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Tenth Crusade?

Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815306 said:
It can be u also if u get the understanding of what it is and what all we are missing
wouldn't u like a world where Indians and Pakistanis live like brothers be more tolerant and successful
no body will force any one all will join willingly there wont be a war for this it will be selecting the right from wrong
You can not appreciate beauty until u have experienced it.

We prefer that Pakistanis live like brothers with the Uzbeks, Tajiks and Arabs.

We will excuse ourselves as just being non hostile neighbors.

Yep, Just like it was in the first crusade..40,000 Muslim army vs 250,000 strong forces of Christendom.

Remember what happened when the last crusade failed at the hands of Salahuddin Ayyubi, Richard returned to England and full out tensions broke out between French and English. Richard was killed in a Franco-English war at the same allies he made to launch the Crusade few years earlier. And the entire europe plunged into anarchy and economic disasters.

The current situation of Europe isnt much different and if the crusade fails then we are looking for total collapse of many European countries especially France, Britain, Greece etc.

The Mongols under Genghis Khan were fighting bigger odds and were more successful.

I hope nothing like that happens again and people like you don't provoke what the Mongols did in the Islamic world again.

This time it may just be worse.

The Egyptians had to fight a smaller contingent of Mongols as Hulegu had returned due to the death of Graet Khan.
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Muslim countries are million miles behind than Christian countries in scientific progress, economical development and weapons. Not remote possibility of their win.
they are even behind India forget Western, after that you have china . They are probably only ahead of africa
they are even behind India forget Western, after that you have china . They are probably only ahead of africa

LOL yea, India is so advanced in sending expats to Muslim countries so they can clean their houses and make their foods.

It is really pathetic that you have to put others down to make yourself feel better.
And you are not even stating facts, you are living in la la land where India is some kind of superpower. When in reality India is known for 2 things, curry and poverty.
The Islamic invaders ruled some part of India for may be ~500 years. That is like a drop in the ocean in the tens of thousands of years of history of India.

It is immaterial.

We have nothing to do with Islam or Islamic world. Some of our people are Muslims but that is about it.

We are a country with Dharmic values and we intend to remain that. We will do whatever it takes and I don't seen anyone changing that in a hurry, except some internet fanboys in their wet dreams.

On topic: It is not a crusade, if it were, you would see something much different. There is no one to stop the West if they really were intent on doing such a thing.
Ahhh, a indian lecturing Muslims about their history, how much more funny could it get than this?:lol:

What about: exactly as funny as Muslims lecturing Indians about their history?

You may have noticed the peals of laughter among fringe elements from India at seeing some people fall into their trap.
they are even behind India forget Western, after that you have china . They are probably only ahead of africa

:rofl: :rofl:

Yes , Turkey , Malaysia , Indonesia , Iran , Saudi Arabia etc are behind India . . . . .

Just check your per capita GDP and theirs . . .

You have 1 billion+ people .... Combine couple of Muslim countries , that make their population upto 1 billion , and then see the GDP nominal comparison of India and those Muslim nations...... awwww my sweeto bharti is so innocent :oops:

Actually alliances between Muslims and Christian states were far more common than we would believe. I can give many examples but the main ones would be Shawar allying himself with Jerusalem against the Zengids, the Nasarids joining the Castillans in the taking of Muslim Sevilla (Ashbiliya). Similarily Christians often allied themselves with Muslims against other Christians. Don Quixote, the legendary Christian Spanish knight helped the Muslims take Valencia from the Christians. Religion was just a tool that was used for diplomatic reasons for most of the time but could be easily forgotten where personal gains lay at stake.

Perhaps you are referring to Rodrigo Bivar, el Cid, not Don Quixote, whose historical context, even as a literary character, was nearly half a millennium later.
The Islamic invaders ruled some part of India for may be ~500 years. That is like a drop in the ocean in the tens of thousands of years of history of India.

It is immaterial.

We have nothing to do with Islam or Islamic world. Some of our people are Muslims but that is about it.

We are a country with Dharmic values and we intend to remain that. We will do whatever it takes and I don't seen anyone changing that in a hurry, except some internet fanboys in their wet dreams.

