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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

Listen to this song, My old friend and enjoy the show.

Failed to hack it tells you something. And it was in Iranian airspace as you claimed.

The Arabs nations will probably be made to pay for the drone it’s was $180 million

They will send an invoice.

Failed to hack it tells you something. And it was in Iranian airspace as you claimed.

Shooting down the drone is not the most impressive thing. The problem here is the US seems to lack a post-strategy to deal with oil sanctions. Our economy is in good shape and we do not want to get in a war. Our allies in the Middle East , primarily our Arab ones, can't deal with the Iranian threat and its allies on their own. If they could, this would be a different situation. Now we are in an awkward situation. As Arab allies have no intention to confront Iran but they may be dragged into such confrontation. Question is what do we do then.
What? Uh, no it didn't. Turkey has never relied on Russia's economy for anything.

The only reason we saw Turkey and Russia decrease tensions was because Turkey and the US had a falling out over the Syria conflict. Russia was far more receptive, not to mention the whole S400 issue.

Turkey suddenly found out that Russian tourists stopped coming which was a major hit on Turkish economy.
Trump is a bully who can only take on fight with weak, he is scared and already making excuses. shame for mighty USA, Trump needs to go and organize a pageant and grab some p&^%$.....
Trump is a bully who can only take on fight with weak, he is scared and already making excuses. shame for mighty USA, Trump needs to go and organize a pageant and grab some p&^%$.....

Was FDR scared prior to WW2?

Was FDR scared prior to WW2?

I am sure, you can find out 2 seconds of Trumps as well from his speeches.
Iran made its move, now its USA Turn. Lets see if USA under Trump will make excuses or follow FDR. so far excuses.

First Trump said, " Iran made a big mistake" then Trump knows its a mistake, Iran did not do it. All is well and good.

Lets celebrate.
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