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Thailand leads ASEAN in 5G

Malaysia GDP per capita in 2019 is 11414 USD whereas in Indonesia is 4120 USD. Hence Indonesia manpower is still cheaper than Malaysia. But Indonesia economy is set to move forward in coming future.

I dont talk about GDP percapita, but labor cost. The minimum salary for labor.
Thats why VN has to make our own 5G, own electric cars and plan to sell those products worldwide. JP 4G/5G is still too expensive and cant compete with Viettel 4G/5G now.

For electric cars, it will be the equal competition for everyone now since its new and require lost of advantage technology, specially 5g autonomous driving functions.

So far, only CN and VN can manufacture cheap and good quality 5G stuff.

Vietnam hopes to sell locally-made 5G equipment to the U.S. as it prepares commercial launch of the telecom technology this year.
Information and Communications Minister Nguyen Manh Hung proposed to a delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives Monday that they initiate discussions of 5G technical standards to see if made-in-Vietnam equipment could enter the U.S. market.
Vietnam plans to commence commercial operations of 5G this year, becoming among the first countries in ASEAN to do so, he said.
The minister had set the stage for launching the new telecommunications technology by making the first 5G phone call on January 17, using equipment manufactured by Vietnamese telecom giant Viettel.
The military-run Viettel is set to become the sixth firm in the world to launch its own 5G equipment after Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei, Samsung and ZTE.
Viettel plans to commercially launch 5G services this June. It has been testing and installing equipment since last year.
Hung, a former Viettel CEO, has been pushing 5G research in Vietnam since taking over as communications minister towards the end of 2018. He asked local firms to produce their own equipment so that Vietnam is among the first countries in the world to launch the 5G technology.
The number of 5G subscriptions in Vietnam could hit 6.3 million by 2025 or 6 percent of total mobile subscriptions, technology conglomerate Cisco has forecast

Good to hear we Asian country all is making progress as we had suffered a lot for the past century we should stick and work together for a tranquil, peaceful and happy region. Doing business with the rest of the world is good but don't let the US touch our country. See whatever country they touched, Iraq, Syria, etc all gone. Vietnam now is in good shape. The only one I worry is Myanmar. Asean especially Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia did a lot of good deed helping Myanmar and then the Rohinya matter the west get involved and mess it up. Aung San Suu Kyi was given a noble price and then they took away and make her a nobody. Sad.
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Good to hear we Asian country all is making progress as we had suffered a lot for the past century we should stick and work together for a tranquil, peaceful and happy region. Doing business with the rest of the world is good but don't let the US touch our country. See whatever country they touched, Iraq, Syria, etc all gone. Vietnam now is in good shape. The only one I worry is Myanmar. Asean especially Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia did a lot of good deed helping Myanmar and then the Rohinya matter the west get involved and mess it up. Aung San Suu Kyi was given a noble price and then they took away and make her a nobody. Sad.
Actually CN is the one who willing to betray Asian country and begging help from US, thats why we had a war against CN in 1979 after Deng begged help from JP-US to attack VN :laugh:.

Actually CN is the one who willing to betray Asian country and begging help from US, thats why we had a war against CN in 1979 after Deng begged help from JP-US to attack VN :laugh:.

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First Vietnam now is Asean country, feel very sad when I watched the Vietnam War. We are smaller country are always the victim of bigger power. In the case of Vietnam it is due to cold war. The Russian and US where fighting a proxy war in Vietnam. Sadly many chemical weapons where used the famous one agent orange. I do really respect Vietnamese are able to pull through the war and a Vietnam is united. At that time not only Russian is providing weapons to the Vietcom but China were providing food and manpower. At the same time the provision is delivered through Cambodia and Laos.
Coming to 1979, it again a geopolitics between the great powers. US almost lost the cold War. China and Russian at that time became rivalry in the communist world. Vietnam attacked Cambodia and Laos that once supplied the Vietnam War provision. And that angried China. US just tagged along to give China security to reduced Russian influence. Hence Vietnam and China had a short border war. That is why in Asean we are neutral and do not want to be involved in taking side with big powers. We trade with both for our people so that life will be better. Well both Vietnam US and Vietnam China war is suffering for the people of Vietnam I personally think the border war with China compared to war with US, Vietnam suffered badly the one with the US where chemical weapons and massive casualties. Whereas border China also suffered but chemical and massive bombing were spared. Now Vietnam is in the right track. As said before fighting big powers we Asean country will be as the losing end. Big powers cannot be trusted and that does not mean we need to make them enemy. I like Prof Kishore Manubani geopolitical view you might want to search and read his book. To me the world is selfish. And human being civilization is still very backwards have not pursue a more peaceful and happy life. There is chance due to doctrine this world will be destroyed by nuclear weapons. However nuclear weapons has given Europe peace since WW2, if not there will be none stop war. Strange life is waiting for death and yet there is so much hatred every where.
I dont talk about GDP percapita, but labor cost. The minimum salary for labor.

