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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

These Indians are openly bragging and celebrating about how their terrorist intelligence outfit is plotting and striking Pakistan. I think this is a matter of concern for our moderators.
There initial target was Kamra base once again. But couldnt make it through. Hence chose vulnerable spot. Since it was there Special group, explain how our QRF got pinned and took casualties. or else in previous attacks, they couldnt aim at them properly
number of Fidayeen is 11, as per the photo -- what happened to 3 others???
this blurry faces is confusing me man
No one is cheering.

A soldier's death gives me no pleasure.


Leave this thread. We have had enough of your indian shyte in this thread.

You are testing our patience.

If Abu Namr or anyone else calls you a vulture, he is absolutely right. You can not go on insulting our dead and still expect to be respected here.


You are not welcome here.
These Indians openly bragging and celebrating about how their terrorist intelligence outfit is plotting and striking Pakistan. I think this is a matter of concern for our moderators.
For another hr...Right now is not the time....report them and ignore them...there is nothing more painful for attention seekers than not getting the attention they crave!
Your continued reference to me as a vulture dates back to an earlier thread where your bull urine sneak attack was followed up by the crass comment about us providing "snacks" for vultures.

And obvious reference to the Zoroastrian method of disposing the mortal remains of our dead.

Do NOT BS that you did not know about the same, especially when your best friend from childhood is self-claimedly a Pakistani Parsi.

You continued to do it on the bakra eid thread.

And you continue to do it here.

As I said, you are a low life bigot. And deserve what's coming to you.

@Irfan Baloch
What in the world is stopping you from getting lost? The mod will come to take care of you once we are done with this thread! Do you need assistance to get lost, I can assure you it will be more severe if not done voluntarily!
quote me the post u moron where i hit on your religion in this thread

Ignore this pathetic person, man.

This is in their nature to celebrate the deaths of innocent people. They have been spreading their terrorism for decades in the neighboring countries, do you think they have any feelings for civilians?

Really, ignore him from now on and just report his posts.
Really u blame Modi and his side kicks for daily casualties in Occupied Kashmir. This COAS puts a premium on revenge i'm not worried that the terrorists or their handlers behind this will get away with it.

But Modi's KRA ( Key Result Area) is not security of Kashmir alone. Economy, Foreign relation, Education etc---- lot of other important things are there in his KRA. We replaced mighty Indira, Atal, we replaced Manmohan earlier. If not performing, Modi will be removed too , be sure about that. Tested process is already in place in India.

But the responsibility or KRA of your COAS is to provide security to the state and citizens from external treats. He even overstepped to capture internal security too. Now all responsibility comes along with some accountability too. To whom he is accountable? No process is in place. The entire basis is only the assumption/trust that "He will discharge his responsibility rightly"---that's all.

If you want to give the power to run/protect a nation to somebody on the basis of trust without accountability its your choice. But nowhere in the world it is successful yet.

They say "absolute power corrupts absolutely "

( I have no issue with General Rahul, only pointing out a great lacuna in process and unnecessary hero worship)
@Bratva - also note that TSG = Tactical Support Group is tasked with carrying out coordinated tactical attacks on installations while STF - Special Task Force has been involved in Targetted killing ----
holy moly these guys have cooler names than our Police :o:

@Horus, any idea who are the guys with blurred out faces???
why on earth do they pose for a picture? Isnt that haram? Is that a woman in the back or just a man with really long hair?
may they are plotters or trainers or still alive
check in photo - the fideyaan's have their white Shroud draped on their head- the remaining don't

why on earth do they pose for a picture? Isnt that haram? Is that a woman in the back or just a man with really long hair?
:haha: its a man with really funny hairdo
@Bratva - also note that TSG = Tactical Support Group is tasked with carrying out coordinated tactical attacks on installations while STF - Special Task Force has been involved in Targetted killing ----
holy moly these guys have cooler names than our Police :o:

Ajit Devil has taken care of all the smallest of details.

Displaying the banner with "Kalima" in the background to go to a mosque and spray praying Namazis with bullets.

Yep, they are doing it for "Hoors", but most probably for "Hoors" pictured on Indian Rupees, a few million of those would do a fine job!
Its Raheel not Rahul
But Modi's KRA ( Key Result Area) is not security of Kashmir alone. Economy, Foreign relation, Education etc---- lot of other important things are there in his KRA. We replaced mighty Indira, Atal, we replaced Manmohan earlier. If not performing, Modi will be removed too , be sure about that. Tested process is already in place in India.

But the responsibility or KRA of your COAS is to provide security to the state and citizens from external treats. He even overstepped to capture internal security too. Now all responsibility comes along with some accountability too. To whom he is accountable? No process is in place. The entire basis is only the assumption/trust that "He will discharge his responsibility rightly"---that's all.

If you want to give the power to run/protect a nation to somebody on the basis of trust without accountability its your choice. But nowhere in the world it is successful yet.

They say "absolute power corrupts absolutely "

( I have no issue with General Rahul, only pointing out a great lacuna in process and unnecessary hero worship)
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