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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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Some of my cousins who were in the area have been injured and are in very critical condition. They were trying to help and were fired upon.

Please pray for them.

Sorry to hear about this. My deepest sympathy and prayers for your cousins. I wish them speedy recovery.
yet another genius :hitwall::hitwall:

What the hell is the problem with you people ?? Who the hell took the name of India or some Indian conspiracy or some other country conspiracy.

Are you people high on something or what ??

strange stupidity being shown by you guys.

I am not talking about Indians, I am talking about an incident in Pakistan, which involves a kidnapped then murdered former ISI official and a recent tape of an audio conversation between a known Pakistani current affairs program anchor and a Punjabi Taliban commander discussing the then captured former ISI official and his links with some person belonging to the Ahmadi group and the anchor accusing the Ahmadi group to be working against the Taliban.

I have already thrown out one, don't make me repeat the same action with you.

First understand what is being talked about, then open up your mouths, otherwise keep it shut.

Soo ..... Hamid Mir's controversy caused all this ?

Read the dawn article i posted a few pages back..Pakistan's human rights group had warned of an attack on Ahmedi worshiping places for last one year in Lahore..
Some of my cousins who were in the area have been injured and are in very critical condition. They were trying to help and were fired upon.

Please pray for them.

May god give your brave cousins and others like them, the strength to recover from this cowardly and dastardly act.
Soo ..... Hamid Mir's controversy caused all this ?

Read the dawn article i posted a few pages back..Pakistan's human rights group had warned of an attack on Ahmedi worshiping places for last one year in Lahore..

There was always a thread, as Ahmadi are not the first ones to have gotten attacked or their places of worship attacked.

But sending such huge number of men, that sends another message from them, that also coming after such a short time of that controversy.

They did not even send such large number of men to attack the GHQ, but for this they did send nearly double the figure send at GHQ.

So such attack has some message in it. Otherwise one powerful blast while people would b leaving the blast or one suicide bomber among them was more then enough, but this kind of an attack has some other purpose.
Some of my cousins who were in the area have been injured and are in very critical condition. They were trying to help and were fired upon.

Please pray for them.

Sorry to hear that T-Faz.
My sincere condolences, prayers and support to the families. Hope these culprits are brought to justice.

26 Pages...YES 26 PAGES...i read all the 26 pages of this thread on this unfortunate activity.

Yet i am appalled - in fact gruesomely disgusted by the way people have behaved on this terror attack. Instead of condolences, support, sympathy and ideas on how to tackle this mess - we have a discussion going on about ahmadiya's , non muslims , etc. A lack of absolute unity - Shameful indeed. I apologize for using these strong words , but i dont see it any other way.

In fact do a search of how many times words RIP or muslim prayer has come up in this thread versus ahmadiya/non muslims. The prayer and support are in the first three pages after which people were concerned about the TITLE OF THE THREAD...FOR God sake TITLE OF THE THREAD or HUMANS ...which is more important.

On a side note - I think pakistanis offered more condolences to indian members during Mumbai than they are doing to themselves now.
On the incident i have no doubt in my mind that all this artificaly enginnered events are product of same brian and are facilitated by elements in govt. higher ups.

I hope people of world knows that both President and Prime minister belong to a minority religous sect. Even many key ministers belong to same minority sect.

There is no such thing in Pakistan as sect. divide or divide on religous basis it si just a gift of nature that some evil nations have evil design on Pakistan.
Pakistan cannot stop it while higher up in authorities are supporting evil covertly.

How about you do us all a favor and get your head out of a fish tank and realize that these finger pointing's that people like you have championed only give more fuel to the terrorists. There is a limit to how much bullshit one can take with regards to CIA/MOSSAD/RAW doing everything in Pakistan surely the TTP Taliban who are a bunch of impoverished thugs with no education, who follow an extreme sect of Islam called Wahabism & who have been having their arses handed to them by the Pakistan Army have nothing to do with the terrorist acts in lahore.

Pakistan is in a state of emergency and all cabinete needed to be sacked as they have almost sunk Pakistan.

What's already sunk is your brain in that fish tank.. pull it out before its to late maybe Zaid hamid can help you.
Some of my cousins who were in the area have been injured and are in very critical condition. They were trying to help and were fired upon.

Please pray for them.

Hope they get well soon
Ahmedi deny that Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is Last prophet of Allah

Any so called libral muslims, who support them they belong to them.

