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Thailand leads ASEAN in 5G

I am from Malaysia my friend, please don't call people idiot we are friend in Asean same grouping,

Vietnam is alike China even their flag same colour , social system, government system is identical. And now they open up their market also the exact copy like what China did. The different is one flag got a single star the other got 5 stars.

Nixon and Mao discussed how to end Vietnam war and end Soviet crazy adventures. Vietnam was under Soviet influence 100%, and VN and Soviet plan was to turn the entire indochina into soviet socialism countries under their rule. If that is successful today you won't have Laos, Cambodia, and even Thailand maybe Malaysia is gone. Soviet communism failed and collapse right luckily entire Indo China did not fall into this trap.

You are definately correct my indon friend. I told him VN cannot blockage the SCS it is too big. Even Nazi Germany that had a wolf packed submarine fleet could not do it. It is a wrong strategy that only VN suffered.

We don't have a papa or mama. We are neutral as Asean stand. That is why both of US and Russia don't bother us. They know we are on nobody side. Take a few minutes and think don't be emotional today VN government is doing what Asean is doing. VN biggest trading partner is CN and today Vietnam is also US friend. The world is changing even NK Kim is Trump good buddy. And after VN has become friends with all life of your people has improved right. That why I said no war but trade.
See Laos, Cambodia and even Thailand they did not attacked VN but VN attacked them. VN did not attack US but US attack VN. The way you feel towards US and CN is exactly how Laos, Cambodia and Thailand feel but today they accepted VN as a close neighbours they did not reject VN to be part of Asean. Correct?
Bro, putting many mines in SCS will only make Vietnam collapse :D

Just look on the map, they can use Indonesian sea line (Makassar strait-Bali strait) which has already become international sea route, or if the ships want to pass Java sea and then go to Sunda strait (whether go to Malacca strait or go directly to Indian ocean) so they need to pay Indonesian government some tax if we allow them since it is not international route

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Actually I still cant imagine how they will use Indonesian sea line . This is the main route so far...and we can block it easily wt sea mines. US cant do anything, she already lost in VN war :D

Major crude oil shipping routes through the South China Sea in millions of barrels per day in 2011. Source: EIA 2013. (US Energy Information Administration http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/ detail.cfm?id=10671, as of 10 July 2016.

Major crude oil shipping routes through the South China Sea in millions of barrels per day in 2011. Source: EIA 2013. (US Energy Information Administration http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/ detail.cfm?id=10671, as of 10 July 2016.
How are you going to get food from Soviet maybe you meant Russia. Through? China again.
No, Russia shipped food to VN by sea route from Vladivostok to Hai Phong port (near Na Noi) till she collapse
See Laos, Cambodia and even Thailand they did not attacked VN but VN attacked them. VN did not attack US but US attack VN. The way you feel towards US and CN is exactly how Laos, Cambodia and Thailand feel but today they accepted VN as a close neighbours they did not reject VN to be part of Asean. Correct?
As history wrote, Laos-Champa ( the middle of VN now) attacked VN first . If they were strong enough, maybe North VN would be their, instead Champa became VN's province and Lao is under VN's control (Kaysone phomvihane, the one one Lao's note is VNese).

Cambodia (Khmer) also attacked and tried to annex Champa, they r not innocent.


The world is so cruel, we VN was weak, Laos-Champa tried to annex VN, so they simply cant blame VN now :)

Beginning of the conflict[edit]
When the Vietnamese regained independence from China in the 10th century, Champa, a kingdom to the south of Đại Việt, had become an established entity. As Champa had been independent, it found itself in need to defend its territory to contain the threat posed by the Khmer Empire in the west, and expand its territory to the north, hoping to conquer the Vietnamese nation. There, with the Vietnamese Kingdom in turmoil following the assassination of Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Champa made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Đại Việt in 979 in support of China, but failed due to the strong defense of Vietnamese territory under the command of Lê Hoàn. This watershed moment would give birth to intense Cham–Vietnamese rivalry.

Over the next centuries, conflicts between the two combatants intensified as a result of the Vietnamese Nam tiến policy, or "march to the south" by penetrating Champa. As more Vietnamese settlers moved southward they began to expand their sphere of influence over the Cham indirectly, giving rise to numerous wars between the Vietnamese and the Chams. As Vietnamese expansionist policy continued under the Lý dynasty, the Vietnamese managed to occupy more Cham territory, which ultimately resulted in the emergence of Vietnam as a regional empire. After 1104, the two countries went on to establish more peaceful relations for nearly two centuries.

