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Terror attack on Somnath temple foiled, 3 out of 10 terrorists killed

Where are all the bharatis who were saying that Pakistan tipping off India about 10 terrorists entering India is a new Pakistani conspiracy.

10 terrorists entering India: The real story behind the alert from Pakistan

Egg on your face??? @Abingdonboy :)

But at least you agree and its clear that there were 10 pakistani terrorists who entered into india.

India is an ungrateful nation, they are never going to acknowledge your help, the ego is way too big.

10 pakistani terrorists enter into india to spread peace in india, how is that to be acknowledged by indiain return ?
You expect return goodwill ?
But at least you agree and its clear that there were 10 pakistani terrorists who entered into india.

There is no such thing as Pakistani terrorists. They are terrorists and don't care much about nationalities. You can keep fooling yourself with nationality stuff.

He like it scrambled with a hint if salt not pepper. While you are making for him , you can make two for me.
I don't care what ANYONE says about you, u make good eggs:rofl:

Okay. Here you go.

Forget about the world that is not your headache we are discussing India here.

Indeed its ours too....
Btw pls don't hyphenate extremism & safronism which are extremely contrary to each other. Saffronism doesn't profress on holy war unlike others ... So be assured we are safe from the religious extremism....
N pls dont succumb to your hatreds towards saffron to overlook the problem at hand ....
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