Minimum salary in Malaysia is indeed net 300USD per month and mostly people from Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, India is here. Many Indonesia maids are also working in Malaysia, they get roughly between 300-500USD. How much is Indonesian min labor cost? My company is also having factory in Indonesia.
Minimum salary in Malaysia is indeed net 300USD per month and mostly people from Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, India is here. Many Indonesia maids are also working in Malaysia, they get roughly between 300-500USD. How much is Indonesian min labor cost? My company is also having factory in Indonesia.

The range is vary, but for the region where the main industry locate, like Karawang/Cikarang and so on, in West Java, the minimum salary is net 330 USD per month.
First Vietnam now is Asean country, feel very sad when I watched the Vietnam War. We are smaller country are always the victim of bigger power. In the case of Vietnam it is due to cold war. The Russian and US where fighting a proxy war in Vietnam. Sadly many chemical weapons where used the famous one agent orange. I do really respect Vietnamese are able to pull through the war and a Vietnam is united. At that time not only Russian is providing weapons to the Vietcom but China were providing food and manpower. At the same time the provision is delivered through Cambodia and Laos.

Coming to 1979, it again a geopolitics between the great powers. US almost lost the cold War. China and Russian at that time became rivalry in the communist world. Vietnam attacked Cambodia and Laos that once supplied the Vietnam War provision. And that angried China. US just tagged along to give China security to reduced Russian influence. Hence Vietnam and China had a short border war. That is why in Asean we are neutral and do not want to be involved in taking side with big powers. We trade with both for our people so that life will be better. Well both Vietnam US and Vietnam China war is suffering for the people of Vietnam I personally think the border war with China compared to war with US, Vietnam suffered badly the one with the US where chemical weapons and massive casualties. Whereas border China also suffered but chemical and massive bombing were spared. Now Vietnam is in the right track. As said before fighting big powers we Asean country will be as the losing end. Big powers cannot be trusted and that does not mean we need to make them enemy. I like Prof Kishore Manubani geopolitical view you might want to search and read his book. To me the world is selfish. And human being civilization is still very backwards have not pursue a more peaceful and happy life. There is chance due to doctrine this world will be destroyed by nuclear weapons. However nuclear weapons has given Europe peace since WW2, if not there will be none stop war. Strange life is waiting for death and yet there is so much hatred every where.
True, Big powers cannot be trusted and that does not mean we need to make them enemy, but we should not rely on them ,too. Actually ASEAN nations should work together to develop our own 5G/6G, our own EV industry to sell to the world instead of using JP-SK cars, CN 5G.

Its no use to keep arguing who is stronger, who is richer between ASEAN nations.

"United we stand, divided we fall", if Malaysia and Indonesia keep arguing who is richer, then u guys never can make your own 5G, own EV cars.
All-Optical ADN: All-Optical Connectivity with Deterministic Experience
May 07, 2021

[Shenzhen, China, May 7, 2021] At the Intelligent Optical Networks Webinar on AI and optical networks, Chu Tao, president of Huawei NCE Transport and Access domains, shared his ideas about how to enable all-optical connectivity with deterministic experience, how to activate gigabit optical networks, and how to achieve business agility and efficient O&M using the all-optical autonomous driving network (ADN) solution.


President of Huawei NCE Transport and Access domains Tao Chu

The following are some of the key points from his speech:

The telecommunications industry has developed rapidly since the 1980s, evolving from generation to generation and enabling connectivity across a vast number of households and industries. The Fifth-Generation Fixed Network (F5G) technology, which runs parallel to the wireless 5th Generation (5G) technology, has also been widely applied throughout the telecommunications industry, functioning as root technology for unlocking the all-optical network era.

