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Terror attack on military service bus in central Ankara leaves 28 dead, 61 wounded

I never understood European policy regarding Pakistan and Turkiye. They say they are well wishers of yours and at the same time, give shelters to those terrorists who are responsible for trouble in our countries. Are they playing game with us?

I like this saying and we should adopt it.

If you treat us like a friend, we'll treat you like a friend but if you treat us like a game then we'll tell you how it is played.

Mr. Erdogan said it right : US either make PKK its partner or Turkey. Can't have both together.

Pakistan took too much time to hit their target aka TTP but Turkey shouldn't. These attacks should not occur too often otherwise it'll lower the moral of nation.

May Allah grant all shaheed high place in Jannah and put patience in the hearts of those who have lost their loved ones in this tragedy. Ameen.
May God bless their souls.
I wish we could prevent such events with unity and rationality.
Results of the failed hegemonic policies of the Erdogan regime.. Thoughts are with those innocents caught between.. R.I.P
Results of the failed hegemonic policies of the Erdogan regime.. Thoughts are with those innocents caught between.. R.I.P
How is the flood of refugees into Turkey the result of Erdogan's policies? Illuminate us great sri lankan. Since you are so knowledgeable in turkish policies that you can provide your great analysis. Did Erdogan also create PKK/ISIS Assad, Putin? Or???
How is the flood of refugees into Turkey the result of Erdogan's policies? Illuminate us great sri lankan. Since you are so knowledgeable in turkish policies that you can provide your great analysis. Did Erdogan also create PKK/ISIS Assad, Putin? Or???

Ofcause Erdogan had his hand in destabilizing Syria a sovereign neighbor country, Hand in hand with the Saudi's.. Now the bastard child of that the ISIS has infiltrated Iraq as well.. Two countries bordering Turkey.. The refugee's are a direct result of this calamity, Where else do you think they are coming from ?

Turkey managed to control the PKK well for years with International support.. PKK was a banned organization, , But with the Pashmerga being funded and supported by the West in it's fight against the ISIS they have become more than capable.. On the other hand Turkey finds itself to defend themselves in two fronts

Now you can go on being in denial of the atrocities of the Erdogan regime, But it's the ordinary people of Turkey that will have to pay for the sins of megalomaniac.. And yes as a Sri Lankan i jolly well know the results of failed policies of power hungry politicians can do.. We faced even worse terrorist attacks for 30 long years.. Thats exactly why my empathy lies with the Turkish people
Turkiye is at a very challenging period in its long and cherished existence. Very dangerous times ahead.

I think martial law should be imposed. These attacks every now and then were normal in the Southeast. The regional war and cowardly acts of terrorism have reached prime Turkish cities. Reminds me of 2007 when suicide attacks became a bi-weekly or monthly occurrence - against soft civilian targets as well as against military.

I wouldnt be quick to blame Daesh for this one......the PKK and the kurdish militias are becoming more bold now b/c of EU and NATO support for the Peshmerga.

Turkiye is caught in this horrible web. Things in the long run will be okay - but the next few years in terms of security and regional stability will put Turkiye to the true test.

Martial law in parts of the country seems to be a good option. I'm not in Turkiye but I have a feeling the govt. isn't realizing how serious the situation is or could become. This God damn civil wars in Iraq and Syria is spilling over and creating a serious regional problem.

There are elements that want Daesh and PKK/Kurdish militants to swallow Turkiye alive, but I have faith in the Turkish security forces. Whatever role Pakistan can play, we must offer a hand - whatever it is we can do. They stand by us and always did and we must also continue to do the same

Too many enemies and dirty games and objectives, propagated by a small syndicate of chain-smoking spooks who behind closed doors are trying to re-draw borders and profit off unholy wars.

Erdogan made a mistake by being very vocal and taking a side in the Syrian civil war. He made an honest attempt to broker ceasefire with the Kurdish militant groups and things were looking good.

Assad is no saint, the peshmerga are no saints, Daesh - well we know what savages they are. Nobody is a saint.

Erdogan is a neo-Ottomonist, Putin wants to regain the lost glory of the USSR. And America wants to retain its superpower status, even if it means making messes all over the place and leaving them behind for others to solve (Iraq, Afghanistan to name a few)

My view is - Turkiye took a side and now must stick to it. A hornets nest was stirred up and now they are facing threats on 2-fronts. These are choices they made which they have to deal with now. We made choices in Afghanistan and are now trying to salvage the salvageable and be a part of the solution. Turkiye must defend itself against aggression but also use its power to bring Iran and Saudi Arabia to the peace talks table. It is the duty of non-Arab Muslim countries like Turkiye and Pakistan and Malaysia and Indonesia to help everyone come to their senses (and each of these countries have their own internal issues but the rise of Daesh and other terrorist groups has regional and international implications.

we cant sit around and watch this madness unfold, it's bad for Muslims and it's bad for business

whether its takfiri or peshmergas with NATO arms - a 500 lb bomb on their heads would be in order

Great post. I think the solution to this is just do what Russia did. Wipe out towns because they are just full of terrorists instead of search house by house. Just bomb the hell out of it like Russia did in Grozny, Sri Lanka did the same, Israel always does it.
The bottom line is - we took a side, Haider. We had our reasons.

As for the whole Osama drama - I'll wait 15-20 years when i start nearing the age where hairs go gray, for the real truth and revelations to come out.

