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Terra Incognita: Columbus, Islamic discoveries and perpetuating ignorance

Well said.

Ottomans were at war with other Muslims pretty much all the time,
Just like they were waging wars against European Christians. They like any other empire were "equal opportunity attackers".

However Islam did play a major role in Ottoman daily life.
And the more you read about Islam's role, the more you realize it was anti-science.

Ottomans refused to use printing press even when it was around since 1500s (Guttenburg's refinements).


Calligraphy was holy. Only Mullahs did it, and they were afraid of losing jobs. Answer! Ban the damn press.

A scientist named Taffakur set up an astronomical observatory by copying Europeans. It was destroyed down to bricks.

ottoman court Mullahs hated that damn thing. They conspired against Tafukkur and roped him into a scheme of astrology for predicting something using stars.

Poor guy Tafukkur had no chance against scheming Mullahs.

Just like today in Pakistan we too can be labeled heretic and blasphemous and then burned at the cross.

So yes Islam/Muslim Mullahs did have a role in Ottoman's demise


Why blame the Mullahs? Convenience I guess. Christians blame their Roman Catholic Priests for the Inquisitions and other horrors of Christianity. Hindus blame their Brahmins for the caste system and other horrors of Hinduism. Muslims blame their Mullahs for failing to advance scientifically and other horrors of Islam. Blame the followers. They were the ones who gave power to those who were never anointed or appointed in their holy scriptures. In democracies we blame the governments we elected without accepting that a majority of the society put into place that government. We feel sorry for badly managed countries and take pity on the hordes of starving or suffering citizens, sending them tons of aid without questioning who elected the government which tortures them. The same can be said of religion
Why blame the Mullahs? Convenience I guess. Christians blame their Roman Catholic Priests for the Inquisitions and other horrors of Christianity. Hindus blame their Brahmins for the caste system and other horrors of Hinduism. Muslims blame their Mullahs for failing to advance scientifically and other horrors of Islam. Blame the followers. They were the ones who gave power to those who were never anointed or appointed in their holy scriptures. In democracies we blame the governments we elected without accepting that a majority of the society put into place that government. We feel sorry for badly managed countries and take pity on the hordes of starving or suffering citizens, sending them tons of aid without questioning who elected the government which tortures them. The same can be said of religion

Off course bro

Followers must be blamed who blindly obey the leaders.

Mulllah / Brahmin / priest are the symbols of orthodoxy, religious abuse. that's all.

We must not put all the blame on them and then go back to sleep.
Whenever you mix religion and science, only religion happens.

or in other words "$hit happens".

It is huge $tupidity to claim Islam this and Islam that.

Muslims this or Muslims that. It is all cheap talk.


And you are questioning the ability of 1 billion people and that is not cheap?. You must read surah-rehman to understand the beautiful balance of science and religion
And you are questioning the ability of 1 billion people and that is not cheap?. You must read surah-rehman to understand the beautiful balance of science and religion

This is the problem.

you use orthodoxy and stone age practices for your justification for 1 billion marooned and kept in chains of jahiliyya

Unless we break the chains of ayatullahs and Mullahs,

there is no choice for 1 billion except to be mired in poverty and lawlessnness.
This is the problem.

you use orthodoxy and stone age practices for your justification for 1 billion marooned and kept in chains of jahiliyya

Unless we break the chains of ayatullahs and Mullahs,

there is no choice for 1 billion except to be mired in poverty and lawlessnness.

The only problem is that you ready decide yourself that you are right way and this is the same way western thinking and then never saw and respect the other side of mirror. And as far as orthodex or other bullshit, these terminology is used to other religion but not with Islam and Islam is very simple religion. Any i don't want to waste my time in this debate and back to topic
I have a slightly different point of view. Both erdogan and western claims are not true.
The native American history has contact and trade with African traders, even before advent of Islam or Christianity. This is just an attempt to show the native American people as savages.
The native American culture needs to be brought to light and these kinds of propaganda should be dismissed. This is disrespectful to their culture.
The Western Christian claims are an attempt to show that they brought "culture" to the natives and the erdogan claim is an attempt to show that Islam is responsible for all good in the world.
Both of them are so wrong I don't know where to begin.

PS the scientific paper should say Caucasian link to native Americans, not European. It is a well known fact that migration over frozen Bering Sea happened

I think you are wrong about Erdogan's purpose of this statement but I agree with the rest. It should be noted Erdogan was in the company of the biggest Muslim leaders in Latin America and so his statement should be seen as a political maneuver to extend his influence into that part of the world.
I think you are wrong about Erdogan's purpose of this statement but I agree with the rest. It should be noted Erdogan was in the company of the biggest Muslim leaders in Latin America and so his statement should be seen as a political maneuver to extend his influence into that part of the world.
Erdogan is an Islamist. He lies publicly about Jewish people, Israelis, Shiites and all those he hate. His statements serves his own narrow-minded agenda of Islamizing once secular nation of Turkey.
I once heard a Chinese named Zheng He discovered America. o_Oo_O

Zheng He probably would have but the Chinese isolationist policy prevented him from doing so, one just needs to look at the modern reconstruction of Chinese ships of the era compared to the Europeans ships that actually were used to realize how the world would have been so much different had the Chinese not burned all of their own ships. :woot:
@KingMamba I agree that the statement was an attempt to increase the popularity in Latin America, the pretext behind it is what I said. He is a politician so he is prone to lying I guess.
@KingMamba I agree that the statement was an attempt to increase the popularity in Latin America, the pretext behind it is what I said. He is a politician so he is prone to lying I guess.

May be you are right, but what is the purpose to gain popularity in Latin America? what benefit Turkey will get from Latin America? i thing you mean Europe or North part of Africa
May be you are right, but what is the purpose to gain popularity in Latin America? what benefit Turkey will get from Latin America? i thing you mean Europe or North part of Africa
Latin America is the sleeping giant. Also strategic location. Good market too.
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