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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

The US decision is much harder to make because Arabs are on defensive against Iran and losing the battle with them across the region. They cannot be depended upon when it comes to limiting effects of Iranian reprisal. Thus, if the US did strikes in Iran, the biggest issue will be that they have to step in to save some Arab nations from their incompetency.

I can't for life of me understand how Saudi people and other people support these kind of weak leaders. This is embarrassing for us Arabs.
every plane has an indicator system that turns on when it's flying and broadcasts it's type, role, route and etc. stealth mode is the same as radio silence in this case.

RQ-4s have a wingspan of a C-130. Almost any country would be able to shoot down this drone.

It’s most certainly not intended to conduct stealth missions.
Sir this has nothing with him being a Shia , I sunni ( although I like to identify as Muslim ) can also second his opinion , Iran will make hell for the westerners , everywhere from their own homeland to the streets of Iran if they invade

Look at post #213.
Infographic shows the flight path of the US spy drone before IRGC shoots down the unmanned aircraft.

3rd khordad max range is 105 km.
His sect does not matter , this is a Pakistani forum and Pakistanis do not like to see Shia sunni, we see Muslims , and due to this very reason I can reason and lay claim that you are a wahabi nejd based paid person, due to you labelling him shia,
But I won't because that is absurd

He's very emotional about Iran and exaggerates their power and makes threats about what will happen to Arabs in a war. That's why I conclude he is Shia. I am just coming to an conclusion. I don't think most Sunnis think that way and ideally most want a stable region with no Arab interference in Iranian affairs and no Iranian interference in Arab affairs. You are probably Shia too. It's normal to recognize it , so we can understand your bias. I am Sunni but I don't like Iranian regime nor Saudi regime.

Lots of you guys blindly support Iran just because of having sect in common. Most Sunnis do not blindly support KSA and have negative views of Saudi regime. I would like you guys to stop the blind support of everything Iran does in region like its role in Syria/Yemen or I will call you out so people can understand why your biases are that way. Nothing wrong with it.
He's Shia based on other posts I've seen from him and his inclinations against Arabs. Anyhow, saying something like embassies/consulates will be targeted is shameful and shows signs of weakness. Iran can't handle US militarily but it can succeed in causing havoc to neighboring Arab nations.

I am a Sunni Pakistani from Attock and well known for who I am and not a lackey slave type mentality like you

I support Iran over US anyway and anytime, I don't care if its Shia or Sunni, Islam and muslim s first

you keep slaving away for the Arabs while they you treat you like sh$t, you are probably some taxi driver in Dubai trying to keep his visa
RQ-4s have sensor capabilities that reach out hundreds of miles at very high altitude. It didn’t need to be anywhere near the Iranian coast.

Honestly it looks like this drone was used as bait to justify military action against Iran.
If there's no military action then we will say your premise/hypothesis here is false!
You're just as Sunni as the other guy, lol.

you asked earlier why arab leaders are so weak , stupid and pathetic ?? Well apples don't fall far from the tree...

this trump clown with his Zionist masters has adopted to most radical pro-Zionist view of the Palestinian conflict. Hes basically going to ethnically cleanse all arabs and take it all for the Zionists. with 100% support of Persian gulf arab puppet states.

instead of this causing outrage, you are here crying about sunni- shia this or that. and saying you don't like Iran even though its literally the only country on earth that helps the anti-Israel front militarily.

the apples certainly don't fall far from the tree.. sometimes a rat deserves a snake
you asked earlier why arab leaders are so weak , stupid and pathetic ?? Well apples don't fall far from the tree...

this trump clown with his Zionist masters has adopted to most radical pro-Zionist view of the Palestinian conflict. Hes basically going to ethnically cleanse all arabs and take it all for the Zionists. with 100% support of Persian gulf arab puppet states.

instead of this causing outrage, you are here crying about sunni- shia this or that. and saying you don't like Iran even though its literally the only country on earth that helps the anti-Israel front militarily.

the apples certainly don't fall far from the tree.. sometimes a rat deserves a snake

Arabs are weak because they are choosing weak leaders. They do not need Iran to be involved in anything to become proud and strong.

Why you saying this stuff to me like I care about US, Saudi regime or Iranian regime? I am equally opposed to all three. You are all trash and I prefer Islamic rule in the ME as always. My position never changed.
Arabs are weak because they are choosing weak leaders. They do not need Iran to be involved in anything to become proud and strong.

the shias in Iraq getting genocided by Saudi supported ISIS disagree. Shias in Iraq that were getting their country and resrouces looted by American backed Kurdish terrorists that got kicked out of Kirkuk disagree.

Syrian arabs who got their country saved thanks to Iranian intervention disagree

Lebanese arabs who became the only arab entity to phyisically boot out a Zionist occupation by force. thanks to iran would disagree (minus the wahabi Zionist supporters)

lots of Yemeni arabs getting bombed and starved by Saudi animals would also disagree

like I said, sometimes a rat deserves a snake.

and btw you choose nothing. Persian gulf arab leaders in the entire region can be replaced at will by the local head of the CIA. thats why they bend over
that's all you really needed to say to expose yourself as the pathetic wahabi sectarian you are. no need to seriously engage you any further. Just keep crying about shias and Iran while the Saudis and Zionists and americans plot to take Palestine.

Lol, I think you Shia and Al Saud , Al Ziyad and Al Assad are all munafiqs who reject Allah and Islamic rule. I'm Muslim first and not Palestine. You seem to think I worship Palestine or something. I don't support Palestinian state, only Palestine province of Islamic Caliphate.

All you regime supporters are munafiq dunya requesting people , you can't be buy me, I only sell to Allah. You made good decision to give up.
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