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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

Isn't Turkey already supporting them?
And there is another problem wit HTS:
"the UN and a number of countries continue to consider HTS as an al-Qaeda affiliate and to frequently use its former name, Nusra Front."


They disassociated from them long ago and not sure why they claimed to be affiliate. They are much reasonable nowadays. Turkey can't support all rebels in Idlib for too long if no one stands behind it. Arabs should cooperate with Turkey against Kurds and Assad.
They disassociated from them long ago and not sure why they claimed to be affiliate. They are much reasonable nowadays. Turkey can't support all rebels in Idlib for too long if no one stands behind it. Arabs should cooperate with Turkey against Kurds and Assad.
There is Russia in between!..A real quagmire..besides that Arabs don't want to alienate Russia.. they do have more interests with it than with HTS who at most might control a part of Syria..it will never be able to defeat the Syrian army fully backed by the Russian forces.. so it is not a winning card against Bashar..
The Arabs that you seem biased or ignorant about have contained much of Iran's attempts at expansion..it is limited to Iraq with a Shia majority, Yemen with Shia Houthis going through a civil war with the rest of Yemenis, Syria with a civil war and Lebanon who is doing everything to avoid a civil war as much as Iraq..That's it.. all other attempts of expansion in Africa, the GCC and even Asia were thwarted..

What a propagandist way for Arabs to look at things.

In 1980, Saddam with his brethren’s support was in Iranian territory boasting he would be in Tehran in 2 weeks.

2019 Iran reaches the Mediterranean and all the way to Sudan and South America. It has even managed to reach a secretive alliance with Qatar that is not very publicized and is strictly at this point presented as Iran “helping” Qatar.

The only thing Saudi Arabia does is “buy” support of cash strapped puppet countries. That will never result in “true” lasting alliances. If you bothered to do one iota to do research you would know Houthis at one time were allies with Saudi Arabia to fight against Saleh.

But of course Arabs have “thrawted” all expansionist efforts. Lol what a joke.

I suggest you read some books by Famed CIA agent Bob Baer on Iran. He predicted all this long ago based on what he saw across the Middle East working.

The Monarch model of holding the Arab countries together is doomed to fail sooner or later.
Patience and wisdom are not weakness..otherwise China is also weak for not responding to US moves in South China sea?
China doesn’t have courage to do that. You see how fast the capitulated to USA demand to change their laws under US tariff pressure and only in the last minutes they changed their mind.
What a propagandist way for Arabs to look at things.

In 1980, Saddam with his brethren’s support was in Iranian territory boasting he would be in Tehran in 2 weeks.

2019 Iran reaches the Mediterranean and all the way to Sudan and South America. It has even managed to reach a secretive alliance with Qatar that is not very publicized and is strictly at this point presented as Iran “helping” Qatar.

The only thing Saudi Arabia does is “buy” support of cash strapped puppet countries. That will never result in “true” lasting alliances. If you bothered to do one iota to do research you would know Houthis at one time were allies with Saudi Arabia to fight against Saleh.

But of course Arabs have “thrawted” all expansionist efforts. Lol what a joke.

I suggest you read some books by Famed CIA agent Bob Baer on Iran. He predicted all this long ago based on what he saw across the Middle East working.

The Monarch model of holding the Arab countries together is doomed to fail sooner or later.
What one can expect from an Iranian..but arrogance and stupidity. you must be talking about Iran buying the cash strapped proxies..Qatar is as doomed as Iran.. and you must be blind to the presence of the biggest US military base in the ME which is in Qatar who might be played as a sword of the US to get intelligence on Iran..Arabs are not suicidal as Iran, but if it comes to war they will teach you a lesson that will last another 1000 years..
Don't mean to be 'that' guy but this is what the Neo-cons in the Trumps cabinet were waiting for (in my opinion of course). Those incremental troop increases and ramped up asset deployments weren't for "show". Funny thing Iran simply isn't afraid this time around and will be striking back with serious intent to harm. What ensues in the days following will be monumental for the region and the US.

Both Iran and the US are in positions where neither side can really back down. If the U.S. were to let this slide (which we can be damn sure they wont), then Trump and the US military will be the laughing stock of the world. It should be noted that this downing of the MQ-4C Triton, being one of the US most expensive assets, is different from a reaper or, RQ-170 or Scan Eagle. The Triton is a big ticket strategic asset held in high value, there isn't that many of them (depends on your definition of many) but they cost a lot of money to produce.