Behind this inter-generational evolution, three different types of driving forces exist. First of all, before 3G and F3G were established, overall user penetration rates were consistently increasing. This led to continued revenue growth within the industry, with carriers as the main beneficiaries of demographic dividends. In the 4G and F4G eras, services such as HD video, online gaming, and Internet social networking developed rapidly as network traffic steadily increased. In the traffic dividend era, a large number of Internet enterprises, such as Tencent, Baidu, Facebook, and Google, generated massive business profits.

Today, we embrace a new, fully connected era (fiber to everything) of F5G. Optical connections extend from enterprises and homes to rooms and smart devices, and have penetrated into the production flow of numerous industries. According to the F5G definition provided by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the core of F5G is to ensure the high-quality connections required for digital home and informatization innovation of various industries through deterministic experience. This represents a new era of experience dividends, and the start of a new phase for carrier profit models and opportunities.

According to PwC's Global Consumer Insights Survey, customers are willing to pay a premium of over 16% for a better experience. In 2019, Thailand's 3BB released the "Smart Mesh" smart home services. With an extra monthly payment of about US$1.7, customers could enjoy full-home Wi-Fi coverage and low-latency (within 100 ms) gaming experience. This enticing offer attracted more than 10,000 subscribers within the first month of launch. This willingness to pay a higher price for premium services is especially true in government and enterprise scenarios.

In China, government and enterprise customers of China Telecom, Shanghai paid eight times the standard private line rental fee to obtain low-latency (0.6 ms) private lines, while in the U.S., the stock exchange paid 10 times the standard rent to reduce latency by 1 ms. As such, we can see that deterministic experience comes at a premium in the telecommunications industry. Huawei's all-optical ADN solution makes it possible to monetize deterministic experience.

All-optical ADN is divided into three layers, with the basic layer being NE intelligence with edge intelligence. Huawei all-optical network devices provide second-level data analysis with more than 1000 built-in optical parameters to detect the status changes of devices, networks, and services in real time. Meanwhile, the intelligent AI training architecture on the cloud provides Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) capabilities. (Intelligent O&M: applies AI to the O&M field and uses machine learning to further solve the problems automatic O&M cannot based on existing O&M data.)

Through data services with ultra-high computing power and AI training with continuous iteration and update, automation for carrier services is achieved and continuously optimized. iMaster NCE, serving as a connecting system, is the core component of the all-optical ADN architecture. Based on the Manager, Controller, and Analyzer engines, iMaster NCE provides real-time full-lifecycle closed-loop management capabilities for all-optical networks. This all-optical ADN solution with cloud-local synergy enables carriers to achieve agile business for services such as home broadband as well as government and enterprise private lines, as they transition from selling bandwidth to selling committed SLAs.


As of March 2021, over 700 sets of all-optical ADN solutions with iMaster NCE as the core were commercially deployed worldwide, taking the lead within the industry. Let's take a look at two typical cases, starting with China Telecom in Hebei. Through Premium Broadband 1.0, represented by committed bandwidth, China Telecom, Hebei acquired 150,000 subscribers in just four months by providing value-added services with full-home Wi-Fi coverage based on comprehensive home broadband bottleneck analysis capabilities.

Through massive data training, up to 95% of third-party Wi-Fi router models can be evaluated, also taking the lead within the industry. The second case involves China Mobile, Beijing. For Premium Private Line 1.0, which is aimed at the government and enterprise industry and represented by latency monetization, Huawei helped China Mobile, Beijing release the "Smart Link" premium optical private line service, which features a unique latency measurement solution offering 0.1 ms precision and intuitive visualization capabilities. In just 18 months, more than 7000 services were provisioned, achieving great business success for the company. To date, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, and their branches have deployed more than 70 optical private line projects, with each choosing Huawei as their exclusive primary equipment partner.

Let's focus now on the upgrade to Premium Broadband 2.0, which transitions from committed bandwidth to committed scenario-based service experience. Following the widespread popularization of home broadband, users are posing increasingly high requirements for scenario-based services. In Thailand, up to 20% users complain about poor online gaming experiences. Meanwhile, according to statistics from China Mobile, more than 19% of online courses experience frame freezing. Given such figures, how can we help carriers ensure user experience of scenario-based home broadband services? This is the original intention of this upgrade, which requires three core capabilities.