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We don't have a papa or mama. We are neutral as Asean stand. That is why both of US and Russia don't bother us. They know we are on nobody side.
But when US or Russia attack u wt their bombers, your army will be crushed in few hours instead of successfully shooting down B52 like VN .

ASEAN armies (except VN) are just at the level of Iraq, Egypt ones, u guys dont know how to defeat Weasel attack and B 52.
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But when US or Russia attack u wt their bombers, your army will be crushed in few hours instead of successfully shooting down B52 like VN .

ASEAN armies (except VN) are just at the level of Iraq, Egypt ones, u guys dont know how to defeat Weasel attack and B 52.
True at time time we don't even have an airforce. The Australian airforce were in malaysia until 1980s then they left. They are here to take care of us after the British left as our country is not as capable in military like Vietnam. We are even smaller than Vietnam 3X smaller in population. VN is more daring, we resort to peaceful solution rather than war. In Asean we don't want to be the victim of big power that is why we opt to be neutral. Geopolitics is a dirty game. Thailand too is a very neutral and peaceful country I just don't understand why VN would attacked them?
Actually I still cant imagine how they will use Indonesian sea line . This is the main route so far...and we can block it easily wt sea mines. US cant do anything, she already lost in VN war :D

Major crude oil shipping routes through the South China Sea in millions of barrels per day in 2011. Source: EIA 2013. (US Energy Information Administration http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/ detail.cfm?id=10671, as of 10 July 2016.

Major crude oil shipping routes through the South China Sea in millions of barrels per day in 2011. Source: EIA 2013. (US Energy Information Administration http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/ detail.cfm?id=10671, as of 10 July 2016.

No, Russia shipped food to VN by sea route from Vladivostok to Hai Phong port (near Na Noi) till she collapse
Any blockage is not the answer today as the world economy is more integrated. We need each other. The melaka straight is being take care of by Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia mainly for prirates.
True at time time we don't even have an airforce. The Australian airforce were in malaysia until 1980s then they left. They are here to take care of us after the British left as our country is not as capable in military like Vietnam. We are even smaller than Vietnam 3X smaller in population. VN is more daring, we resort to peaceful solution rather than war. In Asean we don't want to be the victim of big power that is why we opt to be neutral. Geopolitics is a dirty game. Thailand too is a very neutral and peaceful country I just don't understand why VN would attacked them?
Thai let US use her air base UtaPao to attack VN during VN war, we just retaliated after we defeated US in 1975.

Thats why Thai promise that she never let US use her air base to attack VN again :D
Any blockage is not the answer today as the world economy is more integrated. We need each other. The melaka straight is being take care of by Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia mainly for prirates.
White US guys are arrogant, just like Mongol guys in 13 century. Just look at Trump, he cancelled TPP deal, put VN in the money manipulation list and willing to slap 25 % tariff to VN products, too, even white guys in EU also hate white US guys like Trump.

They (white US guys) are so arrogant, if they try to cross the red line (force EU cancel FTA deal wt VN like forcing EU stop using Huawei 5G), then we have no choice but teaching US a hard lesson again (blocking SCS (east sea)).

We only block the sea if CN-US try to harm VN, bro :)
White US guys are arrogant, just like Mongol guys in 13 century. Just look at Trump, he cancelled TPP deal, put VN in the money manipulation list and willing to slap 25 % tariff to VN products, too, even white guys in EU also hate white US guys like Trump.

They (white US guys) are so arrogant, if they try to cross the red line (force EU cancel FTA deal wt VN like forcing EU stop using Huawei 5G), then we have no choice but teaching US a hard lesson again (blocking SCS (east sea)).

We only block the sea if CN-US try to harm VN, bro :)
You are correct. But not all whites are bad people. In every community there is good and bad people. The problem is human beings is selfish and greedy.