Iran does indeed seem to be prepared to take on what the U.S. has to throw at them. Boldness such as this doesn't come unwarranted.

I think the Coming election in US will also play major role, During election time you should expect more tit of tat response.
U.S pilot insisted to fly close to Iranian borders and he didn't responded to Iranian air defense warning.

Maybe Americans can use their arrogance somewhere else!
In Rq-170 american claimed the same that the drone was in Afghanistan airspace .. while denied it for a while categorically .. the drone whether violated Iranian airspace or not was gathering data and spying on Iran for the american war-machine so Iran has right to defend itself against hostilities ,,,
Hitting 100s of these drones is nothing in comparison to courage & bravery of american navy that just can hit civilians:
President Trump ordered military strike on Iran, but reversed at last second

President Donald Trump ordered a military strike on Iran late Thursday, but reversed his decision after a plan was already underway, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The sources tell ABC News the president’s reason for changing course was unclear, but the reversal was against the advice of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton.

The plan and reversal was first reported by The New York Times.

A senior level administration source briefed on the plan says it would have escalated the situation quickly had it been carried out. Officials feared the attack could have caused hundreds of civilian casualties.


Iran is fortunate to say the least. It will be interesting to see where they go from here.
So you call me Armchair General, but then proceed to give your skewed armchair general analysis of what war with Iran would be.

What a joke. Sir I have seen you on here for a long time and you clearly are biased and potentially borderline incompetent.

@Dubious @waz @Horus

US spent trillions of dollars to wage war against puppet nations (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen) and to what result? Iraq is dominated by Iran. US is negotiating with Taliban on withdrawal from Afghanistan. All the time spent killing AQ in Yemen has seen it fall to Pro-Iran rebels and seen AQ rise in areas under US ally protection. Clearly the US Middle East policy was a complete utter disaster.

In Libya, the US only conducted an air campaign, which was highly successful.

In Yemen, it's the Gulf nations fighting, the US is only selling weapons.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, the US decided to nation build, instead of declaring victory and getting out, which they could have easily done. This is why the US has had trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also, no, Iran doesn't control Iraq, and even Muqtada al sadr has turned against Iranian influence.

US hasn’t fought a real war since it fought some rice patty Vietcong in Vietnam and even their they gave up against a stiff resistance and left.

This is one of the biggest myths that's told and I'm sure @gambit , who's Vietnamese, will tell you US troops actually fought battle hardened Vietnamese war veterans. Not only did the initial US involvement in Vietnam was small on scale, thus poorly thought out and subject to mission creep, but the north Vietnamese army was used to fighting larger and more technologically advanced military forces.

To say that the Vietnamese were nothing more than farmers with AKs is only true to a small degree.

So the US might spend an astronomical amount of money on its armed forces, but it cannot confront real enemies/real armies because neither it’s population, it’s politicians, nor it’s pocketbook can afford a large war.

It's probably the only nation that can afford a war. Even spending trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan has not done any major damage to the US, and in fact had actually been good for the economy, as it created a lot of job opportunities, as well as showed off their weapons systems to sell to foreign nations. Of course there is a human cost, and that is tragic, but if I may be bit cold hearted here, war has been quite profitable for the US.

Iran expanded across the Middle East and US has been unable to build a successful policy of containment. Sooner or later these Arab puppets will fall and Iran will continue to expand. Sudan and Jordan look like potential next moves. This is all done with draconian sanctions, a tiny economy, and according to you a military that is a joke.

Iran hasn't really expand, only maintained its influence. It's only real expansion has been in Yemen, and even that's not going well.

So it seems Iran is doing things according to a plan, where as US is nothing but another Empire going on fruitless expensive wars while slowly eroding it’s own power in the world.
This comment reads like propaganda.

Let’s agree to disagree and leave it at that.
You don't get to leave this alone after calling me incompetent, and then proceeding to spout propaganda talking points.

You've said nothing of substance, and you know it.
yes... and Iran, instead of using the opportunity to normalize relations with the West by dismantling their terror infrastructure and rebuild their economy - which is really what Obama wanted, a new ally in the Middle East as the GCC countries were incompetent - instead took that as a cue to expand beyond their borders, adding Iraq, Syria, Yemen to their religious empire. These militia and their increasing arsenal of ballistic missiles and other weaponry threatened Israel & GCC and put their lobbies and soft power at work, rest is history. It's very hard for the US and the West to continue dealing with Iran, while religious zealot militias roam Iraq as a pseudo-army, secretly targeting troops based in Iraq.