First of all, based on the In-situ Flow Information Telemetry (IFIT) data model analysis, iMaster NCE identifies various scenario-based applications (such as OTT, games, and online courses) through data training of millions of user data flow features, without impacting user privacy. On this basis, second-level service KQI data analysis can be used to identify poor service quality risks in seconds. In addition, based on time-slice-based service KQIs and spatio-temporal association analysis of network KPIs, iMaster NCE enables carriers to identify network bottlenecks that cause poor service experience in real time, while also achieving accurate poor-QoE demarcation and location.

Finally, network optimization is implemented through policy-based optimization methods. Alternatively, mobile apps allow operations personnel to instruct users on how to resolve network problems impacting service experience. Thanks to these three capabilities, iMaster NCE enables carriers to build scenario-based broadband services with deterministic experience and create digital homes that integrate entertainment and production. In 2020, upgrade to Premium Broadband 2.0 was carried out by the Huzhou branch of China Mobile, Zhejiang, resulting in poor-QoE identification accuracy exceeding 95%. Through tracking and closed-loop management, the poor-QoE rate was reduced by 80%, while the marketing success rate was improved by 30%.

Next, let's take a look at the upgrade to Premium Private Line 2.0, which focuses on government and enterprise connections. Many government and enterprise customers have specific requirements on the availability of private lines. In China, the price of a private line with 99.99% availability is 1.5 times that of a standard private line. The factors affecting the availability of private lines are optical fibers, devices, and service protection.

iMaster NCE measures the service availability rate based on the calculation of these factors. With the measurement data and the service-oriented capability of iMaster NCE, carriers can evaluate the availability before sales, calculate the route availability during sales, and monitor and optimize the availability after sales in real time, achieving full-lifecycle monetization. The core of the implementation is the availability measurement mechanism. In this regard, Huawei has developed a complete set of fiber length calculation solutions to avoid uncontrollable errors in manual fiber length evaluation. iMaster NCE can work with Huawei OTN devices to intelligently and accurately identify co-cable fiber issues, avoiding various errors caused by time-consuming and inefficient manual checks.

Network infrastructure is also a basis for constructing services with deterministic experience, as networks typically involve numerous problems and high processing costs. With this in mind, how can we reduce unnecessary door-to-door service costs? The answer lies with iMaster NCE, which provides second-level data collection and analysis capabilities and implements three-layer fault diagnosis and layer-by-layer filtering. First, segment-based speed tests are used to quickly demarcate problems and focus on the network location where the problems occur. In cases involving high-cost home network issues, iMaster NCE also provides a one-click detection function which allows the call center to comprehensively analyze seven types of typical home network faults within 30 seconds, enabling it to quickly and accurately locate faults.

Finally, through the utilization of policy-based optimization methods, iMaster NCE automatically rectifies faults or displays messages to remind users of manual intervention, achieving self-service recovery. In this way, the number of door-to-door services can be reduced by more than 30%. According to statistics from China Mobile, more than 68% of WDM network faults are related to optical fibers, and more than half of these are incipient faults. iMaster NCE interworks with the built-in optical sensors of devices (such as oDSP, OTDR, and OFDR) to implement second-level sampling and analysis. Based on training and comparison involving a large number of fiber quality deterioration data models, carriers can accurately identify subhealthy fibers and predict the possible time, cause, and location of fiber faults. As a result, carriers can identify fiber risks in advance and perform pre-check and pre-repair, reducing the fiber fault rate by more than 30%. This solution has already been fully utilized by China Unicom in Jiangsu, where it only accurately predicts optical network faults in advance, but also greatly improves the timeliness of fault rectification. The duration for locating network optical fiber faults is reduced from 90 minutes to less than 15, and the fault rectification time is shortened by more than 30%.


These home and enterprise connection scenarios showcase the value delivered by deterministic experience to new home networks, thanks to the integration of entertainment and production and the renewed drive towards digital upgrade. In addition, zero-touch O&M capabilities are provided to help carriers comprehensively improve the quality of all-optical networks. This full-stack intelligent all-optical ADN solution empowers carriers to build all-optical connectivity with deterministic experience and explore a new industry space worth US$60 billion in the F5G era. Truly, deterministic experience is premium.


