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Tenth Crusade?

Thats where the Indians come to the scene.

Europe gets exhausted under economic and demographic pressure.

USA loses its hyper power status.

Then India takes the role of Crusaders.

Thatse mind opening.

There's always a first time.....
China , on that pretext, will be more than obliged to kick *** of those trouble making Uighurs.

Chinese are known for making the most of any opportunity.

Chinese have a negative perception of Muslims, just to set some context.

Negative views of Muslims were also strong in several Asian countries: Half or more of the Japanese, Indians, Chinese and South Koreans surveyed said they had negative impressions of Muslims.

Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815023 said:
1)There nothing as secular or not secular Muslim
2)all Indians can live and prosper under the Muslim rule with equal rights
3)It will happen matter of time

1) Read about a towering figure named Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
2) What difference does it make? All Indians live and proposer undèr Indian rule with equal rights.
3) If this is not in your lifetime, why worry?
I agree completely.

Hinduism (Dharmic religions in general) is not a political party with strict rules, unquestioning loyalty to the leader and ever be fearful of him of his wrath if one starts to think for himself.

It's more like a guidance, a guidance to lead you onto a better spiritual path and in which questioning,criticizing the status-quo to achieve better realization,refinement is constantly encouraged. And sure it requires more brain, more thinking and more understanding.

And the spiritual upheavel one experience and the subsequent peace with oneself though one tend to stay outside of the common beliefs can happen only if you are born in a religion which does not enforce strict rules. And that is a valuable life experience.
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815050 said:
Remember the golden era undr the mughal's well that was not good enough

Under the new Muslim leadership India will again gain back its glory as The India land of Knowledge and rivers

We have had several golden eras. There was one golden reign, not an era, under the Mughal dynasty. On the balance, being unemotional and benefit-minded, we prefer the present golden era.
These ahole Europeans stole weapons, artifacts, diamonds, etc from our warriors. They are either kept in their museums or are sold for millions or billions of dollars. :hitwall:

Shameful and indecent!

How they cheated those righteous people who sold these for tens of dollars :pop: Tragic, that's the only word for it.

just shows your mentality. You people just cant think of Muslims other than swords. Childish behaviour

Terrible profiling, innit? You could add post 5 and 35 to these ****** smears.

Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815067 said:
:rofl: stop complaining u r like 5th grader
like it or not India will be under the Khalifa Leadership

I quite agree with you.

Isn't it amazing how much difference even one grade can make? One feels so mature and responsible. Ahh, those were the days....
Didn't want to spoil your delusions but muslim constitute only 13% of Indian population and most of them are patriotic to India rather than some imaginary ummah.

Geez, Are you sure that you are a Russian.You sound more like a pakistani.

We will see about that once this starts, It said during the last Khalifa rule Jews will be fighting side by side the Muslim Rulers against the crusaders and i believe where there r Jews there will be Indians.

sorry to break ur bubble here is a report 4 u.

The 2001 census gives a figure of 14 percent of India's population .

The 2011 census wont reveal the real calculations till 2013 i will be surprised if its closer to 17 percent rather than 14 percent , always in census you should add a + 3 error data which brings us roughly to 20 percent which will be a real estimate.

But many feel that this figure is deliberately reduced by the govt in order to not create panic among the NON Muslim's that they will one day become the minority in the land---a panic that may send them to vote for the BJP-Shiv sena .

India is projected to have a Muslim population of about 236+ million in 2030

With a projected population of 256 million in 2030, Pakistan is expected to surpass Indonesia as the country with the single largest Muslim population.

The report also says Generally, Muslim populations tend to have higher fertility rates:bounce:

This is the nth time u asking me of my nationality I Think u r scared of Pakistan

hell one of ur member refused to call Pakistani as brothers

Strange Indians.
A indian on a Pakistani defence forum us telling Pakistanis not to be obsessed with india?? Oh the irony!!!

And BTW, if you don't like what's being discussed in the thread (AFAIK, india was nowhere mentioned in this thread until you lot came along) then don't post here.

You are mistaken; part of the human condition, after all. Please check page 1 first.
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2816916 said:
We will see about that once this starts, It said during the last Khalifa rule Jews will be fighting side by side the Muslim Rulers against the crusaders and i believe where there r Jews there will be Indians.

sorry to break ur bubble here is a report 4 u.

The 2001 census gives a figure of 14 percent of India's population .

The 2011 census wont reveal the real calculations till 2013 i will be surprised if its closer to 17 percent rather than 14 percent , always in census you should add a + 3 error data which brings us roughly to 20 percent which will be a real estimate.

But many feel that this figure is deliberately reduced by the govt in order to not create panic among the hindus that they will one day become the minority in the land---a panic that may send them to vote for the BJP-Shiv sena .

India is projected to have a Muslim population of about 336+ million in 2030

With a projected population of 256 million in 2030, Pakistan is expected to surpass Indonesia as the country with the single largest Muslim population.

The report also says Generally, Muslim populations tend to have higher fertility rates:bounce:

This is the nth time u asking me of my nationality I Think u r scared of Pakistan

hell one of ur member refused to call Pakistani as brothers

Strange Indians.

Some facts directly from Indian Census

Muslim population is 13.6% as per 2001 census.2011 results has not been compiled yet.

But you may be glad to know that muslims have seen highest rate of fall in fertility levels among all religious groups of India and they are narrowing the gap with rest of population.

Error can occur both ways and it is stupid to assume it occurring only in one direction.Instead the beauty of census is that it collects data on such a large scale that temporal errors nullify each other when taken as whole.

and 3% of 13% is 23% of error.It is akin to "mungeri lal ke saapnee".Even survey has less SD than this.

And one more thing.Regarding coloured sentences,are you producing them out of your backside.

If India has 336million muslims and pakistan has 256million muslims ,how come pakistan become the country with single largest muslim population.
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815067 said:
:rofl: stop complaining u r like 5th grader
like it or not India will be under the Khalifa Leadership

Khalifa gandhi? :blink:

Son of Rahul gandhis grandson?:blink::blink:
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2816916 said:

India is projected to have a Muslim population of about 236+ million in 2030

Care to enlighten how many of them among the 236 million will subscribe to your concept? And what that would be? Shia? Sunni - Wahabi? Salafi? Deobandi?
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815306 said:
It can be u also if u get the understanding of what it is and what all we are missing
wouldn't u like a world where Indians and Pakistanis live like brothers be more tolerant and successful
no body will force any one all will join willingly there wont be a war for this it will be selecting the right from wrong
You can not appreciate beauty until u have experienced it.

Just curiousity: where have you experienced it, other than Norway?
LOL yea, India is so advanced in sending expats to Muslim countries so they can clean their houses and make their foods.

It is really pathetic that you have to put others down to make yourself feel better.
And you are not even stating facts, you are living in la la land where India is some kind of superpower. When in reality India is known for 2 things, curry and poverty.

Dude atleast we have been known for one positive thing curry. Pakistan have only been known for 3 things, terrorism, terrorism and terrorism.
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