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Tenth Crusade?

Please try to avoid self-pity; it is the most destructive of all emotions, more than hate.

Before you accuse others of destroying your thread, look at post 9, and let the contents sink in.

Insecure is a mild word to use for the mental condition of those always harping on the death and destruction of others.

I know English is not your first language so I won't be too harsh on you for misusing words.
I do recommend you look up the world "self pity"
It doesn't mean what you think it means. ;)
I know English is not your first language so I won't be too harsh on you for misusing words.
I do recommend you look up the world "self pity"
It doesn't mean what you think it means. ;)

What's with many of you making these absurd claims?

Since when English became your first language? Or any Pakistani's for that matter?
No. Everything was on topic. It was correct to point out that the crusades were essentially defensive in nature against the attacks by Muslims on the Christians.

That was on topic and not trolling.

Well, we don't kill our apostates.

I have not heard of any force being used to revert people anywhere. Having laws on what is allowed to be consumed is our internal issue.

But being from an "Islamic country" (like almost all Muslim majority countries are), I think you have no right to complain on that front.

You should expect to be treated the same in non Muslim countries as non Muslims are treated in Pakistan or Saudi (no freedom of religion, forced burqa even for non Muslim women etc.).


We have problems because we are not "final and perfect".

What excuse do you have? ;)

But I understand why your's don't when you show so much hypocrisy in demanding from kaffir countries what you don't deliver in Islamic countries.

I have understood your mindset and sense of entitlement through experience and reading some experts.

If you are going to hate someone at least do it for the right reasons.
You really look silly when you accuse some you hate of doing something they don't do.
We don't "kill apostates"
That is simply lies spread by people who hate Muslims/Islam.
but of course you don't really care either way, you just want to show you hatred.

And you never heard of forced "Re conversions" in India?
Well it's a good thing you have me to educate you

Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians | World news | The Observer

Being from an Islamic country, we appreciate that you convert people by your actions and your deeds and not by a lynch mob.
I pray one day Indians also understand this.

And it's really amusing at the nonsense you Indians spout.
by the way you people speak, it is like you live in a Muslim country.
I am not surprised at your ignorance, as I have met many Indians who also live in a state of ignorance.
Once again, thankfully, you have me to enlighten you.
The only place where I can think of where woman might have to cover up to go outside is Saudi.
But there are more countries that outright ban it, including Turkey, Tunesia, Egypt, etc
But we both know that you really don't care about this. You are just using this for point scoring.
And please, if You Indians were being treated so badly in Muslim countries then why are half your country in gulf states?
And I agree Hindus should be treated like they treat minorities in India. Lets see how they like being forced to change their diets, or face communal violence.

You have problems because you are not "final and perfect" :what:
Only an Indian can understand that one. Any Hindustanis want to clear up what he means by that?

And finally, you are just changing the topic.
You can so ill conceal your hatred and bigotry that you can't even stay on topic and instead ramble on about other things.
You were incoherent. Like most of the time.

The only fact we can discuss was about apostasy. Obviously Pakistanis overwhelmingly don't agree with you.

One of the ironies in the survey is the extent to which Pakistanis embrace some of the severe laws associated with the Taliban and al Qaeda, even as they reject Islamic extremism and these extremist groups. The new poll finds broad support for harsh punishments: 78% favor death for those who leave Islam; 80% favor whippings and cutting off hands for crimes like theft and robbery; and 83% favor stoning adulterers.

Pakistani Public Opinion | Pew Global Attitudes Project


Also, if you don't know that Islam is supposed to be "final and perfect" and all non Muslims are supposed to burn eternally in hell, you are missing something.

In this very thread, you people are demonstrating that violent streak, threatening that you will take over the world by volence and against people's will. You don't realize what this means in terms of how people see Muslims.

You think a certain way and that is not going to change. You have a sense of entitlement from kaffirs. Booty, loot, dhimmitude, living off their jaziyah.