Strategic Depth formula is out-dated in the sense that functioning democracy (sans regional war-lords) and strong institutions backed by good neigbhorly relations is good enough 'depth' in and of itself. The onus really is on the Afghans and is contingent upon many factors (i.e. ensuring no soil foreign or otherwise is used against us - the State).

I'll tell you that I could walk down Bagdat Caddesi or Beyoglu and maybe see a gypsie or two, but not Syrian refugees begging for money and humanitarian help. Turkiye even today despite the blow-back affect is a very treasured destination and I pray their tourism isnt affected too much.

Erdogan took a side....it was a mistake. Should have used the opportunity to broker ceasefires, but then again he has a constituency to pander to like all politicians do.....social media and images of Assad's cruelty (and yes, Assad has been cruel to many of his people) makes people emotional and when we get emotional we take knee-jerk actions. Assad made mistakes but now it's a fight really about who is more evil - Assad and his military or Daesh - which has a very vicious and nefarious agenda behind it. Perpetual war is now dividing people on sectarian and ethnic lines look at Iraqi "Kurdistan" they are so emboldened now they want to also divide from Iraqi nation - we know who would love to see that happen

Imagine if we had social media and youtube during the jihad against the soviets in Afghanistan....images of gunships killing Pashtuns, blowing up mosques where fighters congregated or issued sermons or mass arrest and torture of anti-communist dissidents....my God we are such emotional people I think 15-20% of the Pakistani population would have taken up arms and joined the mujahideen. In hindsight im glad that wasnt the case.

Yes, he took a side. How can everything be wrong a man does? It's like he's doing this on purpose. I'm not a believer in theories and stuff but this erdoğan can be a CIA agent or something. He's the worst nightmare the country has seen in its history, but you see people are stupid. They are not like me and you. For a 20 dollar rise to their pensions they do anything.
Ofcause Erdogan had his hand in destabilizing Syria a sovereign neighbor country, Hand in hand with the Saudi's.. Now the bastard child of that the ISIS has infiltrated Iraq as well.. Two countries bordering Turkey.. The refugee's are a direct result of this calamity, Where else do you think they are coming from ?

Turkey managed to control the PKK well for years with International support.. PKK was a banned organization, , But with the Pashmerga being funded and supported by the West in it's fight against the ISIS they have become more than capable.. On the other hand Turkey finds itself to defend themselves in two fronts

Now you can go on being in denial of the atrocities of the Erdogan regime, But it's the ordinary people of Turkey that will have to pay for the sins of megalomaniac.. And yes as a Sri Lankan i jolly well know the results of failed policies of power hungry politicians can do.. We faced even worse terrorist attacks for 30 long years.. Thats exactly why my empathy lies with the Turkish people
You must have lived under a rock for 10 years for uttering such nonsense. The Assad government has carried out toxic gas attacks and mass slaughter of his own population after Syrians demanded just elections. This led to huge crackdown on the Syrian people and continued to Assad's illegitimate grip on power. If Syria was a "sovereign" country why is 70% of the country carved up into FSA/Turkmen/PYD/ISIS territories? Why are there so many factions who wish not to be part of "legitimate" Assad government? All this aside, do you deny that Assad has slaughtered 300,000+ civillians, yes or no.

Wikipedia is a free open source, seems like you've never given yourself the treat to read what is actually happening in the world. Here i found the link for you Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Results of the failed hegemonic policies of the Erdogan regime.. Thoughts are with those innocents caught between.. R.I.P
We suffered terrorists attacks long before Erdoğan and AKP....so be a little bit considerate and leave politics while we are mourning our dead.....What kind of people are you....
You must have lived under a rock for 10 years for uttering such nonsense. The Assad government has carried out toxic gas attacks and mass slaughter of his own population after Syrians demanded just elections. This led to huge crackdown on the Syrian people and continued to Assad's illegitimate grip on power. If Syria was a "sovereign" country why is 70% of the country carved up into FSA/Turkmen/PYD/ISIS territories? Why are there so many factions who wish not to be part of "legitimate" Assad government? All this aside, do you deny that Assad has slaughtered 300,000+ civillians, yes or no.

Not really.. I also know the power politics and regional power issues being played here.. Now you can forever add digits to the alleged killed by Assad, These kind of propaganda are not news to us.. We also faced such propaganda for years especially from the well funded NGO's etc.. I'm no fan of Assad but he is a way more better option than what erdogan and the Saudi's offer.. There is a significant proportion of Syrian people still support Assad especially it's minorities.. So he is not the monster those with political motives try to portray him to be after all.. If not the the whole of backing by the West in Terms of funds and the insurgent attacks done by the those alleged anti Assad forces funded by the Saudi's and supported by Erdogan would have run the country over by now.. So what's the legitimacy of those Anti Assad forces ?Who are they, Who do they represent ? There are way more Syrian civilians killed after the so called intervention by the West and the Saudi/Turkish coalition in to the destabilization of Syria than there ever was previously

You cant set fire in your neighbors house and not expect to feel the heat and sometimes get burnt from it.. Ask India, they have learnt it the hard way, As have many others all over the world, Plenty of lessens

Anyhow i think we're diverting the subject matter here.. I really dont want to derail the thread when thoughts should be with the victims of this despicable terrorist act.. Perhaps we could discuss this on another thread

I just listened davutoğlu......PYD is fvcked...
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