Thailand indeed have a Good Start in their 5G Massive project with Huawei :tup:
Indonesia Telecom companies also have 5G Projects with Huawei.

Glad to see, 5G Technology coming to South east asia countries
The range is vary, but for the region where the main industry locate, like Karawang/Cikarang and so on, in West Java, the minimum salary is net 330 USD per month.
For labour cost there is divided to non skill, semi skill and fully skill.
That is why the world is measuring with GDP per capita that gives you a rough ball park number.
In Malaysia too depend where you are some area salary is higher but this is offset by the cost of living. Some area nasi lemak can cost 2-3usd, some area is 1 usd or less. Hence a more accurate measurement is PPP per capita.
True, Big powers cannot be trusted and that does not mean we need to make them enemy, but we should not rely on them ,too. Actually ASEAN nations should work together to develop our own 5G/6G, our own EV industry to sell to the world instead of using JP-SK cars, CN 5G.

Its no use to keep arguing who is stronger, who is richer between ASEAN nations.

"United we stand, divided we fall", if Malaysia and Indonesia keep arguing who is richer, then u guys never can make your own 5G, own EV cars.
We are not arguing but talking to the facts. We had predicted that Indonesia and Vietnam will be the new Asean tigers, due to Indonesia population and current policy. Same with Vietnam population and policy. That is why companies in Malaysia like banking and others already started to invest in Vietnam and Indonesia way in 1980s. Vietnam is a socialist country with Vietnamese style and Indonesia is more similar to us. Malaysia has been in turmoil politically, too much of politics and economy strive is not given priority hence in coming decades Vietnam and Indonesia will supeceed us. For now Indonesian is coming to Malaysia to earn more just like malaysian going to Singapore to work. But who know the future malaysian will go to Vietnam or Indonesia to work to earn more.
For labour cost there is divided to non skill, semi skill and fully skill.
That is why the world is measuring with GDP per capita that gives you a rough ball park number.
In Malaysia too depend where you are some area salary is higher but this is offset by the cost of living. Some area nasi lemak can cost 2-3usd, some area is 1 usd or less. Hence a more accurate measurement is PPP per capita.
For instance most of security guard in Malaysia is from Nepal USD 300 to 500 per month depend on experience housing and the rest is provided by the employer. Security guard in Singapore is getting around 2500-3000 Singapore dollar a month with housing aloowance. Hence those that can passed the English test from Malaysia will preferred to go to Singapore to work till in Malaysia we need to import security guard from Nepal. Working in Singapore one year is equivalent to working 3 years in Malaysia. But if you work in Singapore will be confined to a small apartment. Wheres in Malaysia we have bigger area where you can roams around.
We are not arguing but talking to the facts. We had predicted that Indonesia and Vietnam will be the new Asean tigers, due to Indonesia population and current policy. Same with Vietnam population and policy. That is why companies in Malaysia like banking and others already started to invest in Vietnam and Indonesia way in 1980s. Vietnam is a socialist country with Vietnamese style and Indonesia is more similar to us. Malaysia has been in turmoil politically, too much of politics and economy strive is not given priority hence in coming decades Vietnam and Indonesia will supeceed us. For now Indonesian is coming to Malaysia to earn more just like malaysian going to Singapore to work. But who know the future malaysian will go to Vietnam or Indonesia to work to earn more.
If ID don't try to make her own cars, own 5G or even making own chips, then she will get stuck in the Middle income trap for good , ( maybe Malaysia will be stuck in the same Middle income trap, too).

ID is lucky to to have a lot of Nickel mines, an essential part of the cathode in the Li-ion batteries , but I think just just like Libya who has lots of oil, but its simply still not enough for this country to get out of the trap.
If ID don't try to make her own cars, own 5G or even making own chips, then she will get stuck in the Middle income trap for good , ( maybe Malaysia will be stuck in the same Middle income trap, too).

ID is lucky to to have a lot of Nickel mines, an essential part of the cathode in the Li-ion batteries , but I think just just like Libya who has lots of oil, but its simply still not enough for this country to get out of the trap.

