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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

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I believe it's over by now. Picture of the young man was particularly heartbreaking.

What are the damages ?
But Modi's KRA ( Key Result Area) is not security of Kashmir alone. Economy, Foreign relation, Education etc---- lot of other important things are there in his KRA. We replaced mighty Indira, Atal, we replaced Manmohan earlier. If not performing, Modi will be removed too , be sure about that. Tested process is already in place in India.

But the responsibility or KRA of your COAS is to provide security to the state and citizens from external treats. He even overstepped to capture internal security too. Now all responsibility comes along with some accountability too. To whom he is accountable? No process is in place. The entire basis is only the assumption/trust that "He will discharge his responsibility rightly"---that's all.

If you want to give the power to run/protect a nation to somebody on the basis of trust without accountability its your choice. But nowhere in the world it is successful yet.

They say "absolute power corrupts absolutely "

( I have no issue with General Rahul, only pointing out a great lacuna in process and unnecessary hero worship)

Yeah i dont know about General Rahul, never heard of him, sounds like an indian general.

General Raheel is doing great, he will get revenge, thats very important for the pakistani people. The buck stops with Modi, you guys are taking almost daily casualties in Occupied Kashmir yet the hero worship continues.
Yeah i dont know about General Rahul, never heard of him, sounds like an indian general.

General Raheel is doing great, he will get revenge, thats very important for the pakistani people. The buck stops with Modi, you guys are taking almost daily casualties in Occupied Kashmir yet the hero worship continues.

Sorry for the name mistake.

Its not the point that he is doing a good job or not individually. Even he fails 2 times with a success of 98 times I will tell him successful. But point is for those 2 failure whether he is accountable or not?

If next general reverse the failure % to 98%, if process is not in place he will not be accountable for his 98% failure. Hope you understand. I do not want to continue this argument anymore in this sad day.
So you folks were smirking whenever there is a terrorist attack in Kashmir and Kabul? I do remember threads where many of your countrymen were praising the terrorists with glee.

On Topic: RIP to the martyred

Sneak attacks and asymmetric warfare is always going to be the reality between two hostile neighbors armed with nukes which preclude a hot war.

Personally, I've been on PDF long enough not to feel bad or outraged when their guys (or gals) gloat at attacks on our soil.

Its par for the course.

Does not mean we should do the same.

But calling a spade a spade is part and parcel of a forum for discussion.

Which is how this entire brouhaha from the usual suspects started. Holier than thou.

Horus made a comment about Doval saab smirking. And I put things into perspective for Horus.

What is India going to gain from knocking down 16 people?

Would the NSA of a 1.25 billion strong nation spend 5 minutes of his time on such a hit?

If anything, a naval base type hit would be something which would warrant his attention.

My first post on the thread was exactly on the same track. When I asked Fatman about assets on the base attacked. Not that I expected him to answer if there were. But it explains the line of thought.

Unless there was a high value target expected to be there at the time of the attack, this was not a RAW sanctioned hit. Period.
Terrorists wanted to enter residential area to target families of officers , they were intercepted and they went in and killed people saying Friday prayers.

This could have been a repeat of what happened in APS peshawar.

There seems to be functioning terrorists support system in and around Peshawar which needs to found and uprooted.

The operations near the Pak-Afghan belt has caused some of these rats to flee further westwards Afghanistan while some have fled eastwards into Pakistan

A cleanup operation in Peshawar might be needed next.

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