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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

During gulf war Bangladeshi peacekeepers were used for demining after the war.. The de-mining operation was headed itself by 10,000
Pak troops.. Apart from 70,000 Pak troops stationed in KSA for the protection of KSA.

Only a few Arab nations (on their own expenditure) are fighting DAESH and that too not on ground but airstrikes..which aren't possible for Bangladesh.. Unless it can upgrade and send its mig-29s.

A war cannot be won unless fought on the ground, albeit, with support from the air. Arabs have ceased to be a warlike people as they were before, Greed of money has changed them as also a good life.

Syrian Arab terrorists have started a war that may need non-Arab Muslim interference to bring an end. However, the main non-Arab Muslim power itself is in a quagmire that was created firstly by its greed to control its neighbor.

India confirms one of its citizens died in Dhaka hostage crisis
News Desk, bdnews24.com

Published: 2016-07-02 19:29:45.0 BdST Updated: 2016-07-02 19:29:45.0 BdST

  • tarushi-jain.jpg

An Indian citizen is among the 20 hostages killed by gunmen who seized a restaurant popular with foreigners in Dhaka.

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said in a twitter post that the victim had been identified as 19- year-old Tarushi Jain, who studied at the University of California (UC), Berkely.

Seven gunmen had barged into the Holey Artisan Bakery at the Gulshan diplomatic zone around 8:45 on Friday night and taken the guests hostage.

The crisis, which brought Dhaka to its knees for 12 hours, ended after army commandos stormed the cafe on Saturday morning.

One Rashed Hasan Khan, who was among the relatives of hostages waiting outside the café, told the media his son’s friend, Tarushi, a student of the UC, Berkley, was trapped inside.


“Tarushi lived at the Baridhara Residential Area. She is one of those trapped inside. We have failed to contact her until 11:30am (on Saturday),” he said.

Witnesses said the attackers shouted 'Allahu Akbar' (God is great) on their way in and started firing blanks before taking the guests inside hostage.

Police moved in soon after, leading to an exchange of fire, in which two police officers were killed. The hostage standoff ended almost 12 hours later after army commandos initiated ‘Operation Thunderbolt’ on Saturday morning to free the hostages.

The army said that they had rescued 13 hostages and found bodies of 20 foreigners inside the restaurant, who, they said, had been killed with sharp weapons late Friday night, hours before the security forces moved in.

An army spokesperson told a media briefing that one of the attackers was captured alive, while six others were killed in the raid.
The commandos took less than 15 minutes to complete the operation. “Within 12 to 13 minutes our men were able to take out the terrorists and took total control,” he said.
@Anubis like is said earlier.

Thats what each country have trained guys for hostage taking operations. U have to move those guys sooner or later. The sooner the better as later there may not be any hostages left to rescue. Good luck.

Good job in the end as there is no reported collateral damage.
It seems in a similar situation the terrorists have one goal - to kill the non-Muslim hostages one by one. So, it is a waste of time to negotiate with them, because they will use this time to do more killings. So, the best option may be to storm the place at the first opportunity even if there is a danger of collateral damage.
It seems in a similar situation the terrorists have one goal - to kill the non-Muslim hostages one by one. So, it is a waste of time to negotiate with them, because they will use this time to do more killings. So, the best option may be to storm the place at the first opportunity even if there is a danger of collateral damage.

I agree completely. They were never, ever, going to release those hostages peacefully.
A war cannot be won unless fought on the ground, albeit, with support from the air. Arabs have ceased to be a warlike people as they were before, Greed of money has changed them as also a good life.

Syrian Arab terrorists have started a war that may need non-Arab Muslim interference to bring an end. However, the main non-Arab Muslim power itself is in a quagmire that was created firstly by its greed to control its neighbor.

India confirms one of its citizens died in Dhaka hostage crisis
News Desk, bdnews24.com

Published: 2016-07-02 19:29:45.0 BdST Updated: 2016-07-02 19:29:45.0 BdST

  • tarushi-jain.jpg
An Indian citizen is among the 20 hostages killed by gunmen who seized a restaurant popular with foreigners in Dhaka.

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said in a twitter post that the victim had been identified as 19- year-old Tarushi Jain, who studied at the University of California (UC), Berkely.

Seven gunmen had barged into the Holey Artisan Bakery at the Gulshan diplomatic zone around 8:45 on Friday night and taken the guests hostage.

The crisis, which brought Dhaka to its knees for 12 hours, ended after army commandos stormed the cafe on Saturday morning.