Sadly, the odds are quite small those "golden days" are going to be back any time soon. ;)
You were incoherent. Like most of the time.

The only fact we can discuss was about apostasy. Obviously Pakistanis overwhelmingly don't agree with you.

Also, if you don't know that Islam is supposed to be "final and perfect" and all non Muslims are supposed to burn eternally in hell, you are missing something.

In this very thread, you people are demonstrating that violent streak, threatening that you will take over the world by volence and against people's will. You don't realize what this means in terms of how people see Muslims.

You think a certain way and that is not going to change. You have a sense of entitlement from kaffirs. Booty, loot, dhimmitude, living off their jaziyah.

Sadly, the odds are quite small those "golden days" are going to be back any time soon. ;)
That pic doesnt make sense, stoning for adultery has more support than the far less cruel and just law of whippping and cutting hands of thiefs
Also, in the Quran cutting is mentioned, not cutting OFF. Also, in the Quran whipping for adultrers is mentioned, and since 35% of the population is shia, 83% stoning adultrers is illogical, and why would the 3% supporting stoning wont support the second one?
The Crusades were a series of religious expeditionary wars blessed by the Pope and the Catholic Church, with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. The Crusades were originally launched in response to a call from the leaders of the Byzantine Empire for help to fight the expansion into Anatolia of Muslim Seljuk Turks who had cut off access to Jerusalem. The crusaders comprised military units of Roman Catholics from all over western Europe, and were not under unified command. The main series of Crusades, primarily against Muslims, occurred between 1095 and 1291.

There were 9 Crusades conducted, after failures of each of the former ones. Ultimately, the Crusades failed to gain any permanent influence of the areas they wanted to capture (Levant, Jerusalem etc). Muslims gained the upper hand against these Crusades.

Crusaders submitting to Saladin after being defeated:


The last 'official' 9th Crusade:

The 10th Crusade:

Asia Times

The Arab world remembers well the words that British General Allenby, a descendent of the English Crusaders, uttered when he entered Jerusalem on December 9, 1917, "The Crusades have ended now!" Similarly, it has not forgotten either the content or the tone of the statements made by French General Henri Gouraud when he entered Damascus in July 1920. Striding to Saladin's tomb next to the Grand Mosque, Gouraud kicked it and exclaimed, "Awake Saladin, we have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent."

Right after the terrorist attacks of September 11, Bush referred to the war against terrorism as a "crusade". His critics were quick to exploit what was probably an inadvertent misuse of the term. The term played right into the theme that bin Laden had been laying out for years.



Saladin's tomb, which the french general kicked and shouted "Awake Saladin! we have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent."

Your views? Do you consider this a crusade, as referred to by General Allenby, the French general and GW Bush??

A thousand years ago these guys were under one flag, now after a thousand years later these folks are now under Nato flag.

There is a distinct 'pack of wolf' mentality among some people.
If you are going to hate someone at least do it for the right reasons.
You really look silly when you accuse some you hate of doing something they don't do.
We don't "kill apostates"
That is simply lies spread by people who hate Muslims/Islam.
but of course you don't really care either way, you just want to show you hatred.

And you never heard of forced "Re conversions" in India?
Well it's a good thing you have me to educate you

Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians | World news | The Observer

Being from an Islamic country, we appreciate that you convert people by your actions and your deeds and not by a lynch mob.
I pray one day Indians also understand this.

And it's really amusing at the nonsense you Indians spout.
by the way you people speak, it is like you live in a Muslim country.
I am not surprised at your ignorance, as I have met many Indians who also live in a state of ignorance.
Once again, thankfully, you have me to enlighten you.
The only place where I can think of where woman might have to cover up to go outside is Saudi.
But there are more countries that outright ban it, including Turkey, Tunesia, Egypt, etc
But we both know that you really don't care about this. You are just using this for point scoring.
And please, if You Indians were being treated so badly in Muslim countries then why are half your country in gulf states?
And I agree Hindus should be treated like they treat minorities in India. Lets see how they like being forced to change their diets, or face communal violence.

