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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

I'm with @Areesh on this one. This is once again a colossal failure on our end and a massive success for the ttp.

Ttp was successful the moment they crossed the Afghan border. And along the route, success after success when Pak security apparatus failed to intercept them at each pass through.

And the nail in the coffin when once again at the gates of military base they overcame the guards and caused such human tragedy inside.

There are so many security lapses and failures that I do not know where to begin. It boggles my mind that we don't have some sort of a massive alarm blaring alerting everyone on the base that we've come under attack.

People and soldiers get shot up sleeping in their quarters, praying, working on their daily routines, totally oblivious to the fact that terrorists have infiltrated the command.

And what do we celebrate afterwards? The dead terrorists. Oh, geez, they came to die anyway and ended up killing so many of ours.

Just look at the pictures being posted here, soldier with his child, they have families and kids, all of them are killed in a sense now. Imagine for a child to grow up with their father. Imagine a wife, a mother who doesn't have her son and her husband anymore.

These aren't just 29 people but 29 families. And countless others that ttp have destroyed. Granted that we have made great success against them but the fact that they're still alive and operational is more than a reality that they won and continue to win.

Well this is a occupational hazard of not only ISI but all other intel agencies in the world.You are blaming your institutions for these failure .Of Course this was a failure like we faced during 26/11 .But you dont know how many attempted have been thwarted so far successfully .
Public knows their failure but not their succe
I went through the last 8-10 pages..Can't remember when was the last time I did that for any topic here in PDF.

I'm with @Icarus on this one.

See, the system of policing basically works in a way, in which one can only take an action only after some incident has happened. Sure, we can have deterrence, protocols for security. But at the end of the day, one has to realize this, there is absolutely nothing that can stop a determined man from firing from his assault rifle. If he is motivated enough to do it, has access to the gun, then he will do it, with varying degree of effect. Probably the damages were really minimized in this case ? May be there could have been greater damage had the security not been alert ?
I cannot talk about the security layout but whatever it was, it did its job and minimized casualty. Its easy to forget that the terrorists don't announce their arrival in advance and that such measure are in place all over the country and civil and military installations of sensitive nature. There were 29 people martyred out of which 16 were lost at the mosque alone, regrettable as that is, with the target density in the area in mind, it could have been much worse.

Sir, with all due respect I still beg to differ, I do understand that terrorists won't send the invitation cards before their arrival to their intended targets but don't you think its about time we should re-access and re-draw our strategies to circumvent the precious loss of innocent lives whether it be through improving the "local intelligence network" or through re-designing the security perimeter around our sensitive (soft or hard) installations...I am not a security expert but if all incoming routes to the base had a check post or some sort of surveillance mechanism this could have been prevented...I think the bottom line is until and unless we plug the porous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan it will be really tough on ourselves to believe we will be able to thwart such incidents in the future...
i have one question to indian members

what afghan leaders with u

ghouri & ghaznavi etc

and now u are the best friend of ur enemy
I will answer your question. Just can you be a little more clear ? It's difficult to understand.
There are things which are different in this assault

1- no suicide vests
2- in photograph released by ttp that red haired woman in back ground with flowing hair and no hijab

Thus angle needs to be looked at

1.that is not a woman but a man with long golden currely hair
Well I am completely with the suggestion of building a wall along the Afghan border that is manned. What good is Zarb e Azb if these bastards have simply setup shop over the border to continue their activity and in this day of age there is no excuse that borders are left unmanned.

We simply don't learn our lesson.
Like I said if you don't take out the base of operations then this will keep happening. This is basic military 101. Somebody give me control of army and I will have this wrapped up in a week.
We lost 29 very valuable lives but just look at the weapons and explosives the scumbags had and how much worse damage they could have done if it wasn't the gallant effort of the security forces.


2000+ rounds of AP 7.62
~80 grenades
Several IEDs

Its apparent from the load out that these guys came here with the intent to:

1. Cause maximum damage
2. Hold out for as long as possible
3. Make clearance a tough task by leaving behind traps
4. Using the confusion to escape like in the case of PNS Mehran attack.

Luckily, these efforts were thwarted.
Well why not kill a target killer by a target killer? I have heard Zehr ka taryak zehr may he hota hai, after all we boast USSR defeat, so Radio is that mighty now or people supporting him are that powerful? Radio needs to feel threatened, unless this war reaches his defense layers, they will keep coming in groups and kill us because we have no will and no intention of fencing the border, Radio has access to easy supply with some bucks to pay or manipulate some brains. And let me say this, I am now pretty much fed up of caring for peace in Afghanistan at the cost of our own peace. We should have known that whenever there are positives signs for Afghan peace deal something happens, we should have been proactive but God knows better what we actually want, because it has been our chay policy to keep things secret and never tell public a sh*t. So keep this attitude of Don't trust the chay awam and keep seeing the results. And our relation with Afghans have become a joke Gilla bhi karna hay par thapar bhi khany hain.
Well I am completely with the suggestion of building a wall along the Afghan border that is manned. What good is Zarb e Azb if these bastards have simply setup shop over the border to continue their activity and in this day of age there is no excuse that borders are left unmanned.

We simply don't learn our lesson.

Do you really think a wall will hold very long in a region where RPGs sell in the open market and a one tonne IED is considered routine?
PAF Camp Badaber has a technical area, which houses crucial R&D, support, development, and missile maintenance depots of Pakistan Air Force. This is no surprise that this base is attacked, as it handles key top secret projects of Pakistan Air Force. I am pleased to hear the successful QRF operation.
Need to throw all Afghan refugees out of Pakistan, and ban all the madrassas ..

Heck, we cannot even close a certified terrorist hub aka. Lal Masjid in our capital, sad state of affairs, and such incidents will continue to happen until extreme and desperate measures are taken to save the Country ..

As they say, Desperate times requires Desperate measures .

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