Malaysia too tried to make their own car. But that runs into problems we don't have the economy of scale and also the continuous engineering niche and marketing to compete. We started Proton as almost the same time like the South Korean Hyundai, Kia, etc. There are good in marketing . See Thailand and Indonesia is a bigger market compared to Malaysia, their government opted not to have a fully own national car company rather they have joint venture as they knew it would be not easy to maintain. Hence they have ventured for the local markets. I believed if Thailand and Indonesia want to have a national car they can do it but to maintain it would be hard as it needs world class engineering niche. Even country like US gov is spending billions of dollar just to maintain there big 3. Even the Japanese car marker is struggling for example Nissan.

Technology advancement is not something easily to develop, need some sense of economy calculation.
For example I would agree if Malaysia should have developed something easier for instance a renowned tire company as we have abundant of rubbers. But instead jump to something that is not our traditional field. Today we sold half of our national car share as it is hard for the government to maintain.
Looking at Singapore that has more money than us, they too did not venture into making automobile.

Many rubber plantation company in Malaysia had invested in Vietnam. If Vietnam or Indonesia has the will making first famous tires brand coming out of ASEAN would be great.

And for the telecommunication parts, I believe it need lots of technical niche to make it. To master a semiconductor foundry need big capital see even US also lost in this regards. It is not simple , technical advancement but also economical factors. And things like 4G, 5G, 6G all these electronic and electric stuffs is moving very very fast , not easy to catch up. Malaysia in fact have not even done installing 4G and 5G already here. Even we want to make a small home internet router we cannot compete with others. Ended up we need to source from somewhere else in the free market that is more economical. It is illogically to put political rhetoric over economical ones.

Indonesia has nickel and now their government new policy is to open up the market, that is why companies are rushing in as EV vehicles is the new trend. EV vehicles has been an old idea that did not implemented in the market due to pressure from the Petro-oil company. Since China is a huge market and they break the eco-system and that is why suddenly all automobiles companies are rushing into it.
For Malaysia eV will not come not so soon. We always get it after Thailand get it.
Malaysia too tried to make their own car. But that runs into problems we don't have the economy of scale and also the continuous engineering niche and marketing to compete. We started Proton as almost the same time like the South Korean Hyundai, Kia, etc. There are good in marketing . See Thailand and Indonesia is a bigger market compared to Malaysia, their government opted not to have a fully own national car company rather they have joint venture as they knew it would be not easy to maintain. Hence they have ventured for the local markets. I believed if Thailand and Indonesia want to have a national car they can do it but to maintain it would be hard as it needs world class engineering niche. Even country like US gov is spending billions of dollar just to maintain there big 3. Even the Japanese car marker is struggling for example Nissan.

Technology advancement is not something easily to develop, need some sense of economy calculation.
For example I would agree if Malaysia should have developed something easier for instance a renowned tire company as we have abundant of rubbers. But instead jump to something that is not our traditional field. Today we sold half of our national car share as it is hard for the government to maintain.
Looking at Singapore that has more money than us, they too did not venture into making automobile.

Many rubber plantation company in Malaysia had invested in Vietnam. If Vietnam or Indonesia has the will making first famous tires brand coming out of ASEAN would be great.

And for the telecommunication parts, I believe it need lots of technical niche to make it. To master a semiconductor foundry need big capital see even US also lost in this regards. It is not simple , technical advancement but also economical factors. And things like 4G, 5G, 6G all these electronic and electric stuffs is moving very very fast , not easy to catch up. Malaysia in fact have not even done installing 4G and 5G already here. Even we want to make a small home internet router we cannot compete with others. Ended up we need to source from somewhere else in the free market that is more economical. It is illogically to put political rhetoric over economical ones.

Indonesia has nickel and now their government new policy is to open up the market, that is why companies are rushing in as EV vehicles is the new trend. EV vehicles has been an old idea that did not implemented in the market due to pressure from the Petro-oil company. Since China is a huge market and they break the eco-system and that is why suddenly all automobiles companies are rushing into it.
For Malaysia eV will not come not so soon. We always get it after Thailand get it.
Btw, I think making own car, 5G stuff or even own chips will be the only way to be the next Asian tigers, if not, we will be stuck in the middle income trap and have to rely on big/ developed countries for 5G, car, chips for good ....and when those big/ developed countries wanna create chaos to us, they just simply cut off those 5G, car, chips, then we will fall into the same chaos like in Lybia.

