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Terror attack on military service bus in central Ankara leaves 28 dead, 61 wounded

My example follow the same logic as yours. Justification for crimal conduct, because of "unhappiness".
No, it's not me with a problem.

There was no justification on my part, Just reasoning.. Not to bring in pedophilia in any case.. But hey who am i to judge.. To each his own.. :rolleyes:
Great post. I think the solution to this is just do what Russia did. Wipe out towns because they are just full of terrorists instead of search house by house. Just bomb the hell out of it like Russia did in Grozny, Sri Lanka did the same, Israel always does it.

regardless of tactics or strategy - this wont be a short fight....this'll take years
PKK is very active in malmö and copenhagen, they go around in Kurdish kebab shops and gather money from them. This explosion just took place. I smell retaliation for Turkish shelling of YPG in Syria+ongoing cleansing of PKK scums from Turkish towns

The most embarrassing was this Kurdish commie calling Jimmy

Yeah coming from a German with the name Bismark, I'll take your comment as a joke, With the lack of comprehension.. Tah

He whipped you for good, you're exactly what he said, an imbecile.
He whipped you for good, you're exactly what he said, an imbecile.

Yeah, From someone posting in bold, Just to get attention, That's quite a espousal.. Intelligence from your neck of the woods arnt renowned from what i hear.. Keep at it maybe he will give you a biscuit for the effort.. :tup:
Yeah, From someone posting in bold, Just to get attention, That's quite a espousal.. Intelligence from your neck of the woods arnt renowned from what i hear.. Keep at it maybe he will give you a biscuit for the effort.. :tup:

My posts are not for my friends, they are for semi-blind people like you, so they need to be bold.
Sorry no impact made.. It just shows up on my notifications.. Try harder.. :tup:

Keep herding the Aborigines, boy! In that part of the globe that is your business, isn't it?
The most embarrassing was this Kurdish commie calling Jimmy

Wth is this PKK scum talking about, about his alleged travels with his bicycle, :D
Keep herding the Aborigines, boy! In that part of the globe that is your business, isn't it?
Mate dont waste your time. He is a tamil or Indian pretending to be a white "master race"
Keep herding the Aborigines, boy! In that part of the globe that is your business, isn't it?

Nah we herd sheep, Sheep have quite the similarities to you actually .. Sheep have no independent thought nor simple comprehension skills to understand what's been said, Sheep just follow other sheep, Sheep are indeed very stupid animals

But sheep cant post in bold to attract attention.. Kudos to you on that.. :enjoy:

He is a tamil or Indian pretending to be a white "master race"

Lol.. Just shows you're ignorance on demographics and global matters.. No wonder you're knowledge on the conflict doesn't go beyond your nose

@Nilgiri @surya kiran .. I should take it as a compliment.. Yeah.. :azn:
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Nah we herd sheep, Sheep have quite the similarities to you actually .. Sheep have no independent thought nor simple comprehension skills to understand what's been said, Sheep just follow other sheep, Sheep are indeed very stupid animals

But sheep cant post in bold to attract attention.. Kudos to you on that.. :enjoy:

Lol.. Just shows you're ignorance on demographics and global matters.. No wonder you're knowledge on the conflict doesn't go beyond your nose

@Nilgiri @surya kiran .. I should take it as a compliment.. Yeah.. :azn:
Show some respect for the dead and take your fight elsewhere.
Show some respect for the dead and take your fight elsewhere.

Already held my peace half a dozen posts ago, Not my fault some attention seekers keeps quoting me.. any hoo i'm done

Again R.I.P to the deceased innocents.. Hope they will catch the culprits and show no mercy
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