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Textbook biases: ‘Our schools are extremism factories’

Assumptions, sound bites, and prejudice. Is that all you can manage? Seriously, I thought you could do better. You are a scholar, and I expect better than this from you and I wonder what could have motivated you to write such a substandard post. I am not saying this out of ego - you can slander all you want. I am just surprised at superficiality of what you have written.

I am a tired and disillusioned scholar. I've done enough free education; now unless something is really interesting, this is all you'll get. If you write garbage, I will simply say that you write garbage,

Live with it.
Tribune lost credibility for me.

No body really cares about the gold hoarding temples, ghanavi might be a robber, but those gold hoarders were no less robbers themselves.

you have said it NO BODY CARES and thats where it all lies , we have to correct ourselves , give kids the right example and tell them the reality
Why is religion being taught in school? There are Masajid and Madaress for that -- but wait, we are not teaching religion, no, we are teaching history -- OK, but why from the point of view of a particular religious interpretation??

Yes, Us and Them is a constant them, but whatever happened to WE? How come We is not extended to humanity and limited to those of a particular religious interpretation??

ehm.... Did you miss all of your mutala e Pakistan classes? Isn't Islam the only raison d'etre of Pakistan? Islam is for Pakistan what is oxygen for all the living beings, and nauzubillah here you are insinuating a secular nizam e taleem. People say Pakistan will cease to exist if we cease to be Muslims. Islam is the only reason why islam ka qila came into being. Islam is the only reason why millions of Nawabs of UP, DP, CP and EP, who were lording over lowly Hindus, spat on their million acres estates and tonnes of gold and rushed toward islam ka qila to rescue us from evil Hindus. We don't have our own history, languages, food, culture and customs that discern us from Bharatis, it is only Islam that gives us a separate identity and Bharatis will swallow us alive if we stop behaving like rabid mullahs. End of my rant...
ehm.... Did you miss all of your mutala e Pakistan classes? Isn't Islam the only raison d'etre of Pakistan? Islam is for Pakistan what is oxygen for all the living beings, and nauzubillah here you are insinuating a secular nizam e taleem. People say Pakistan will cease to exist if we cease to be Muslims. Islam is the only reason why islam ka qila came into being. Islam is the only reason why millions of Nawabs of UP, DP, CP and EP, who were lording over lowly Hindus, spat on their million acres estates and tonnes of gold and rushed toward islam ka qila to rescue us from evil Hindus. We don't have our own history, languages, food, culture and customs that discern us from Bharatis, it is only Islam that gives us a separate identity and Bharatis will swallow us alive if we stop behaving like rabid mullahs. End of my rant...

The echo of sarcasm I can still discern - There is a thread " Portraying Terrorists as Heroes - the author makes the point somewhere along the line we lost story line, we went native, drinking our own bathwater -- time to reverse that.
Here we go again. Calling somebody Indian is the worst insult you can inflict on your adversary - this is the deadliest arrow all the self-proclaimed Pakistani patriots carry in their quiver. I am totally humbled now.


was referring to prejudice and blind hate in some of the Indian posters.

Don't take it personally.

Thank you

.... Isn't Islam the only raison d'etre of Pakistan?

This is what Urdu speaking, some Punjabis and most Islamists say.

Don't spread their propaganda.

Thank you
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I am a tired and disillusioned scholar. I've done enough free education; now unless something is really interesting, this is all you'll get. If you write garbage, I will simply say that you write garbage,

Live with it.

Dour sarcasm well noted sir. Perhaps I deserve it.

But being a scholar you would know the importance of group-feeling as a basis for commonly accepted identity. Why do you mind my pointing to this factor as important? After all, being Pakistanis we have shared experience and ideas about our identity. What is wrong with appreciating it? Do Indians themselves not cherish their shared experience, cultural practices, identity, etc...? Is this not reflected in Indian curriculum then?
Wow what a bull **** article. Islamic studies should be removed, why? Go fck your self if you don't like it. We are a Muslim majority nation and we do as we please. We study our religion in our schools. If the so called minority, who isn't even relevant to the majority of the population and their issues, doesn't like it, then That is their problem. It is they who are being intolerant towards our religion and our aspiration to get educated in our religion.