In fact 5G is not a big deal. It is just about faster connectivity. They make it sounds big is due to money nothing to do with spying. We had been spied by the US for a long time. When technology comes from Asia they make it a big sensation but when new technology comes from the west everything is ok. So they used dirty tricks for example they claimed Iraq has chemical weapons and they destroyed Iraq and found no chemical weapons. They are talking about chemical weapons proliferation but US used chemical weapons in Korean and Vietnam war when they are losing. Since after WW2 the only country that preached about chemical weapons proliferation is US and the only country that use it is also US. They are the Saint and Devil in one. Hence anything out of US, can it be trusted? Taliban, ISIS is also their products. They want to created instability in all parts of the world so that when others fight they ripe the benefits.
Yes the European don't like US. When EU economy grows to a certain level they make trouble for them sames goes to Japan economy US is the one that stop their progress. Japan is waiting for the day when they get real independent. They are being step and latch by them.
Don't have to blockage the sea. We grow our economy for betterment in life. That is the objective. Today I don't think they want to mesh with Asia. We must stick together. Don't fall into split and rule trap. Middles East is in chaos is mainly they themselves don't stick together.
ASEANs must stick together. Of course sometimes with neighbours we will have agreement and disagrement but that does not mean we are enemy. If a few small stupid sand or rock in the middle of sea nowhere that makes us enemy than it is stupid over cooperation that can gives betterment of life to the people.
Thai let US use her air base UtaPao to attack VN during VN war, we just retaliated after we defeated US in 1975.

Thats why Thai promise that she never let US use her air base to attack VN again :D
Thailand is actually very peaceful country. The people is very nice. However their government is too scared. They also did the same to Malaysia and Singapore during WW2 letting the Japanese into malaya from the North. We also signed treaty with them not to do that again. However we did not attacked them :) because they did not attack us. Best is in Asean should not allow any big power to be based in Asean.
You are correct. But not all whites are bad people. In every community there is good and bad people. The problem is human beings is selfish and greedy.

In fact 5G is not a big deal. It is just about faster connectivity. They make it sounds big is due to money nothing to do with spying. We had been spied by the US for a long time. When technology comes from Asia they make it a big sensation but when new technology comes from the west everything is ok. So they used dirty tricks for example they claimed Iraq has chemical weapons and they destroyed Iraq and found no chemical weapons. They are talking about chemical weapons proliferation but US used chemical weapons in Korean and Vietnam war when they are losing. Since after WW2 the only country that preached about chemical weapons proliferation is US and the only country that use it is also US. They are the Saint and Devil in one. Hence anything out of US, can it be trusted? Taliban, ISIS is also their products. They want to created instability in all parts of the world so that when others fight they ripe the benefits.
Yes the European don't like US. When EU economy grows to a certain level they make trouble for them sames goes to Japan economy US is the one that stop their progress. Japan is waiting for the day when they get real independent. They are being step and latch by them.
Don't have to blockage the sea. We grow our economy for betterment in life. That is the objective. Today I don't think they want to mesh with Asia. We must stick together. Don't fall into split and rule trap. Middles East is in chaos is mainly they themselves don't stick together.
ASEANs must stick together. Of course sometimes with neighbours we will have agreement and disagrement but that does not mean we are enemy. If a few small stupid sand or rock in the middle of sea nowhere that makes us enemy than it is stupid over cooperation that can gives betterment of life to the people.
True, some white US members are very nice here like Ka-El, he always support VN bcs he understand that VNese just wanna live peacefully like the others, we want No trouble except big countries force us to fight back.

US can force EU stop using Huawei 5G bcs CN is weak, she also control Nothing crucial (like SCS(east sea)), so CN cant pose any threat to US. Thats why CN is suffering population declining like Russia, JP due to US's control (forced JP to sign Plaza Accord ) and sanction (since Soviet era). So, its just the matter of time for CN to be under US's control (like JP) or collapse (like Soviet) bcs CN failed to have enough young people to keep up the technology race .

ASEAN solidarity is good, support from EU-Russia to VN against US is good, too, but if US try to force EU stop FTA deal wt VN, then support from ASEAN-EU-Russia is simply not Strong enough to make arrogant white US guys to stop making trouble for VN. If we lose the FTA deal wt EU, then our economy, our population will start declining like Russia-JP-CN soon bcs people cant find enough good jobs, they dont have money to raise their kids.

