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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

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20 dead hostages' nationality has been identified:
9 Italians
7 Japanese
2 Bangladeshis
1 American and
1 Indian
It was actually very clever. APC 's entered the premises breaking through the fence, creating a good diversion for the commandos to enter the premises through the sidewalk.
It's not really a ground-braking tactic and quite common in hostage rescue.
Bastards thought the commandos will come out of the "Big thing" , their mind were instantly occupied by the diversion.Started firing at it.Like the bunch of mofos they are.
They knew they couldn't do much to the APC, and they really weren't there to fight the Commandos but rather kill foreigners.

If they only could have done it at the first hours,we might have spared some innocent lives. :(
Couldn't as there were hostages and they would have started shooting at them. The mission was carried at a time, where the terrorists would suffer from exhaustion and sleep derivation and wouldn't be able to make quick judgement. If it was carried out earlier, more people would have probably died.
It was actually very clever. APC 's entered the premises breaking through the fence, creating a good diversion for the commandos to enter the premises through the sidewalk.

Bastards thought the commandos will come out of the "Big thing" , their mind were instantly occupied by the diversion.Started firing at it, like the bunch of mofos they are.

Commandos entered through the sidewalk,from their initial positions,took position and ready to enter the building,deployed smoke bombs,entered the building and then few controlled burst of sub machine gun.Probably wiping out the bloody bastards.

If they only could have done it at the first hours,we might have spared some more innocent lives. :(
i noticed that our army comandos operation and tackticks are quiet same as russian army sprtnaz.
It's not really a ground-braking tactic and quite common in hostage rescue.

Have I claimed anything about it being ground breaking or not? It's a clever tactic.Hence followed in so many situations.

They knew they couldn't do much to the APC

I won't give that much credit to those mofos brains. .

and they really weren't there to fight the Commandos

Wouldn't spare them,If given the chance.

but rather kill foreigners.


Couldn't as there were hostages and they would have started shooting at them. The mission was carried at a time, where the terrorists would suffer from exhaustion and sleep derivation and wouldn't be able to make quick judgement. If it was carried out earlier, more people would have probably died.

Just wistful thinking of a grieving mind.I know that but couldn't help it. Anyway my friend,I am still in a state of shock and grieving right now.Second thought can't be helped.
Do you think those in the mass grave in Ramadi failed to recite it?

Right now i dont care about Ramadi or any other place. i only care about my Indian sister who was killed just because she couldnt recite koranic verses.

take it in whichever way u want.
Have I said anything about it being ground breakig or not.It's a clever tactic.Hence fllowed in so many situations.
When a tactic has been practised too often, I don't think it falls into the clever part. I was hoping they would fit the APC with tear canisters and release them right after they crashed the APC onto the wall. But it definitely was a mission to kill the terrorists and rescue wasn't the first priority, for which they seemed to take it a bit slow. They probably knew what happened inside.
So was Ms. Akhand,Ms. Kabir , Ac Rabiul ISma, OC Salauddin.

Don't play dirt game here my friend. Victims are always victims. You downplaying someones sacrifice doesn't say high of your character.

People died here. Show some srespect to their soul.

And How are you so sure?

The whole world seems to think,whoever doesn't agree with them is a target? Are you implying these three victims sacrifice is nothing as they belonged to a specific religion?

Please don't reply here any more.You are creepy.

Do you think those in the mass grave in Ramadi failed to recite it?

Sorry but it does beg the question to why the No. of foreigners Killed is Very High + does any one know how many people were in the restaurant/bakery before the attack ? what happened to the staff? Most of the local people was let go yes?

Why was this establishment targeted?
:what: they slit throats of many so how does it count for collateral damage ?how other Indians were left alive then? they could have killed them also why just one Indian national?
So was Ms. Akhand,Ms. Kabir , Ac Rabiul ISma, OC Salauddin.

Don't play dirt game here my friend. Victims are always victims. You downplaying someones sacrifice doesn't say high of your character.

People died here. Show some srespect to their soul.

And How are you so sure?

The whole world seems to think,whoever doesn't agree with them is a target? Are you implying these three victims sacrifice is nothing as they belonged to a specific religion?

Please don't reply here any more.You are creepy.

Do you think those in the mass grave in Ramadi failed to recite it?

Read facts before posing fictional irrelevant questions.

Survivors of the attack said the killers made their hostages recite verses from the Koran to identify who was Muslim and who was not. Those who could recite the Islamic holy book were spared while those unable to were killed, the survivors said.

Isil claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had deliberately targeted the citizens of “Crusader countries”, but it was not clear if the plot was organised by the group’s leadership in Syria or developed locally in Bangladesh.

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