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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

I don't bgove a flying ***** about irani or tablewghi mullahs btw the shia militias along with Sunnis are pounding your sectarian turds day in n day out and no body accept your lot as Sunni not in Egypt not in Pakistan not in bangla not in turkey

You are QADYANI?

diplomatic area have no checkpoints ?

They might have Indian spy-network to oversee foreigners' protection/movement
diplomatic area have no checkpoints ?
They are not specified to be diploamtic ares...regular people live there....it just happens that there are embassies there...its more on the outskirt of the diplomatic area.
NOT possible. Neither it is inspiration in our case. There are many psychological tools being used to inspire even normal non-religious people. Since we had been having such situations in my province and we have seen such things I can say with conviction that even you can be inspired. Such material is based on factual happenings and incidents not metaphor as you mentioned
A certain ideology is more to be blamed than psycho issues we don't see here any Sunni or shia blowing himself apart
I will be SHOCKED if Jamaat e Islami is behind this.
They share a common ideology as far as I know with the Ikhwan al Muslimeen ( Egypt ) and Jamaat e Islami ( Pakistan ) and they have a record of violence free struggle since decades.
No rational human being with sane mind is behind this let alone JI walas but the conspirators that are pushing bigger scheme of things to erase BD's sovereignty.
They are more likely to be local...my question is where they were trained...I mean they do have some marksman skill.

That is what I am asking. But strange thing is how can so young locals be inspired to this level? As far as we have observed Bangladeshi youth as young as these can be inspired against Pakistan any time even if they were not born in 71, BUT hardly few religious youth can be inspired to such a level to muster such an attack.

This is new something if pick up movement then it is going to be a big headache
They are not specified to be diploamtic ares...regular people live there....it just happens that there are embassies there...its more on the outskirt of the diplomatic area.
now you need islamabad type diplomatic enclave

around 20 cops said to be wounded now, they should either bring in commandos or the army..
now you need islamabad type diplomatic enclave

Islamabad is a very well planned capital....Dhaka is 400 years old....its impossible to create an enclave here...they can't even find land to expand roads.

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