VN share the borders wt CN and having serious conflict wt her in SCS(east sea), so we will be the fisrt one falling into chaos if we can not get out of the trap. Trying to attract more FDI from companies like Samsung, Panasonic, Foxconn, CN auto part suppliers is just the first step for VN to have money for building up the nation. Next step, we will ask for sharing technology from those companies like CN doing now.

Technology transfer from those big companies will be the key for us to develop our own 5G stuff. EV car tech . Thats why I think, instead of wasting money for some debt trap projects like CN BRI, ASEAN'd better focus on finding out the way to strengthen our solidarity and develop our own 5G, own EV cars together.

For example, Malaysia-Sing have money, so u guys can negotiate wt Viettel, Samsung, Qualcom to invest in making ASEAN 5G, Indonesia has Nickel, so she can negotiate wt LG, Vinfast to develop ASEAN EV battery. Thailand is good at manufacturing car, so she can negotiate wt Vinfast, Mazda, Toyota to make ASEAN smart EV cars.

For making chips, Intel chips testing factories are in VN now, MY-ID-SG can negotiate wt VN Qualcomm, Intel to make ASEAN chips.

I think thats the best way for ASEAN nations to become real tigers.
Btw, I think making own car, 5G stuff or even own chips will be the only way to be the next Asian tigers, if not, we will be stuck in the middle income trap and have to rely on big/ developed countries for 5G, car, chips for good ....and when those big/ developed countries wanna create chaos to us, they just simply cut off those 5G, car, chips, then we will fall into the same chaos like in Lybia.

VN share the borders wt CN and having serious conflict wt her in SCS(east sea), so we will be the fisrt one falling into chaos if we can not get out of the trap. Trying to attract more FDI from companies like Samsung, Panasonic, Foxconn, CN auto part suppliers is just the first step for VN to have money for building up the nation. Next step, we will ask for sharing technology from those companies like CN doing now.

Technology transfer from those big companies will be the key for us to develop our own 5G stuff. EV car tech . Thats why I think, instead of wasting money for some debt trap projects like CN BRI, ASEAN'd better focus on finding out the way to strengthen our solidarity and develop our own 5G, own EV cars together.

For example, Malaysia-Sing have money, so u guys can negotiate wt Viettel, Samsung, Qualcom to invest in making ASEAN 5G, Indonesia has Nickel, so she can negotiate wt LG, Vinfast to develop ASEAN EV battery. Thailand is good at manufacturing car, so she can negotiate wt Vinfast, Mazda, Toyota to make ASEAN smart EV cars.

For making chips, Intel chips testing factories are in VN now, MY-ID-SG can negotiate wt VN Qualcomm, Intel to make ASEAN chips.

I think thats the best way for ASEAN nations to become real tigers.
Our current situation in Malaysia any economy planning is impossible. Vietnam is lucky to have a stabil government. About South China Sea I personally think it is stupid. We also built a runway in layang layang Island. It is so hard to maintain under the scorching sun. It is only good for scuba diving and it cost 1000 usd to go there and worst you cannot stay overnight because the high tide might wash you away. Hence basically they are useless. Due to political rhetoric people is talking nonsense. The smartest is still Singapore they don't get involve at all. Vietnam claimed the most of all these islands. What can people do with these called tiny island. Mass media nowadays is unbelievable filled with fake news. US is also spending more money in creating more distorted news. Perhaps the CIA wishing Asian to fight Asian so that they will still hold on to be world hegemon. News said US is declining in fact they are not, but other nations had developed and progress hence they felt out of place. For Malaysia we are neutral and we don't feel the threat even from China, as we had live for centuries together they did not conquered us even when they were superpower before 19th centuries. Only the west does that to the whole world.
Singapore and Malaysia not doing what you mentioned it is due to economical fore sight. We are too small.
Most probably Intel moved from Penang Malaysia to Vietnam. They stayed in malaysia big for almost 25 years. Believed they will stayed in Vietnam for a certain period then they perhaps will move somewhere else when Vietnam becomes expensive. That is the cycle.
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