S0, no choice but blocking SCS(east sea) wt sea mines if US make VN lose FTA deal when Support from EU-Russia-CN are not strong enough . If US hurt VN, then they and their allies will suffer, too :)
Thailand is actually very peaceful country. The people is very nice. However their government is too scared. They also did the same to Malaysia and Singapore during WW2 letting the Japanese into malaya from the North. We also signed treaty with them not to do that again. However we did not attacked them :) because they did not attack us. Best is in Asean should not allow any big power to be based in Asean.
The best defense is a good offence, VN will retaliate any one try to hurt VN. After 10 years conflict, Thai understanded that our tank battalion to come to Bangkok at any time. We r not only send warning to Thai, but to CN, too by sending boats spy around her Hai Nan naval base everyday.


  • Activities in waters near Hainan, Paracel and Spratly islands have ‘threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security’, Naval and Merchant Ships says
  • Matter must be ‘taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner’, it says
Liu Zhen
Liu Zhen
in Beijing
Published: 7:00pm, 25 Apr, 2021

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP
Vietnam is building up its maritime militia in the South China Sea in an apparent challenge to Chinese efforts to dominate the disputed waterway, according to a Chinese military magazine.

Beijing claims almost all of the South China Sea, but Hanoi is one of several rival claimants. Like China, the Southeast Asian country has a long tradition of using its maritime militia to defend its claims.
“Vietnam’s maritime militia force and their activities in waters near Hainan, the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands have threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security,” Naval and Merchant Shipsmagazine said in an article published last week.

The matter must be “taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner”, it said.

Vietnam passed a law in 2009 that authorises its maritime militia to conduct sea patrols and surveillance, and confront and expel intruding foreign vessels in defence of Vietnamese-controlled islands and reefs.

While the European Union has estimated that about 8,000 fishing boats and 46,000 fishermen are part of Vietnam’s maritime militia, the magazine said the latter figure could be over 70,000. When not catching fish, these trained militiamen took part in a range of missions, sometimes in cooperation with the Vietnamese navy, it said.

The missions included covert spying on Chinese military facilities and ships, and sometimes deliberately clashing with Chinese coastguard vessels to attract Western media attention, the magazine said.

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True, some white US members are very nice here like Ka-El, he always support VN bcs he understand that VNese just wanna live peacefully like the others, we want No trouble except big countries force us to fight back.

US can force EU stop using Huawei 5G bcs CN is weak, she also control Nothing crucial (like SCS(east sea)), so CN cant pose any threat to US. Thats why CN is suffering population declining like Russia, JP due to US's control (forced JP to sign Plaza Accord ) and sanction (since Soviet era). So, its just the matter of time for CN to be under US's control (like JP) or collapse (like Soviet) bcs CN failed to have enough young people to keep up the technology race .

ASEAN solidarity is good, support from EU-Russia to VN against US is good, too, but if US try to force EU stop FTA deal wt VN, then support from ASEAN-EU-Russia is simply not Strong enough to make arrogant white US guys to stop making trouble for VN. If we lose the FTA deal wt EU, then our economy, our population will start declining like Russia-JP-CN soon bcs people cant find enough good jobs, they dont have money to raise their kids.

S0, no choice but blocking SCS(east sea) wt sea mines if US make VN lose FTA deal when Support from EU-Russia-CN are not strong enough . If US hurt VN, then they and their allies will suffer, too :)

The best defense is a good offence, VN will retaliate any one try to hurt VN. After 10 years conflict, Thai understanded that our tank battalion to come to Bangkok at any time. We r not only send warning to Thai, but to CN, too by sending boats spy around her Hai Nan naval base everyday.


  • Activities in waters near Hainan, Paracel and Spratly islands have ‘threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security’, Naval and Merchant Ships says
  • Matter must be ‘taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner’, it says
Liu Zhen
Liu Zhen
in Beijing
Published: 7:00pm, 25 Apr, 2021

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP
Vietnam is building up its maritime militia in the South China Sea in an apparent challenge to Chinese efforts to dominate the disputed waterway, according to a Chinese military magazine.

Beijing claims almost all of the South China Sea, but Hanoi is one of several rival claimants. Like China, the Southeast Asian country has a long tradition of using its maritime militia to defend its claims.
“Vietnam’s maritime militia force and their activities in waters near Hainan, the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands have threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security,” Naval and Merchant Shipsmagazine said in an article published last week.

The matter must be “taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner”, it said.

Vietnam passed a law in 2009 that authorises its maritime militia to conduct sea patrols and surveillance, and confront and expel intruding foreign vessels in defence of Vietnamese-controlled islands and reefs.

