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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

@gambit would probably laugh at your claims.

I don’t care what some US military armchair general thinks on the Internet.

Iran has radars capable of detecting F-22 and F-35. Anyone who disputes that is a homer.

If the radars can detect it then a long range missile (S-300, Sayaad-3, etc) can theoretically bring it down. It’s not like F-22 is a UFO that defies the laws of physics and can magically avoid a supersonic/hypersonic Surface to air missile.

The whole issue with F-22/F-35/Blackbird/B-2 is detection and how fast the detection is (how many KM out away from the system).

Reportedly the UAE detected an F-22 incoming using Russian systems during some military event and the F-22 had no transponder or radar reflectors on.

Notice I use the words theoretically because the F-22 has never been used in live combat against a developed military with sufficent AD assets. So all this is currently theoretical until evidence appears. So anyone saying F-22 cannot be detected has NO EVIDENCE.
A really stupid move on Irans part to fire on this drone. Now the US has justification to escalate on its own terms.
US wants to punish not fight, thats the foundational problem. US wont hit Iran unless US knows Iran wont escalate too much .Iran has already told us it will give proportionate response if its attacked, so its game on. US and ISrael are too afraid these days to lose lives. this is my problem. if u are too afraid to lose lives then learn to love diplomacy and peace.

Damn! TRump's already trying to find a way out of the pressure to escalate? hmmm...this is interesting...he'll probably go for covert actions/cyber attacks or more sanctions..

UPDATE: 5:22am PDT—

Keep in mind, BAMS-D, like the Global Hawk and the MQ-4C to a degree, has a zero penetration mission. It doesn't fly into contested airspace. It is literally a sitting duck. The only reason it would do so would be if it was off the leash or there was a major navigational malfunction. It is far more likely Iran just shot it out of international airspace as the Pentagon states.

From your comments, i can conclude you are biased. You cant see straight. you believe everything US govt tells you ,even though us Americans have already caught our govt lying about many things already. Pls stop being naive. its costing us.
Houthis claim to target Jizan airport in Saudi Arabia with drones or cruise missiles. And yes, Trump is not a war President, he is more focused on domestic situation in the US. But, his administration pressured him into the oil sanctions and he likely wasn't aware of the consequences.

Damn! TRump's already trying to find a way out of the pressure to escalate? hmmm...this is interesting...he'll probably go for covert actions/cyber attacks or more sanctions..


I read that that was one of the options. A military strike doesn't seem likely as Iran is in war formation since oil sanctions and will use it as opportunity to achieve what it wants. Especially if it really was shot down over Iranian airspace. I don't know forsure.
Iran should just stop with their empire,

While everybody else builds theirs? you think the US and CHina dont have empires now? go sit down with your double standards.

focus on their big country, work with the int'l community and prosper.
I know what you mean here, but they want to do that, but it seems them getting "justice" from unfair world powers is a big importance for them. i'll tell u the rule on PDF here to answer this comment - their country, their rules.

Noone is benefiting from Iranian policies especially the Iranian people, the US will and can destroy Iran if it chooses to.
How do you know this and what gives u the legitimacy to make this sort of opinion? most things are relative, so because u think Iranians arent getting any benefit it doesnt mean they arent(at least in their perception).

We all operate on different philosophies and i am not sure a philosophy is bad just because its different from what we know, expect or assume.
While everybody else builds theirs? you think the US and CHina dont have empires now? go sit down with your double standards.

I know what you mean here, but they want to do that, but it seems them getting "justice" from unfair world powers is a big importance for them. i'll tell u the rule on PDF here to answer this comment - their country, their rules.

How do you know this and what gives u the legitimacy to make this sort of opinion? most things are relative, so because u think Iranians arent getting any benefit it doesnt mean they arent(at least in their perception).

We all operate on different philosophies and i am not sure a philosophy is bad just because its different from what we know, expect or assume.
Can I ask you what is your nationality and your religion? Please just say them without separate description. If you don't just say NO
Iran is trying to create corridor in the region, that falls under the grip of their state-sponsored ideology.

This is exactly the contradiction I'm talking about. You openly admit to sponsoring proxies, not even Pakistan does or anyone for that matter does this openly. The question is why are you wasting valuable resources sponsoring proxies abroad when your people are economically suffering? You have not "been playing dead" for the past year, the Middle East only gone further into chaos. Your spy network has also been fomenting trouble in Balochistan in cahoots with India.

There are reports that Iran has indirectly targeted 600 US personnel in Iraq over the past decade. How do you expect them to keep a deal with you. Once Iran stops sponsoring proxies, the sanctions will go away, it can't get much simpler than this.
You're diluted it is not against norms to have proxies, USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel have done the same in Syria with their support for the various forces they patronized in the last 5 ot 6 years. Not to mention, they've fomenting unrest in Ukraine which led to Russia's invasion of the Crimea. You need to get to the root of the causes of problems and not repeat Pakistani rumors.
@skyshadow What happened to wreckage of drone? any pic?
no there were not any, it was over the waters.


Iran is our neighbour after 100 years they will still be our neighbour

After 100 years US probably won’t even be a relavent country

So better to keep friends who are close to us

Iran showed how gutsy it is

They just downed a top Tier drone

Even US is shocked

Well done more power to Iran
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