One Rashed Hasan Khan, who was among the relatives of hostages waiting outside the café, told the media his son’s friend, Tarushi, a student of the UC, Berkley, was trapped inside.


“Tarushi lived at the Baridhara Residential Area. She is one of those trapped inside. We have failed to contact her until 11:30am (on Saturday),” he said.

Witnesses said the attackers shouted 'Allahu Akbar' (God is great) on their way in and started firing blanks before taking the guests inside hostage.

Police moved in soon after, leading to an exchange of fire, in which two police officers were killed. The hostage standoff ended almost 12 hours later after army commandos initiated ‘Operation Thunderbolt’ on Saturday morning to free the hostages.

The army said that they had rescued 13 hostages and found bodies of 20 foreigners inside the restaurant, who, they said, had been killed with sharp weapons late Friday night, hours before the security forces moved in.

An army spokesperson told a media briefing that one of the attackers was captured alive, while six others were killed in the raid.

All those who could recite verses from Kuran were spared !! those who couldnt were killed including Tarushi.

i wonder what good they are doing to Islam by doing all this except for increasing hatred against it ?
Faraaz Hossain. He is one of the Bangladeshis who was killed last night. Beside him Tarishi Jain from India. She was also killed by the terrorist. RIP.
It seems in a similar situation the terrorists have one goal - to kill the non-Muslim hostages one by one. So, it is a waste of time to negotiate with them, because they will use this time to do more killings. So, the best option may be to storm the place at the first opportunity even if there is a danger of collateral damage.

When it was clear that the police were unable to deal with the terrorists, and they had no intention to release the hostages intact, that was when the army should have stormed the cafe once after cordoning off the entire area.

This similarly happened during the Pilkhana massacre. This reveals some serious loopholes in decision-making within the country's leadership.

It is worth noting that there had been warnings of potential foreign militant activities in Bangladesh by foreign agencies many a time ago. However, these were quickly ignored by the ruling government back then. By doing these, and pinning the blame on the opposition (which they already had done BTW), this only puts a further dent on their credibility.

Let's be clear about one thing here. This attack is not only a massive tragedy, the first of its kind in Bangladesh. This attack is a powerful message from them. Unlike the murders of the past, they didn't just kill and run away. They are willing to die for their ideology and conviction, and this had been steadily increasing in depth over the years - An alarming trend.

The root has been planted long ago way back in 2013, and the idea is growing and growing. The question is, what will the government do now? Still bicker over petty politics? :lol:

I would be surprised if Gowher Rizvi isn't sacked any time soon. That man has blood on his hands. But hey, this is Bangladesh where loyalty has more weight over merit.
We need to deploy troops in the Middle East to aid the NATO countries against ISIS...Our troops will get some experience,and we get some equipment ( like we did in the Gulf War ) and also to exact revenge on those motherf#$&ers

RIP to those to died..

Yes i agree with you you said the samething like i said before
During gulf war Bangladeshi peacekeepers were used for demining after the war.. The de-mining operation was headed itself by 10,000
Pak troops.. Apart from 70,000 Pak troops stationed in KSA for the protection of KSA.

Only a few Arab nations (on their own expenditure) are fighting DAESH and that too not on ground but airstrikes..which aren't possible for Bangladesh.. Unless it can upgrade and send its mig-29s.

I didn't talk about Pakistani Army,so don't bring that to this topic...What I'm talking about is that we need some revenge on those bloody MFs....Once we get the Su-30Mkii or MiG-35s ( like 2019-2020 ) we gonna avenge the deaths of innocent people and martydom of loyal police officers...

Yes i agree with you you said the samething like i said before

Thanks for agreeing...The country won't rest untill we take revenge
@ How can you be sure that it was done by the ISIS ?????

@ Why ISIS will kill all foreigners indiscriminately ??? " Dal me kuch tu kala hai ?"

@ Why Army carried out operation at the fake end ? Once all foreigners were killed !!!!! Some thing coming over soon!!!!!

How did you escape from the restaurant last night with so many army/police surrounded it to catch the terrorists? Dal mey kuch kala hai.. that's a certainty.
Why pakistanis are getting Bonkers on twitter using hashtag #IndiaAttacksDhaka saying ISIS is created and funded by India??
Really, it just makes it so much more heartbreaking. Two young, beautiful people with their whole lives ahead of them. Snuffed out by savages. :hitwall:

His grandfather made fortune with ULFA (Indian terrorist organization) money. ULFA killed his aunt for treachery of his grand father. That 15 years old case is still pending in BD court. That Jain girl also could be connected with those people.

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