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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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There are no words to express the magnitude of grief after seeing innocent people being killed in Pakistan. I have given my views in a speech on Azaantv dot tv few months back on these issues in current affairs section. Pakistan needs a new and agile human tracking system and revolutionary forensic investigation capabilities. Otherwise we would be hitting the track after the snake leaves
these bigoted fcuking idiots can come from all sorts of background from educated to uneducated cunts, there's no restriction on who's mind will get worked up & he might go up for a Glorious 72 Virgins...

Very well said :rofl:
It was a sectarian clash. One group claiming superiority to another, thinking they have the right to do this because the other people don't believe in the same thing as them. Things like this make me wonder what the world would be like without religion.

What sectarian clash, Muslim and Ahmedia are two different religion. And by the way who told you that sectarian clashes are to establih ones superiority over the others. Brother you don't have any idea about dynamics of sectarian clashes.

The sole purpose of this attack is to gain maximum international attention, attacking any minority especially Christian or Ahmedi will bring them best results :coffee:
What was the old title and whats wrong with terrorist attack in Lahore..Do you have any doubt that this was not a terrorist attack?

I think he is steamed up because the title mentions Ahmedi "mosque".


I know the meanings of the word 'Masjid'; by the way, before the Muslims who used this word for their place(s) of worship?
Show me anything legally binding that says we have the copyright in using a word?

I would suggest the same for you. My reply was in protest to the unilateral decision of changing the title not about the incident itself. Where in my reply I am supporting the killing of Qadyani non-Muslims? The word 'bigotry' has been very fashionable on the forum these days.
Dude, Muslims like yourself have made it no secret that you don't even consider them as they say in Punjabi "banday day putar". That is bigotry. If you are THIS intolerant of what people call their place of worship, intolerant of the way other Pakistanis choose to live their lives, it doesn't really matter if you pick up a gun to kill them. You enforce the culture that allows the killing of innocent people - that is wrong. All this drama you're putting up over the name - you might as well be clapping and patting the Taliban on the back with shabashi for killing your fellow Pakistanis.


This isn't a unilateral decision - this is the management's decision - which is what counts here. Just to be crystal here, when a moderator makes his decision, there is no room for protest.
Acc to most secular Geo

LAHORE: Gunmen stormed two worship places belonging to a minority sect in Lahore on Friday, taking worshippers hostage and sparking gun battles with police that left 62 people dead, Geo News reported

Acc to Jang News

Gun-grenade attacks at worship places kill 40
LAHORE: Gunmen stormed two mosques belonging to a minority sect in Lahore on Friday, taking worshippers hostage and sparking gun battles with police that left 4 ....

Acc to Dawn News

LAHORE: Gunmen attacked worshippers from a religious minority in two worship places in Lahore on Friday, taking hostages and killing at least 30 people, officials said.

The leading news sources are calling it Worsip places but here on PDF..
How can the MODS call it Mosque its out of my head.
I cannot believe that the MODS have changed the title to Mosque, if this is Pakistani Defence forum, then rules of the state sould apply, it is illegal, unethical.


btw the way i totaly condemn the attacks on ahmedis, may they rest in peace and the culprits brought to justice.

and AM justify how do you feel its appropriate?

This one if from the news group of one of the most secular country.

Taliban militants attack Lahore mosques, kill 70

It has 11 instances which refer it to be mosque.

And BTW why is it so important right now?? Isnt it just the technicality?? Isnt mourning for the dead and prayers for well being of Injured is more important right now??

Grow up and show some proof that you are something different from the medieval age Talibanis.
Strange thing is that there has been no such incident in history of ours, nor in last 1 decade of violence, TTP guys did such a thing.

But check the last few incidents and then this one.

We have 2 Ex-ISI officers abducted, one of them is killed.

Few weeks later, an audio surfaces of one news channels host, who criticizes the one killed and links the one killed to Ahmadis and says he must be working with them and that Ahmadis are behind things also.

The person he talks to is Usman Punjabi, a Punjabi Taliban commander or whatever.

And then few weeks later, we have this attack claimed by the Punjabi Taliban to have carried out, a first of its kind in the history.

So what are the odds for the reason behind this attack ??

Guess and think on the above facts.

Its not a coincidence, these facts and events match up together.

Mr Taimi Khan, then by that logic, there werent any pakistani taliban some years ago. So does that mean Talibans creating havoc today have some linkage to some stupid conspiracy theory??

Everything good or bad that happens obviously happens at some point of time. Every event occuring n-th time definately has a one first time. If it never happened prior, so it must certainly be a conspiracy is a very lame argument.

There are many things happening in pakistan that never happened before so does it gives you authority to stopping short of blaming India (or any other country)??

As far as I know, there has not been an single peice of weed shown by pakistan as a proof of Indian involvement in pakistan. There have been tall claims but not a single proof of Indian involvemt has been found.
Well there must be some logic when you say something or do something..

Let me find a logic...

A Mosque..
Google defination of mosque and every where it is defined as a place for worship for Muslims.

A Church.
Same as above but for christians

A Synagogue.
Same but for Jews

Now Ahmadiyas are not muslims and i say that because they Dont believe in our Final Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
Our kalimaah reads

Ash hado an lalilaha illalahu wa ashhadu ana Muhammad ul rasul Allah

thats why i call them non-muslims

So logically a Mosque is not a place for them.

Every religion of this world has a special name for their worship places.. and the fact is they dont like to worship on other religions holy places.

Now Declaring that the attack was on a Mosque or ahmedya mosque i cannot find any logic in it.
Ahmedya worship place like every Pakistani news site is reporting it is appropriate

its like some day Muslims will say we pray 5 times a day in a Church.
or a hindu say he worship in a Mosque
A christian say he worship in a Mosque
i am a muslim and i worsip in a Synagogue.

Doesnt make sense to me.
I dont know how it makes sense to the MODS.
Really wots the logic.

I believe if i go in a church and start to pray.. even the most liberal christians will be offended.
Think of Synagogue
Think of Temple

Find me a logic plzz.

What sad logic. I am a Hindu - i go to Church. I don't insist on calling it a temple. And if Ahmadiyas are calling them mosque - you are you to step on their right to freedom of speech and expression? I regret being so blunt but you are propagating the same views as the Taliban with your intolerance. It is not going to affect your faith and beliefs whatever Ahmadiyas call their places of worship. Live and let live.
Really sad and deplorable. RIP innocent souls who lost their lives.:cry:
This attack is a warning for us. This is perhaps the first attack on minorities by Taliban if i am not wrong. I wonder what's next? Temple or church. I totally blame Punjab Govt for this security lapse. They need to increase their intelligence and kill these bastards wherever they find them.
Either fully support or fully reject WoT, half heartness is not good. you can educate people if they are ready to be educated. you cant educate a man with a gun who is fully committed to kill himsefl as well as the others.

Maximizing the education level has to be a full-blown no-holds-barred state policy and strategy. Our literacy rate is a measly, shameful, pathetic 50%. Education IS important and always will be for a wide range of problems. To a large extent, it is the Pak establishment's shortcoming in itself that they haven't been able to give serious consideration to this glaring issue by not allocating enough resources to it, whether purposefully or not. It seems as if they want to do just enough so Pakistan can keep it's neck above the water, but not much more than that. The terrorists or enemies of state will keep exploiting the various vulnerabilities and weakness that lie in a society to their advantage, until those weaknesses themselves are properly dealt with and redressed.
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