While the European Union has estimated that about 8,000 fishing boats and 46,000 fishermen are part of Vietnam’s maritime militia, the magazine said the latter figure could be over 70,000. When not catching fish, these trained militiamen took part in a range of missions, sometimes in cooperation with the Vietnamese navy, it said.

The missions included covert spying on Chinese military facilities and ships, and sometimes deliberately clashing with Chinese coastguard vessels to attract Western media attention, the magazine said.

My view is different of population growth. As a country becomes wealthier the population growth will decline as when you are richer you have more option. See most developed country has the lowest population growth. Germany gov even give money to those that had kids. I don't see slow down in population growth as a problem. Many world manufacturing is quite automated now. Uncontrolled population growth is in fact a problem.
Not all EU is banning the 5G. Well the 5G is just like a car product if you don't want to buy kia and you got more money you can buy a Mercedes. See England also installed many Huawei because it is more economical, after US pressure they stop but now they need to buy from someone else that is more expensive. Who is losing? The consumer. And if you don't have money then don't buy any car. Malaysia is not in a hurry for 5G as 4G also not yet install. And our style we put politic aside when it comes to the people the consumer.

5g will help in wireless automation. Automation will reduced jobs. So depend on a country how they are going to balance that. Automation can be good for a country and bad for another. Those labour intensive country will definately avoid automation. China is a different beast compared to Japan. They are even at better position compared to US today that is financial tight due to ernomous debt and over spending. The US Dollar will lose it value due to over printing.

Regarding SCS our reaction is diplomacy. Winning a war without even firing a bullet is the best defence. There was once in history Indonesia was laughing at Malaysia about fighting for independence they said we doing enough, our reply we got our independence without a bullet fire. So which is better? Offensive as defence is what the Mongol used. At last they failed also. I worked many years in Germany, the Germans tried to control Europe 2 times but they failed through offensive. Today EU is in fact Germany their approach is economy. No country can be rule forever that is what the German learned. Hence they also use diplomacy like what Asean is using. Trading and make friends.
Well VN is formed through blood and war. That is why VN approach is different from ours.
My view is different of population growth. As a country becomes wealthier the population growth will decline as when you are richer you have more option. See most developed country has the lowest population growth. Germany gov even give money to those that had kids. I don't see slow down in population growth as a problem. Many world manufacturing is quite automated now. Uncontrolled population growth is in fact a problem.
Not all EU is banning the 5G. Well the 5G is just like a car product if you don't want to buy kia and you got more money you can buy a Mercedes. See England also installed many Huawei because it is more economical, after US pressure they stop but now they need to buy from someone else that is more expensive. Who is losing? The consumer. And if you don't have money then don't buy any car. Malaysia is not in a hurry for 5G as 4G also not yet install. And our style we put politic aside when it comes to the people the consumer.

5g will help in wireless automation. Automation will reduced jobs. So depend on a country how they are going to balance that. Automation can be good for a country and bad for another. Those labour intensive country will definately avoid automation. China is a different beast compared to Japan. They are even at better position compared to US today that is financial tight due to ernomous debt and over spending. The US Dollar will lose it value due to over printing.

Regarding SCS our reaction is diplomacy. Winning a war without even firing a bullet is the best defence. There was once in history Indonesia was laughing at Malaysia about fighting for independence they said we doing enough, our reply we got our independence without a bullet fire. So which is better? Offensive as defence is what the Mongol used. At last they failed also. I worked many years in Germany, the Germans tried to control Europe 2 times but they failed through offensive. Today EU is in fact Germany their approach is economy. No country can be rule forever that is what the German learned. Hence they also use diplomacy like what Asean is using. Trading and make friends.
Well VN is formed through blood and war. That is why VN approach is different from ours.
US will never stop making trouble for others as it is in insecurity mode right now. They are crazily wanting to be always number 1. They also banned our palm oil and rubber gloves. Because they don't have palm oil but soya. But we did not ban their soya. We let the world choose you want to use soya oil or palm oil. In fact we are more human and democratic. So do you think US will stop poking VN? When VN is in his way you will get the same treatment when the time arrived as you progress. About human rights that is bullshit. Their country is formed by with the bloods of the natives.
My view is different of population growth. As a country becomes wealthier the population growth will decline as when you are richer you have more option. See most developed country has the lowest population growth. Germany gov even give money to those that had kids. I don't see slow down in population growth as a problem. Many world manufacturing is quite automated now. Uncontrolled population growth is in fact a problem.
Not all EU is banning the 5G. Well the 5G is just like a car product if you don't want to buy kia and you got more money you can buy a Mercedes. See England also installed many Huawei because it is more economical, after US pressure they stop but now they need to buy from someone else that is more expensive. Who is losing? The consumer. And if you don't have money then don't buy any car. Malaysia is not in a hurry for 5G as 4G also not yet install. And our style we put politic aside when it comes to the people the consumer.