Would you like other countries with Muslim Minorities to treat them the same way? Why do you raise a hue and cry when the Head Scarf is not allowed or something in those lines?

Just see what you wrote:

If the so called minority, who isn't even relevant to the majority of the population and their issues, doesn't like it, then That is their problem

This is sheer intolerance in its basic an raw form.
Would you like other countries with Muslim Minorities to treat them the same way? Why do you raise a hue and cry when the Head Scarf is not allowed or something in those lines?

Just see what you wrote:

This is sheer intolerance in its basic an raw form.

I am not imposing our religion on others by force, but I am saying the majority wants to be educated in the religion which they believe in. What is wrong with that? Oh no, some body believes in bugs bunny to be a god worthy of worship, better remove Islamic studies from our schools which 99% of the population wants to study, because he might feel left out...

That logic is flawed. If they find Islamic studies to be intolerable. Then it is they who are intolerant towards others people's religion and their aspiration to get educated in.

PS: By they, I do not mean, Non Muslim minority in Pakistan, but some other Muslim elements in the state as well. e.g. the ones who wrote this article.

was referring to prejudice and blind hate in some of the Indian posters.

Don't take it personally.

Thank you

This is what Urdu speaking, some Punjabis and most Islamists say.

Don't spread their propaganda.

Thank you

so why was pakistan created ? to serve western divide n rule policy . it is my perception what is yours ?
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so why was pakistan created ? to serve western divide n rule policy . it is my perception what is yours ?

OK. I haven't seen you before, so I'll answer your question. I hope you are here to learn and not do the $hit shoveling a family business style.

Pakistan and India both are collection of states and provinces who decided to go with one or the other grouping.

If you don't understand this basic makeup of the subcontinent, then may God, Allah, Bhagwan be with you.
I am not imposing our religion on others by force, but I am saying the majority wants to be educated in the religion which they believe in. What is wrong with that? Oh no, some body believes in bugs bunny to be a god worthy of worship, better remove Islamic studies from our schools which 99% of the population wants to study, because he might feel left out...

That logic is flawed. If they find Islamic studies to be intolerable. Then it is they who are intolerant towards others people's religion and their aspiration to get educated in.

You sir are a true Pakistani

Hats off to you...undoubtedly Allah will grant you jannat.
I am not imposing our religion on others by force, but I am saying the majority wants to be educated in the religion which they believe in. What is wrong with that? Oh no, some body believes in bugs bunny to be a god worthy of worship, better remove Islamic studies from our schools which 99% of the population wants to study, because he might feel left out...

That logic is flawed. If they find Islamic studies to be intolerable. Then it is they who are intolerant towards others people's religion and their aspiration to get educated in.

PS: By they, I do not mean, Non Muslim minority in Pakistan, but some other Muslim elements in the state as well. e.g. the ones who wrote this article.

First - the Islamic studies are not opposed. the compulsory nature of the studies - being forced on non Islamic population is opposed
Second - your logic "if this (forcing of one religious studies on other religions) is not tolerated by the people then they are intolerant" - meaning that by being tolerant, I have to tolerate intolerance!

you can see whose logic is flawed here.
First - the Islamic studies are not opposed. the compulsory nature of the studies - being forced on non Islamic population is opposed
Second - your logic "if this (forcing of one religious studies on other religions) is not tolerated by the people then they are intolerant" - meaning that by being tolerant, I have to tolerate intolerance!

you can see whose logic is flawed here.

In Pakistan it is Not compulsory for non-Muslims to study Islamic studies, they can opt for another subject, Ethics. What I am saying is how shallow the argument is of the author of this article who complains about Islamic studies taught in schools by bringing in the minority.
Sorry arrow aimed wrongly :ashamed:

I hope that is sarcasm! We have enough crimes against women as it is!

Sex education for 14-15 year olds is required for preventing crimes against women. And by sex education I do not mean teaching them how to f**k but teaching them difference between man and woman, hormonal changes, STDs, contraception etc.
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