I am more concerend about my akhira, than appeasing kafir's and there libral supporter's.

Don't show your jahalat so blatantly please. So they deny Muhammad (SAW), then what? Does this make their stance punishable by death? No it does not!

The moment this disagreement becomes one about killing, it becomes haraam. The GoP has declared them non-Muslims. That is the extent of it. One can argue with them about their beliefs, but that is the extent of disagreement.

What these militant bastards are doing has no precedence in our deen!!!! Worry about your akhira understanding that if you show mercy, you in turn will be shown mercy by the Almighty.

These heroic pronouncements of self-piety like "I am more concerend about my akhira," are nothing but show-off. Keep these to yourself. On the day of judgment, none of us Muslims are getting any reward for the deaths of so many ahmedis.
Well we should call them marzai, since we muslims(shias, sunnis) are ahmedis, the followers of prophet of Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Ahmed was one of the names of the Prophet and we are his followers.

HOWEVER nothing justifies killing of innocent civilians. These civilians who claim to be warriors of islam have probably never heard the hadith(saying) of the Prophet when he said "To kill one man is as if you have killed the whole of humanity". These terrorists have commited too many crimes on the name of Islam and our beloved Prophet. Only god knows what awaits for them.
Don't show your jahalat so blatantly please. So they deny Muhammad (SAW), then what? Does this make their stance punishable by death? No it does not!

The moment this disagreement becomes one about killing, it becomes haraam. The GoP has declared them non-Muslims. That is the extent of it. One can argue with them about their beliefs, but that is the extent of disagreement.

What these militant bastards are doing has no precedence in our deen!!!! Worry about your akhira understanding that if you show mercy, you in turn will be shown mercy by the Almighty.

These heroic pronouncements of self-piety like "I am more concerend about my akhira," are nothing but show-off. Keep these to yourself. On the day of judgment, none of us Muslims are getting any reward for the deaths of so many ahmedis.

do you people have proof that muslims are responsible, RAW hired agents can be responsible, how can you people reach conclusion so early, i dont understand, is this forum run by jews, that only fingers are pointed at muslims, and any senario od indian/american CIA involvement is automatically rejected.

if this is so, put all the army from eastern side to the western side.

india was enemy for 60 years but policies of musharraf have made pakistanis themselves number one enemy and indians friends..

the clash of normal pakistanis and ahmadis doesnt mean they want to eliminate them off, these are developments of the third side which is all playing the decieving game and succeeding in it..
do you people have proof that muslims are responsible, RAW hired agents can be responsible, how can you people reach conclusion so early, i dont understand, is this forum run by jews, that only fingers are pointed at muslims, and any senario od indian/american CIA involvement is automatically rejected.


Ahhhh...sigh....19 year olds ???.......You just cant get enough of them.

Anways as Someone (IRFAN i believe) pointed out, CIA/Mossad/Raw has been redendered ineffective/not operational by taliban. Why should they even bother when somebody else is creating a mess they didnt even ask for.

Wake up !! Look around !! Anyways 19 yr old, i can understand.
dear jonasad,

the logic behind this is that it is because of people like YOU that things of these sort are happening in our country. Rather than having sympathy over the loss of lives you are busy creating mischief NOW TOO!!! "May the mischief makes rott in hell". The logic is my friend that YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT from the worst of taliban kind, just a sumwhat blogger type of them. Lemme ask u, u are educated na? What good is that education if it doesnt make u HUMAN??? now YOU GIVE ME A LOGIC TO THIS PLEASEEEEE!!! it isnt of any use if u cant value of fellow kind. People like u love their pets more than own kind. You think Allah doesnt see that? Boy boy i really wud want to see ur face wen u face Him in this regard.

Seriously mate, stop being an ANIMAL n respect humanity. RIP all souls of all the HUMANS that died today!!

First of all introduce ur self properly in members introduction so i may know who i am talking to,

secondly i have condemned the attack already its you who have not.
I respect Human life its value, innocent people dying every where does not make me happy after all Quran has said it i am parapharasng it.. "To kill a single Human being is like killing the whole humanity"

The point i am making now is irrespective of this. I am offeded my the title so i am Protesting.. Freedom of speech gives me that right.
Leave the condemn part and protest part separate and dont call me an animal i can define which one of em are you very easily.
Protest duly noted and action taken, moving along..

Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance.” - Robert Quillen
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