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Terror attack on Somnath temple foiled, 3 out of 10 terrorists killed

Well done & rest all will also find their way to graveyard soon... ....
Thanks Pakistan....
do you believe them because no one else in the world pays any attention to them

Come on mate I don't believe em on anything whatever they say. They love to shout loud just like Israelis do. But I was confused to read that how did they even knew that those guys were from Pakistan and were the members of mentioned groups. It's just my brain is not helping me out in here, so I thought I might ask them, because they are the ones who have shared this news on this forum. Hence even 1 of the Indian fellas will be able to describe the method they used to find out that who really these guys were and how have they crossed the border and that whether or not they had Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) ID cards on em.
You are missing the main and important point :). These 'attackers' could be from a THIRD country. Now that is a sign to worry.

India wont be doing any such bluff for talks since India had always deviated from peace talks due to Hindu extremist elements in her government folds.
The only extremists world worry about belong to green cult .... N there is saying too
"terrorism has no religion"..... So lets stick to it else philanthropy can be decoded further.....
India is an ungrateful nation, they are never going to acknowledge your help, the ego is way too big.
Thanks for your help Pakistan..Looking forward to have similar cooperation in future..
As a citizen of India i say thank you to the Pakistani authorities for giving us a prior intel input and making our jobs easier in dealing with these scums :)

Trust may take a little longer but will prevail if cooperations flourishes in the same manner.

Thank you.
You are missing the main and important point :). These 'attackers' could be from a THIRD country. Now that is a sign to worry.

India wont be doing any such bluff for talks since India had always deviated from peace talks due to Hindu extremist elements in her government folds.
that point is as plausible as the whole news report,which again seems too fantastic,,,the "main and important point",,,,in my opinion,:angel:,is that Pakistan helped India in neutralizing jihadis who were planning to attack a hindu temple:cheesy:
how does it sound to u?

ps-look,,,even this thread has some atypical bhaichara,,ab hindu pendu bhai bhai,,,lets start talk
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Let me explain you why Indians made this all up, specifically about the Birla and Somnath Mandirs, basically, they have been watching Shaikh Rasheed Interviews quite a lot I reckon, and Shaikh Rasheed whenever hears that the Indians have threatened us, he than in retaliation says this sentence more often. That if Indians ever dare to attack Pakistan than they must realize that the grass will stop growing and no one will be left to ring bells in the Somnath and Birla Temples.
The only extremists world worry about belong to green cult .... N there is saying too
"terrorism has no religion"..... So lets stick to it else philanthropy can be decoded further.....

Forget about the world that is not your headache we are discussing India here.

that point is as plausible as the whole news report,which again seems too fantastic,,,the "main and important point",,,,in my opinion,:angel:,is that Pakistan helped India in neutralizing jihadis who were planning to attack a hindu temple:cheesy:
how does it sound to u?

ps-look,,,even this thread has some atypical bhaichara,,ab hindu pendu bhai bhai,,,lets start talk

Sounds PERFECT :) Since we are not in a mood to take credit for misadventure of JeM/Let/al-qaeda terrorists.
right-wing terrorism
People are conditioned that they cannot imagine that false flag attacks by Sanghi forces cannot happen in India. When RSS is in power, everything is possible. Even when UPA led by Congress in power, the RSS cadre are always have their free run. Even in states like Kerala, accused as " sickular" Kangress is hand in glove with RSS and vote sharing/swapping agreements are done. World now knows more about Sanghparivar - uncomfortable truths included.

This rightwing tools in this forum justifying RSS anarchy in India are no worse than ISIL supporters.
People are conditioned that they cannot imagine that false flag attacks by Sanghi forces cannot happen in India. When RSS is in power, everything is possible. Even when UPA led by Congress in power, the RSS cadre are always have their free run. Even in states like Kerala, accused as " sickular" Kangress is hand in glove with RSS and vote sharing/swapping agreements are done. World now knows more about Sanghparivar - uncomfortable truths included.

This rightwing tools in this forum justifying RSS anarchy in India are no worse than ISIL supporters.

Take it easy , Broda :)
I think the delay in announcing the incident means they are trying to pick the chatter in mobile communication of the terrorists and other sleepers along with their handlers- something tells me This can't be a Gujrat Police only operation NTRO is definitely behind this and they scanning mobile communication chatter in the adjoining area and trying to locate the sleepers around-
Forgive them for not believing terrorists trained in Pakistan crossed over to India for carrying out terror strikes here. After all this seemed highly unlikely. How come terror attacks originate from Pakistan!!??

how do you know:what: ..they might have trained in Afghanistan and crossed over:azn:.. ( A simple thank you would be suffice ):coffee:
No matter what any one says wont change the fact that terrorist were pakistani and is a slap in face of those who try to defame India by telling it is conspiracy by Indians to defame pakistanis and terrorist are Indians.
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