On topic: It is not a crusade, if it were, you would see something much different. There is no one to stop the West if they really were intent on doing such a thing.

It's funny how you think calling us "Islamic Invaders" is an insult.
Hinduism is also the result of the Aryan invasion. The Aryans came and invaded India, forced it's original Davidian peoples to convert to Hinduism and forced their language on them. Fortunately they only conquered North India and South India has managed to keep it's indigenous langue.

So just remember, your ancestors were also invaders so kindly get out of lala land and come to reality.
It's funny how you think calling us "Islamic Invaders" is an insult.

What insult? It is a fact.

But now, it is centuries old history. The invaders were defeated in the 1700s. No point digging the distant past.

Hinduism is also the result of the Aryan invasion. The Aryans came and invaded India, forced it's original Davidian peoples to convert to Hinduism and forced their language on them. Fortunately they only conquered North India and South India has managed to keep it's indigenous langue.

So just remember, your ancestors were also invaders so kindly get out of lala land and come to reality.

Oh, the Aryan invasion theory, always a conjecture at best!

And one which has been discredited. Check out the latest from the genetics studies.

Anyway, again, we have nothing to do with the Islamic world. Please carry on among yourselves.
kalifah will never happen. You may as well try to create Narnya instead. muslims are not one nation are not one people are not even 1 religion. eg ahmadiya muslims are different from sunni muslims. So kalifah is as imaginary as Atlantis .

Good you accept that this is just faith and thank god that its not fact. in other words you can say its fact and fiction.

Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

gees u guys need to be tought so much, Khalifa system had happend b4 and will happen again it just u will be sucked into it as it will be the best place to live in.

we know we are not one nation "But just check this out once the thread of Khalifa poped up muslims from all over the world started to support it (Russia,Pakistan,Canada.USA,England,Bangladesh,.........)"
Just Imagen what will happen once this will be practical.

A kingdom of Peace and equality for all.
It's funny how you think calling us "Islamic Invaders" is an insult.
Islamic invaders is wrong phrase here. I would rather say Central Asian invasions.

Hinduism is also the result of the Aryan invasion. The Aryans came and invaded India, forced it's original Davidian peoples to convert to Hinduism and forced their language on them. Fortunately they only conquered North India and South India has managed to keep it's indigenous langue.

So just remember, your ancestors were also invaders so kindly get out of lala land and come to reality.

According to whose reality my friend? was there any inscriptions or written records indicated ever of such a clash, did the natives identify themselves as Dravidian?

According to 2009 research on Indian genes

Aryan-Dravidian divide a myth: Study

``The initial settlement took place 65,000 years ago in the Andamans and in ancient south India around the same time, which led to population growth in this part,'' said Thangarajan. He added, ``At a later stage, 40,000 years ago, the ancient north Indians emerged which in turn led to rise in numbers here. But at some point of time, the ancient north and the ancient south mixed, giving birth to a different set of population. And that is the population which exists now and there is a genetic relationship between the population within India.''

Unless you are saying Hinduism is 40,000 years old, :lol: your logic of Dravidians forced to accept Hinduism makes zero sense.
Dear Indian, Please go back and mind your own business. Yes we are muslims and we are savage animals, we over ran India for 1000 years and broke it into 2 muslim majority countries. And we will back again with Ghazwa-e-hind after a short commercial break. Please go and prepare your defenses.

Ummm....it was Arabs, Persians, Turks, and Afghans who ruled parts of India for several hundred years. Not Muslims; these rulers happened to be Muslim, but apart from the first Arab attack, no one attacked India as a Muslim. Not even the most renowned for plunder and loot, who, in fact, maintained large contingents of Hindus to fight for them. If they had been Muslims in that way, they would presumably have converted these soldiers before indicting them.

The Indian National Congress broke the country into two parts, not the Muslims. Just to remind you to read before commenting, it was not Jinnah's intention to demand partition; he did so once the Cabinet Mission Plan was first accepted, then rejected by the Congress.

It is noted that you are one of the Zaid Hamid set, talking loosely about Ghazwa-e-Hind. This idea appeals only to the bigots on both sides, who are both constantly looking for justification for watching others fight for their benefit.

Defenses are ready. Please drop in whenever you feel like. For visas, apply to Muridke.

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