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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

No after the attackers took over the cafe there were competing narratives put out by the Indians and Americans... The Indians and their lackeys in Bangladesh were putting out that this was carried out by AuI while the Americans have been indicating ISIS ... I guess you need at least an IQ of 70 to understand something so simple. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

For someone who talks a lot you really know very little about intelligence work and false flag operations or are you just pretending to be stupid.

bdnews24.com, Dhaka Tribune, Daily Star all who are pro-Indian have been pushing the AuI angle ... By the way you have been here since 2012 and you are still only a senior member ... Just shows how pathetic you are.
No you moron....You were not following the news....It was the American state dept that was constantly saying no link with IS found....go back and do some reading...you are a lawyer and don't even know how to make rational points and you are here to teach people about intelligence and false flag operations....posting images with quotes on them are not intelligence. Either you are extremely stupid(god knows how you got a law degree) or you are intentionally ignorant....either way you are disgrace to Bangladeshis in this forum.
ISI is doing and organizing all the criminal activities to kill the non-Muslims, Shias and even also those Muslims whose style of prayer deviates a little from theirs. ISI and its followers are doing all the heinous jobs of killing people on tiny grounds and shout Allah Akber as if they are the blessed children of God.

It is time world leaders sit together and wipe out this enemy of mankind, ISI, for once and all. I am very much shocked to see the pictures of Tarishi, an Indian national and her friend, Faraaz, two teenagers, were killed by the militants. What kind of devilish mental training has put them into such kind of unnecessary killings.

Our Madrasas are the breeding ground of fanatics who are easy prey to the masterminds because these students' lower IQ and all in the name of religion. Superstition and religion are two different things. I demand the dismantling of Madrasa and its religion-based education altogether. Every one must get same level of education.

I have checked on the Madrasa students. They are not at par with the normal schools. Religion education should be conducted in the houses under Moulovis/Ustads. This is what we did in our time.
I can see two shades of camoes here.
I guess the brownish ones are from infantry, and the greenish ones are commandos. The brown ones seemed like operating the APC and green ones did the operation. Your thoughts.
probably East Bengal regiment participated alone with Commandos
ISI is doing and organizing all the criminal activities to kill the non-Muslims, Shias and even also those Muslims whose style of prayer deviates a little from theirs. ISI and its followers are doing all the heinous jobs of killing people on tiny grounds and shout Allah Akber as if they are the blessed children of God.

It is time world leaders sit together and wipe out this enemy of mankind, ISI, for once and all. I am very much shocked to see the pictures of Tarishi, an Indian national and her friend, Faraaz, two teenagers, were killed by the militants. What kind of devilish mental training has put them into such kind of unnecessary killings.

Our Madrasas are the breeding ground of fanatics who are easy prey to the masterminds because these students' lower IQ and all in the name of religion. Superstition and religion are two different things. I demand the dismantling of Madrasa and its religion-based education altogether. Every one must get same level of education.

I have checked on the Madrasa students. They are not at par with the normal schools. Religion education should be conducted in the houses under Moulovis/Ustads. This is what we did in our time.

YOu are dead wrong here. Most of the terrorist are of non madrassa background. In madrassa people were taught to be devout muslim and they mostly are poor and do rituals. They do some agitation like Hefazat like any other conservative sect of the society. Thats about it.

probably East Bengal regiment participated alone with Commandos

Yes thats what I thought. Para commandos dont operate APC. Do they?
Kinda mix feelings Sad and shock, BD these days under terror by extremists, was Haseena ready for what she started Is JI somehow related with continuously attack on a minorty group!
RIP to departed souls.

The politics of attacks on minority group in BD has many players including BD govt affiliates and Indian as well as own religious groups
When they are done with kafirs, they will come to takfir.

They themselves are takfiris. So they are not killing takfiris but all other kinds of Muslims including Sunnis and shias
So it appears Anubis was painting an usually optimistic picture of events in Gulshan this morning. Things turned out much worse with 20 of the hostages killed which would make that a tally of approximately 28 fatalities in total.
Where the **** did I paint an optimistic picture? Your two bit Bangladeshi political tactics isn't going to work in an international forum....just like your knowledge of "intelligence" holds no value here.
As mentioned in that set of tweets, IS has indeed killed Sunnis, but only when absolutely required.
The tribe is very pro govt, in fact involved in fighting ISIS, which is why they were slaughtered, Here is an interview with someone from that tribe:

Another interview, this one is from Pakistan where Pak army guy tries to convince Talib dude not kill Pakistanis, he retorts by saying you guys help the enemy (U.S) so you are also Kaffir...specifically calls them "Murtad" that is, someone who Recites the Kalma, calls themselves muslim, but then helps the Kaffirs, and takes money from them to fight again.

Goto 1:55
The way these IS fellows think is quite similar.

All what you have posted proves only one thing and that is irrespective of sunni/shia these terrorists kill everyone so stop portraying the wrong thing that these attackers in BD left bangaldeshis alive because they are sunnis.
His grandfather made fortune with ULFA (Indian terrorist organization) money. ULFA killed his aunt for treachery of his grand father. That 15 years old case is still pending in BD court. That Jain girl also could be connected with those people.
Well then clearly hacking them to death with machetes was justified. Really, you creep me out. :sick:
Interestingly Operation ThunderBolt was also the same mission carried out in Singapore when SIA was hijacked....
I can see two shades of camoes here.
I guess the brownish ones are from infantry, and the greenish ones are commandos. The brown ones seemed like operating the APC and green ones did the operation. Your thoughts.
probably East Bengal regiment participated alone with Commandos
Yes thats what I thought. Para commandos dont operate APC. Do they?

1 Para is the elitest unit of Bangladesh Army(stationed in Shylet). Being the elite one they can call upon any kind of equipment from the 46th Independent Brigade stationed in Dhaka or any other unit or divisions. The whole 46th In dependent Brigade is a specialized urban warfare & strike element. And they operates APC's.
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