN war now it is time for VN to help NK.
Eypyt is a desert, the Israel attacked them as dawn when they are not in full awareness mode. In VN war the Weasel had a problem the jungle not easy to find the radar hidden with leaves.
Hai Noi is not in the jungle. Its Located within the Red River Delta and I can bet wt u that if Malaysia try to hide SAM in your jungle, then US Weasel also can detect your SAM radar easily like in Egypt, too.

How to do jamming ?? Jamming devices are installed on B 52, bro.
Not mentioning even when u can find out how to brake US jamming devices to detect B52 on the radar , then its just a dot, like other F4, F111 showing on the radar. DO u know how to find out this dot is B52, not F4 or F111 ??

The new operation, given the title Linebacker II, was marked by top-down planning by the SAC headquarters at Offutt AFB. Due to the restrictive time frame imposed by President Nixon (only three days) and the experience of Linebacker (in which North Vietnamese fighter aircraft had posed the highest threat to the bombers), SAC's plan called for all of the bombers to approach Hanoi at night in three distinct waves, each using identical approach paths and flying at the same altitude.[39] The aircraft themselves were to fly in three-plane formations known as "cells" for more effective electronic warfare (EW) jamming coverage.[citation needed]

the B-52G carried fewer jammers and put out appreciably less power than the B-52Ds, however, they had more efficient engines and larger fuel tanks, hence they were assigned to longer range mission routes.[41] Because of these factors, the campaign would ultimately be conducted in three distinct phases as tactics and plans were altered in response to losses to SAMs.
And lastly Eygyt is not so lucky like Vietnam your airforce is not located in VN during the war. Your airforce is parked in your mummy China that US dare not go in with their experience in Korean War. And this is why Hanoi is so hard to attack. So in fact the Korean war had indirectly helped the VN war now it is time for VN to help NK.
Our Mig mostly hided inside the mountains, not in CN. How did Mig 21 protect Ha Noi in 1972 if they were parked in CN air ports (Mig 21 range is just 644 km) ???

NK leader actually asked VN to allow their pilots came and learn how to fight in the real air combats, NK should say thanks to VN instead bcs they got some experience while CN pilots were not allowed, so CN pilots know Nothing till now.
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Hai Noi is not in the jungle. Its Located within the Red River Delta and I can bet wt u that if Malaysia try to hide SAM in your jungle, then US Weasel also can detect your SAM radar easily like in Egypt, too.

How to do jamming ?? Jamming devices are installed on B 52, bro.
Not mentioning even when u can find out how to brake US jamming devices to detect B52 on the radar , then its just a dot, like other F4, F111 showing on the radar. DO u know how to find out this dot is B52, not F4 or F111 ??

The new operation, given the title Linebacker II, was marked by top-down planning by the SAC headquarters at Offutt AFB. Due to the restrictive time frame imposed by President Nixon (only three days) and the experience of Linebacker (in which North Vietnamese fighter aircraft had posed the highest threat to the bombers), SAC's plan called for all of the bombers to approach Hanoi at night in three distinct waves, each using identical approach paths and flying at the same altitude.[39] The aircraft themselves were to fly in three-plane formations known as "cells" for more effective electronic warfare (EW) jamming coverage.[citation needed]

the B-52G carried fewer jammers and put out appreciably less power than the B-52Ds, however, they had more efficient engines and larger fuel tanks, hence they were assigned to longer range mission routes.[41] Because of these factors, the campaign would ultimately be conducted in three distinct phases as tactics and plans were altered in response to losses to SAMs.

Our Mig mostly hided inside the mountains, not in CN. How did Mig 21 protect Ha Noi in 1972 if they were parked in CN air ports (Mig 21 range is just 644 km) ???