5g will help in wireless automation. Automation will reduced jobs. So depend on a country how they are going to balance that. Automation can be good for a country and bad for another. Those labour intensive country will definately avoid automation. China is a different beast compared to Japan. They are even at better position compared to US today that is financial tight due to ernomous debt and over spending. The US Dollar will lose it value due to over printing.
CN is not wealthy enough, shes just like Libya, GDP per capital reached $10,000, but still having too many poor ppl (China has over 600 million poor with $140 monthly income: Premier Li Keqiang) and we all know what happened to Libya when ppl get angry bcs they have No good enough jobs to survive.

Even if CN leader can avoid uprising like Libya, then CN will just look like big N.Korea, hopeless and no future wt population is just a haft of SK.

Automation also cant help CN economy against 25% tariff. Automation only make million CNese lose jobs while CN economy keep falling.



Regarding SCS our reaction is diplomacy. Winning a war without even firing a bullet is the best defence. There was once in history Indonesia was laughing at Malaysia about fighting for independence they said we doing enough, our reply we got our independence without a bullet fire. So which is better? Offensive as defence is what the Mongol used. At last they failed also. I worked many years in Germany, the Germans tried to control Europe 2 times but they failed through offensive. Today EU is in fact Germany their approach is economy. No country can be rule forever that is what the German learned. Hence they also use diplomacy like what Asean is using. Trading and make friends.
Well VN is formed through blood and war. That is why VN approach is different from ours.
Winning a war without even firing a bullet is the best defense. True, but u only can do that when u r stronger, smarter than the enemy. VN and Malaysia (MY) are much weaker than mighty US and US also love acting like Mongol than trying to win without fighting (Put VN- CN on the money manipulation list, but Biden just removed VN from the list, forces EU stop using CN 5G, split CN into half (mainland vs TW) ).

What should we do when US love acting like Mongol ?? US will not collapse at least in 100 years.
US will never stop making trouble for others as it is in insecurity mode right now. They are crazily wanting to be always number 1. They also banned our palm oil and rubber gloves. Because they don't have palm oil but soya. But we did not ban their soya. We let the world choose you want to use soya oil or palm oil. In fact we are more human and democratic. So do you think US will stop poking VN? When VN is in his way you will get the same treatment when the time arrived as you progress. About human rights that is bullshit. Their country is formed by with the bloods of the natives.
CN is not wealthy enough, shes just like Libya, GDP per capital reached $10,000, but still having too many poor ppl (China has over 600 million poor with $140 monthly income: Premier Li Keqiang) and we all know what happened to Libya when ppl get angry bcs they have No good enough jobs to survive.

Even if CN leader can avoid uprising like Libya, then CN will just look like big N.Korea, hopeless and no future wt population is just a haft of SK.

Automation also cant help CN economy against 25% tariff. Automation only make million CNese lose jobs while CN economy keep falling.

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Winning a war without even firing a bullet is the best defense. True, but u only can do that when u r stronger, smarter than the enemy. VN and Malaysia (MY) are much weaker than mighty US and US also love acting like Mongol than trying to win without fighting (Put VN- CN on the money manipulation list, but Biden just removed VN from the list, forces EU stop using CN 5G, split CN into half (mainland vs TW) ).

What should we do when US love acting like Mongol ?? US will not collapse at least in 100 years.
Palm oil is just a small comparison to 5G, why US make a big fuss out of it is because they don't have 5G. Even the EU is still catching up in 5G. EU don't have a problem as before when 2g, 3g, 4g is launched the rest of the world did not said these are bad. To EU this round you make 5G maybe 8G we make. This is call free market and competition. Only US is worried. Is VN worried about 5G????maybe one day when VN launch flying car and start to sell. The consumers if the world is excited but then came US you cannot buy because it is not from US. Think even palm oil drove them insane, how about 5G. Hahaha........

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