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Today! Salah udin Ayubi recapturd Bait ul Muqadas on 2nd Oct 1187


you are right bro..but even Kingdom of Heaven has shown some distorted facts.but overall it is a good movie.the scene you posted is itself distorted facts.Salahdin actually sieged Kerak over a month,but couldn't break it.after hearing the news of Army of Jerusalem,they actually fled as fast as they can,deserting their precious siege weapons and towers.

bro,if you're interested in Crusades,don't forget to check this documentary out--BBC Crusades with Terry.Jones.it has 4 parts and will bust quite some myths.best documentary on Crusades I've ever seen.


Christian Crusaders were very strong soldiers.but their debacle at Hattin was unpardonable.In the past,they actually defeated even 5-10 times larger forces of Saladin's Army in the Battle(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Montgisard).so they were overconfident.they made a mistake when they left their water source and marched for 3 days without water.according to sources,many crusaders died even before the battle(very common scene from the start of the Crusades).and they got annihilated after the battle.Even though later,Crusade carried out by Richard Lionheart came to almost very close to capture all the "Kingdom of Heaven" back,they couldn't due to internal fuss..
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the movie no doubt is good, but they did not show battle of hattin. i dont like historical war movies not showing battles :pissed: it takes all the fun out of them.

Bro,Battle of Hattin wasn't shown in most of the movies(apart from arn the Knight Templer) as there was almost no reliable details available of the war,apart from some major move and written documents later on.though wiki is a good start...

Battle of Hattin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@Zarvan great thread.

This great man spent every penny he had on his cause, he left behind all that he had, family, fortune and lands.

Tis one of hell of a film, make sure you get the director's cut webby.
The best part was when that Christian Leader asks Salahudin What's Jerusalem worth and he first replies nothing than after walking some steps again turn back and says everything
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The best part was when that Christian Leader asks Salahudin What's Jerusalem worth and he first replies nothing than after walking some steps again turn back and says everything

That was always my favourite part of the film.

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Bro,Battle of Hattin wasn't shown in most of the movies(apart from arn the Knight Templer) as there was almost no reliable details available of the war,apart from some major move and written documents later on.though wiki is a good start...

Battle of Hattin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its not about battle of hattin, it is about not showing a battle. the only reason i watch these sort of movies is because of the battles.
Allah hu Akbar !!
What a Great Leader!
InshaAllah we will reclaim Jerusalem again!!
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