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Terra Incognita: Columbus, Islamic discoveries and perpetuating ignorance

Then, wise guy, tell me what does a navigator do?
A navigator or a sailor does the job as per his Captain's command. So if the flotilla of Columbus lost its way, it was Columbus' fault and it landed in America, that was Columbus' luck.
A navigator or a sailor does the job as per his Captain's command. So if the flotilla of Columbus lost its way, it was Columbus' fault and it landed in America, that was Columbus' luck.
The question was, what is the job description of a navigator?
The question was, what is the job description of a navigator?

Navigating. Captain says I want to go east. Navigator decides which way is east and which path to take to avoid any known obstacles. Does that make sense?
I once heard a Chinese named Zheng He discovered America. o_Oo_O
Navigating. Captain says I want to go east. Navigator decides which way is east and which path to take to avoid any known obstacles. Does that make sense?
Nope, that makes nonsense. Columbus, when planning the trip, would have looked for a navigator who could guide his ship to America. And he found a Muslim who either had been to America before or known sailors who had. With his knowledge he would have marked out bearings to follow using stars and the rudimentary compass they had at that time. He would have then marked out the course on a map. Columbus would have followed that course.
Nope, that makes nonsense. Columbus, when planning the trip, would have looked for a navigator who could guide his ship to America. And he found a Muslim who either had been to America before or known sailors who had. With his knowledge he would have marked out bearings to follow using stars and the rudimentary compass they had at that time. He would have then marked out the course on a map. Columbus would have followed that course.

You asked what a navigator did. So I answered. Obviously, I can't comment on what Columbus' instructions were to his navigator. Here's a flaw in your reasoning. Anyone who'd been to the Americas and back would have known that that wasn't India because it would go against everything they knew about India which would be quite a bit at that point in time.
Nope, that makes nonsense. Columbus, when planning the trip, would have looked for a navigator who could guide his ship to America. And he found a Muslim who either had been to America before or known sailors who had. With his knowledge he would have marked out bearings to follow using stars and the rudimentary compass they had at that time. He would have then marked out the course on a map. Columbus would have followed that course.
Columbus did not even know America existed. All he wanted to go was to India. His flotilla set sail for India and wrongly landed in a different world.
The article is rather biased towards Muslims but is correct in its premise. The accomplishments of say the Ottomans had more to do with the Turks than with Islam itself. Islam was a common belief system for them, but the Ottomans were JUST as likely to go to war with other Muslims at the time for the betterment of their empire. Hence , to say that their empire was a Muslim accomplishment is just the same as trying to take credit for their accomplishment today by people in Indonesia.
The article is rather biased towards Muslims but is correct in its premise. The accomplishments of say the Ottomans had more to do with the Turks than with Islam itself. Islam was a common belief system for them, but the Ottomans were JUST as likely to go to war with other Muslims at the time for the betterment of their empire. Hence , to say that their empire was a Muslim accomplishment is just the same as trying to take credit for their accomplishment today by people in Indonesia.

Well said.

Ottomans were at war with other Muslims pretty much all the time,
Just like they were waging wars against European Christians. They like any other empire were "equal opportunity attackers".

However Islam did play a major role in Ottoman daily life.
And the more you read about Islam's role, the more you realize it was anti-science.

Ottomans refused to use printing press even when it was around since 1500s (Guttenburg's refinements).


Calligraphy was holy. Only Mullahs did it, and they were afraid of losing jobs. Answer! Ban the damn press.

A scientist named Taffakur set up an astronomical observatory by copying Europeans. It was destroyed down to bricks.

ottoman court Mullahs hated that damn thing. They conspired against Tafukkur and roped him into a scheme of astrology for predicting something using stars.

Poor guy Tafukkur had no chance against scheming Mullahs.

Just like today in Pakistan we too can be labeled heretic and blasphemous and then burned at the cross.

So yes Islam/Muslim Mullahs did have a role in Ottoman's demise

Columbus did not even know America existed. All he wanted to go was to India. His flotilla set sail for India and wrongly landed in a different world.

It is not that simple.

Europeans knew much more than just putting "flotillas" in the big ocean.
I could only say at that Time where an "Pope" dominates the West it´s hard to hear about Science from Population of Islam.

Look "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " <-------------- Arabic , not Latin. :)

We are the World , we are the Childen , lalalala , it doesn´t matters , look Forward Guys ,who cares about who find the Continent of America ? Does it feed me , let me get Money ? No !
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