You have problems because you are not "final and perfect" :what:
Only an Indian can understand that one. Any Hindustanis want to clear up what he means by that?

And finally, you are just changing the topic.
You can so ill conceal your hatred and bigotry that you can't even stay on topic and instead ramble on about other things.

It is pointless trying to reason with Indians, because many of their mind has been poisoned by the incessant propaganda in media, literature and elsewhere, mainly since 1947, but even before that when they started fighting back against Muslims (Maratha's, Sikh's etc.). 1857 was a brief break from the norm, when Hindu-Muslim got together in an attempt to fight off and get rid of the Brits.

Instead of arguing with them, let them find about the Muslims of the world by themselves, when they will have enough money to travel and see and experience with their own eyes.

For Muslims, we need to help each other to get strong to resist and prevent harm from haters in all fronts and we do not need Khilafa to do that. We can do it by helping each other, even at personal level, whenever we can and promote unity among Muslims whenever we can. The enemies will always try to divide us, because it is in their interest, but for us unity will always give us strength. This is what hurts them the most, when they see, even after 60 years of trying and create Fitna culminating the breakup of Pakistan in 1971, Bengali Muslims still call Pakistani Muslims brother, nothing upsets them more. But whenever we see them upset, we should know that we are doing something right. Long live Muslim unity throughout the world, among Shia and Sunni (no Ahmadi or Qadiani deviants please).
]It is pointless trying to reason with Indians[/B], because many of their mind has been poisoned by the incessant propaganda in media, literature and elsewhere, mainly since 1947, but even before that when they started fighting back against Muslims (Maratha's, Sikh's etc.). 1857 was a brief break from the norm, when Hindu-Muslim got together in an attempt to fight off and get rid of the Brits.

Instead of arguing with them, let them find about the Muslims of the world by themselves, when they will have enough money to travel and see and experience with their own eyes.

For Muslims, we need to help each other to get strong to resist and prevent harm from haters in all fronts and we do not need Khilafa to do that. We can do it by helping each other, even at personal level, whenever we can and promote unity among Muslims whenever we can. The enemies will always try to divide us, because it is in their interest, but for us unity will always give us strength. This is what hurts them the most, when they see, even after 60 years of trying and create Fitna culminating the breakup of Pakistan in 1971, Bengali Muslims still call Pakistani Muslims brother, nothing upsets them more. But whenever we see them upset, we should know that we are doing something right. Long live Muslim unity throughout the world, among Shia and Sunni (no Ahmadi or Qadiani deviants please).

You are very wrong in your argument - you just can't refuse to answer the genuine insecurities people have, just cuz you don't have those insecurities.

How can one find out about more about muslim's when muslim's like you don't have answers to it? if you can't answer something i would suggest you to shut-up rather than rebutting

does islam teach you to upset people cuz they have some questions to ask ?
You are very wrong in your argument - you just can't refuse to answer the genuine insecurities people have, just cuz you don't have those insecurities.

How can one find out about more about muslim's when muslim's like you don't have answers to it? if you can't answer something i would suggest you to shut-up rather than rebutting

does islam teach you to upset people cuz they have some questions to ask ?

Before you try to debate, please reveal who you are. Everyone has a point of view based on their ethnic and/or religious background. What is yours? Or do you want to hide behind Canadian flags to make pointless posts.
To Vinod

About Jaziya

Under Islamic law, jizya or jizyah (Arabic: جزية‎ ǧizyah IPA: [dʒizja]; Ottoman Turkish: cizye; both derived from Pahlavi and possibly from Aramaic gaziyat[1]) is a per capita tax levied on a section of an Islamic state's non-Muslim citizens, who meet certain criteria. The tax is and was to be levied on able-bodied adult males of military age and affording power[2] (but with specific exemptions).[3][4] From the point of view of the Muslim rulers, jizya was a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state and its laws, "just as for the inhabitants it was a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes."[5] In return, non-Muslim citizens were permitted to practice their faith, to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy, to be entitled to the Muslim state's protection from outside aggression, and to be exempted from military service and the zakat taxes obligatory upon Muslim citizens.[6][7][8]

Jaziya tax is about 10% of your total income you pay for the protection of any military aggression from invaders, plus you enjoy all the benefits of adminstrations & practice your own religion & you are exempt from the regular zakat tax which muslims have to pay every year.

just curious to know, how much tax do you pay to indian govt for your safety & well being ?

