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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

I guess it was always fate that useless TEI wouldn't play a major role in TFX's engines. They should stick with sweat-shopping parts for the big boys. :(
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2m speed 60k lb faster and smaller than F22?

What are the cons and pros compared to F22?

Why don't we ever consider Russia as a potential engine provider for the TFX? I mean, we're getting S-400s and our first four nuclear power reactors from them. Following the US-backed July 15 coup attempt, Erdogan and Putin have become closer than they've ever been, to the point that there's now a new "strategic understanding" between Turkey and Russia.

Given this background and how relations are improving exponentially, do you guys reckon Turkey could work something out with, say, NPO Saturn for the AL-31?


These are based on 1980's tech but very powerful and reliable and currently power Su-27, Su-30 and the Chinese J-10s and J-11s. China has been buying these off-the-shelf from Russia until their own comparable WS-10 engine is ready which is reportedly based on the AL-31.

Russia has no engines suitable for a 5th gen fighter due to high smoke emission. Also much shorter service life than Western counterparts.
Russia has no engines suitable for a 5th gen fighter due to high smoke emission. Also much shorter service life than Western counterparts.

Hmm, I don't think so. For example take a look at the engine that powers the Su-57 (PAK-FA), also a 5th-gen stealth fighter:


This engine has very comparable features (incl. thrust vectoring) to the P&W F-119 engine that powers the F-22 Raptor:

Hmm, I don't think so. For example take a look at the engine that powers the Su-57 (PAK-FA), also a 5th-gen stealth fighter:


This engine has very comparable features (incl. thrust vectoring) to the P&W F-119 engine that powers the F-22 Raptor:


A 10 minute stroll through Wikipedia won't make anyone knowledgeable enough to have credible opinions about stealth fighter engines.
A 10 minute stroll through Wikipedia won't make anyone knowledgeable enough to have credible opinions about stealth fighter engines.
Vay be... I'm curious as to how you've acquired your rather more credible opinion that Russia has no suitable engine for a 5th-gen fighter because of high smoke emission and shorter service life.

I'm sorry but that statement makes no sense whatsoever. Russia may have engines that are more inferior to their Western counterparts in SOME categories, that's a matter of debate, but we're talking about a country that's already manufacturing 5th-gen stealth fighters with Russian-made engines.

Clearly the Russians think their engines are suitable for their newest fighters but if you know something that they don't, please do share!

Vay be... I'm curious as to how you've acquired your rather more credible opinion that Russia has no suitable engine for a 5th-gen fighter because of high smoke emission and shorter service life.

I'm sorry but that statement makes no sense whatsoever. Russia may have engines that are more inferior to their Western counterparts in SOME categories, that's a matter of debate, but we're talking about a country that's already manufacturing 5th-gen stealth fighters with Russian-made engines.

Clearly the Russians think their engines are suitable for their newest fighters but if you know something that they don't, please do share!


It just happens that one of the categories in which Russian engines are inferior is very important for stealth (thermal signature). The fact that they're using these engines (or planning to) doesn't mean they'd be chosen by a foreign country as a stealth jet engine. Even China is not using them on their new stealth jets and is making their own, probably due to this very reason. Maybe Russia has improved this in their recent prototype engine but it would be a bad idea for Turkey to bank our whole TF-X project on a wildcard engine like that.
Don't underestimate russia engines
Air fighter engine is different with commercial plane engine
For 5th G air fighter engine, Only usa is ahead of russia
Russia engines have its shortcomings, but at least it provide you a availble 5th G fighter engine, solve the problem 1 and 0
R.R is strong in commercial engine, even for 4th G fighter engine, but it is still 0 before providing a 5th G fighter engine

Question is would russia like to provide you the engine for 5th G fighter
@era_shield I think it's been shown that Russian engines are just fine for stealth fighters. If you have some credible sources that say otherwise, please do throw them our way so that we can stand corrected. No one is saying it's Turkey's first choice, but if we find ourselves in a situation where Russian engines become the only way to power our planes, than we'll play the hand that we're dealt.
Using wiki as only source of information isn't good enough tbh. I wish you'd present other sources too.
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