NK leader actually asked VN to allow their pilots came and learn how to fight in the real air combats, NK should say thanks to VN instead bcs they got some experience while CN pilots were not allowed, so CN pilots know Nothing till now.
See above the vietcom airforce is trained in your mummy China and not trained in VN soil.
Mig hidden in mountain without runway how to take off unless these mig is f35b.
NK has the mig before vietcom.
Vietcom moved their radar frequently to different position compare to Eygyt it was left in the same position and the Israel already studied carefully.
To protect Hanoi does not mean the radar must be located in Hanoi but perimeter of Hanoi. If you are Vietcom it will be very unwise to place in the city. Unless you want to use human shield. Besides the communication cannot be too far apart radar and Sam at that time technology.
See above the vietcom airforce is trained in your mummy China and not trained in VN soil.
Mig hidden in mountain without runway how to take off unless these mig is f35b.
NK has the mig before vietcom.
Vietcom moved their radar frequently to different position compare to Eygyt it was left in the same position and the Israel already studied carefully.
To protect Hanoi does not mean the radar must be located in Hanoi but perimeter of Hanoi. If you are Vietcom it will be very unwise to place in the city. Unless you want to use human shield. Besides the communication cannot be too far apart radar and Sam at that time technology.
https://medium.com › war-is-boring
The NSA Listened as Chinese MiGs Shot Down American Warplanes ...see above your mummy China is also helping you. Your papa Russian provided the hardware and your mummy China provided you with manpower and food from the North and also through Laos and Cambodia.
And agent orange was used that killed minimum 4 millions VN people. The purpose of orange agent has duo intentions the main one to kill the trees and crop beside affecting the human. Where do Vietcom get their food when the crops is poisoned? If the jungle is not an advantage of guerilla warfare why it is used to clear the jungle. https://ms.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange
See above the vietcom airforce is trained in your mummy China and not trained in VN soil.
Mig hidden in mountain without runway how to take off unless these mig is f35b.
NK has the mig before vietcom.
Vietcom moved their radar frequently to different position compare to Eygyt it was left in the same position and the Israel already studied carefully.
To protect Hanoi does not mean the radar must be located in Hanoi but perimeter of Hanoi. If you are Vietcom it will be very unwise to place in the city. Unless you want to use human shield. Besides the communication cannot be too far apart radar and Sam at that time technology.
Mig was not the key to take down B52 anyway, we just hided them there (inside the mountains) to avoid the lost. Migs were used mainly for air combat against F4, not against B 52 or Wild Weasel .

And to move the radar frequently to different position, it required our soldiers to work very hard day and night, not mentioning VN must find out a new tactic to take down Weasel teams plus B 52. Wild Weasel attack are very effective , no matter where u hide your SAM (Jungle or desert). VN SAM crews even had to shut down the system during the attack. Malaysia and Egypt simply can't make any good tactic.

Its true that to protect Hanoi does not mean the radar must be located in Hanoi, but how can your radar survive against Weasel attack if u cant find out new tactic to shoot the Weasel down ??

I can bet that US weasel can track and destroy your SAM easily any time US want even now.


The effectiveness of the North Vietnamese SAM operators, measured by the number of US aircraft shot down compared to the number of missiles fired, declined from 5.7 percent in 1965 to less than one percent in 1968. The toll was further reduced by the intimidation factor; some SAM crews would shut down their systems for fear of Wild Weasel attack. Unfortunately, US losses were still high, because the North Vietnamese launched more missiles with each passing year. The worst year was 1967, when 3,202 SAMs were fired, bringing down 56 American airplanes.

The epic battle between Weasels and SAMs tapered off in 1968 with the halt of US bombing of North Vietnam. When the fighter wing at Takhli was deactivated in 1970, most of the surviving Weasels pulled out of Southeast Asia, and those that remained were consolidated into a single squadron at Korat.

In January 1970, the Weasels began escorting RF-4C reconnaissance aircraft on flights over North Vietnam, but were tightly restricted in the circumstances under which they were allowed to fire on a SAM site. Under the “protective reaction” rules of engagement, a Weasel could not engage until the Fan Song radar was activated against it or an RF-4.

However, the North Vietnamese had upgraded their defenses. They tracked the US reconnaissance flights with long-range radars whose emissions the Weasels could not detect. The Fan Song, netted to these radars, could wait until the last minute to turn on. In one four-month period, some 200 SAMs were launched at US aircraft.
Past is past now VN is the right track. Hope VN stick with Asean. We will progress ahead for the better life of our people and peace.
. Where do Vietcom get their food when the crops is poisoned? If the jungle is not an advantage of guerilla warfare why it is used to clear the jungle. https://ms.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange
We can get food from Soviet, thats why when CN attacked VN in 1979, we still got enough food from Soviet till she collapse.