Before you try to debate, please reveal who you are. Everyone has a point of view based on their ethnic and/or religious background. What is yours? Or do you want to hide behind Canadian flags to make pointless posts.

just cuz you dont have answer for the questions does not mean, you can rebutt any genuine concerns people might have, i am sorry but i have to say you really need to educate yourself.
just cuz you dont have answer for the questions does not mean, you can rebutt any genuine concerns people might have, i am sorry but i have to say you really need to educate yourself.

That was not an answer to my questions. Please reveal more about your background. What genuine concerns? Hindu's concern about living under Khilafa? The idea itself is a joke, while Hindu Brahminic supremacists think of wiping out Muslims and Islam from the face of the earth, exactly because of this fantastic imaginary notion that Muslims are hell bent on a world conquest. We don't need to give people more ammunition for their fantasy and peddling of Islamophobic propaganda, by the Zionists and their fellow traveler Hindu nationalists.
That was not an answer to my questions. Please reveal more about your background. What genuine concerns? Hindu's concern about living under Khilafa? The idea itself is a joke, while Hindu Brahminic supremacists think of wiping out Muslims and Islam from the face of the earth, exactly because of this fantastic imaginary notion that Muslims are hell bent on a world conquest. We don't need to give people more ammunition for their fantasy and peddling of Islamophobic propaganda, by the Zionists and their fellow traveler Hindu nationalists.

they can't! just for one reason "a defender is 100 times more dangerous than a attacker" & the hindus are not defending their religion but attacking other religions, i.e chirtianity & islam.

they are shying away with debates regarding to their religion & i am sure if they come to a table with honest debate with explainations people will listen to them.
kalifah will never happen. You may as well try to create Narnya instead. muslims are not one nation are not one people are not even 1 religion. eg ahmadiya muslims are different from sunni muslims. So kalifah is as imaginary as Atlantis .

Good you accept that this is just faith and thank god that its not fact. in other words you can say its fact and fiction.

Indian sects have deep differences not Muslims:
Hindu denominations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muslim countries are million miles behind than Christian countries in scientific progress, economical development and weapons. Not remote possibility of their win.

Poverty in India, Poverty rate in India, Population below poverty line, Poverty Reduction in India, Urban Poverty In India, Rural Poverty In India, Indian Problems

they are even behind India forget Western, after that you have china . They are probably only ahead of africa

India fairs worst than Africa.
Poverty in India, Poverty rate in India, Population below poverty line, Poverty Reduction in India, Urban Poverty In India, Rural Poverty In India, Indian Problems
The Islamic invaders ruled some part of India for may be ~500 years. That is like a drop in the ocean in the tens of thousands of years of history of India.

It is immaterial.

We have nothing to do with Islam or Islamic world. Some of our people are Muslims but that is about it.

We are a country with Dharmic values and we intend to remain that. We will do whatever it takes and I don't seen anyone changing that in a hurry, except some internet fanboys in their wet dreams.

On topic: It is not a crusade, if it were, you would see something much different. There is no one to stop the West if they really were intent on doing such a thing.

You really have some Zionist's wet dreams, and your thought process is very poor in capacity to understand world affairs.
The west couldn't do much about 2 Muslim countries, it got the shock of its life and is seeking away out with face saving.
But we know Indians like you are and wish the west can beat Islam, since you are scared Sh***less. from Islamic Unity, but it is happening in you ugly faces, you like it or not.
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