Iran has internal threats due to instability. Not surprising their people are protesting because of a sinking economy, while they see how religious zealots created another army (IRGC) to protect their power and continue to expand their terror infrastructure throughout the region, spending billions to prop up Syrian leader who butchers his own people by bombing hospitals. Now their external threat just shot up exponentially with aircraft carriers sitting out in their front lawn.

Lol, what kind of country maintains two separate military, one to defend the border, one to fight the other in case it tries to conduct a coup?

Yep, and now IRGC gave them the justification they needed. They didn't bring their carrier battle group, bombers, additional troops to the Gulf for no reason. Iran foolishly took the bait and that too, without having anywhere near enough firepower to win. There is a chance US might not attack, there is a chance it may. Before this incident, all Iran had to do was wait it out like Pakistan and many other countries under threat do. You lay down, play dead, and let the bear lost interest.

Yep, so what? Unless a country has the might and power to take on the US, it should just shut up. Even China is not foolish enough to target US ships & aircraft flying near its territory. Do you want to ask PLA why it doesn't scream the "ghairat" argument and shoot? What about Russia trying to stop US onslaught in Syria, why doesn't it bother? US has enough firepower to take on world's countries and still win in a conventional war. It is precisely because of this reason, Pakistan's military didn't even bother engaging US during humiliating OBL raid and made up excuses like radars being shut off, lol.

@LeGenD can break it down for you what the US can do.

So, under your approach, if the US decided (as it seems to have under Bolton & Co) to intervene in a country, that country can do f*ck all to avoid intervention. I think Iran is at that point --- and today, if it hadn't patiently built a proxy empire, it would have been bombed by NATO already. So, I fully support Iran's stance and I look forward to a multipolar world in the coming century where the US doesn't have a monopoly on hegemony.

The conventional war/firepower argument is long dead. Wars aren't fought that way anymore. The calculations are way too complex now --- oil prices, maritime routes, proxy war and so on. Russian intervention halted the fall of Assad, a major US objective.

Iran did not lose the US as a potential ally because of cultivating proxies in the region as EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST DOES but because of the change of govt in Washington with hawks who have fantasized about an Iranian invasion for years.

Whether Iran did or didn't abide by the nuclear agreement or whether Iran did or didn't support proxies is irrelevant to neocons. They just need an excuse --- and if Iran didn't give them one, they would have fabricated one like in Iraq. And if that doesn't work, a false flag attack definitely should do the trick! So, a country in the US cross hairs should go about and protect its interests aggressively.

We can agree to disagree.
I'm confident they will be replaced with a great leader soon.
what does this sentence remind you guys?

your problem is that, you are searching for hero while there is not any hero in world. The population must change the way they react to their leaders and country then all problem will solved.
President Trump ordered military strike on Iran, but reversed at last second

President Donald Trump ordered a military strike on Iran late Thursday, but reversed his decision after a plan was already underway, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The sources tell ABC News the president’s reason for changing course was unclear, but the reversal was against the advice of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton.

The plan and reversal was first reported by The New York Times.

A senior level administration source briefed on the plan says it would have escalated the situation quickly had it been carried out. Officials feared the attack could have caused hundreds of civilian casualties.


Iran is fortunate to say the least. It will be interesting to see where they go from here.

Trump has no endgame inregards to Iran. A war wont be over in a day. It took NATO at least 6 months to overthrow gaddafi. Remember Libya was defanged after making a deal with Bush. Iran is no superpower but will use tactics to prolong the war.

The Pentagon denounced the "unprovoked attack," claiming the navy drone was 34 kilometers (21 miles) from Iran when destroyed by a surface-to-air missile.

But the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it brought the drone down as it was "violating Iranian air space" over the waters of Hormozgan province.

Zarif provided coordinates to back the claim.

"At 00:14 US drone took off from UAE in stealth mode & violated Iranian airspace," Zarif tweeted. "It was targeted at 04:05 at the coordinates (25°59'43"N 57°02'25"E) near Kouh-e Mobarak."

"We've retrieved sections of the US military drone in OUR territorial waters where it was shot down."


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