Ha Noi is not in jungle, so jungle warfare did no help when B52 attack HN in 1972.

for now, we have enough food for 5 years.
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https://medium.com › war-is-boring
The NSA Listened as Chinese MiGs Shot Down American Warplanes ...see above your mummy China is also helping you. Your papa Russian provided the hardware and your mummy China provided you with manpower and food from the North and also through Laos and Cambodia.
And who is your papa ?? US ?? thats why she didnt bombard you guys wt B 52, otherwhile, u guys will still be living in stone age like in Palestine or Iraq :laugh:
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Past is past now VN is the right track. Hope VN stick with Asean. We will progress ahead for the better life of our people and peace.
Sure, VN is just a small country and want No trouble, but if big countries (CN-US) try to attack us, then they must prepare for the blockade wt sea mines by VN in SCS(east sea).

CN-TW-SK-JP economy will collapse when we block it...but thats their own problem :)

And lastly Eygyt is not so lucky like Vietnam your airforce is not located in VN during the war. Your airforce is parked in your mummy China that US dare not go in with their experience in Korean War. And this is why Hanoi is so hard to attack. So in fact the Korean war had indirectly helped the VN war now it is time for VN to help NK.

don't lie here idiot chinese kid. In Vietnam war china is best friend of USA in asia. You leader is licked a@ Uncle Sam in Peking 1972.


Sure, VN is just a small country and want No trouble, but if big countries (CN-US) try to attack us, then they must prepare for the blockade wt sea mines by VN in SCS(east sea).

CN-TW-SK-JP economy will collapse when we block it...but thats their own problem :)

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Bro, putting many mines in SCS will only make Vietnam collapse :D

Just look on the map, they can use Indonesian sea line (Makassar strait-Bali strait) which has already become international sea route, or if the ships want to pass Java sea and then go to Sunda strait (whether go to Malacca strait or go directly to Indian ocean) so they need to pay Indonesian government some tax if we allow them since it is not international route

don't lie here idiot chinese kid. In Vietnam war china is best friend of USA in asia. You leader is licked a@ Uncle Sam in Peking 1972.

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I am from Malaysia my friend, please don't call people idiot we are friend in Asean same grouping,

Vietnam is alike China even their flag same colour , social system, government system is identical. And now they open up their market also the exact copy like what China did. The different is one flag got a single star the other got 5 stars.

Nixon and Mao discussed how to end Vietnam war and end Soviet crazy adventures. Vietnam was under Soviet influence 100%, and VN and Soviet plan was to turn the entire indochina into soviet socialism countries under their rule. If that is successful today you won't have Laos, Cambodia, and even Thailand maybe Malaysia is gone. Soviet communism failed and collapse right luckily entire Indo China did not fall into this trap.
Bro, putting many mines in SCS will only make Vietnam collapse :D

Just look on the map, they can use Indonesian sea line (Makassar strait-Bali strait) which has already become international sea route, or if the ships want to pass Java sea and then go to Sunda strait (whether go to Malacca strait or go directly to Indian ocean) so they need to pay Indonesian government some tax if we allow them since it is not international route

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You are definately correct my indon friend. I told him VN cannot blockage the SCS it is too big. Even Nazi Germany that had a wolf packed submarine fleet could not do it. It is a wrong strategy that only VN suffered.
And who is your papa ?? US ?? thats why she didnt bombard you guys wt B 52, otherwhile, u guys will still be living in stone age like in Palestine or Iraq :laugh:
We don't have a papa or mama. We are neutral as Asean stand. That is why both of US and Russia don't bother us. They know we are on nobody side.
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We can get food from Soviet, thats why when CN attacked VN in 1979, we still got enough food from Soviet till she collapse.

Ha Noi is not in jungle, so jungle warfare did no help when B52 attack HN in 1972.

for now, we have enough food for 5 years.
How are you going to get food from Soviet maybe you meant Russia. Through? China again.
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