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Ten Pakistani students returned from China

I am noticing that for the last few days pdfians have started quoting Hadith and started talking about Sharia --- LoL

Turkey evacuated not only it's own citizens, but also citizens of other countries and our shameless govt is refusing Pakistanis to bring back.

After necessary screening or whatever the procedure is, all those who want to come back, the stupid govt must evacuate them. --- China is not just wuhan, it's very big, I am hearing reports that Pakistanis are stranded in other areas as well.

Yes this is how it should be handled ---- I didn't talked non sense, our Govt refusing to bring back Pakistanis is non sense.
Would teach them a lesson for facilitating such treason against the nation.
countries are evacuating their citizens, Turkey also evacuated citizens of other countries -- so what's the problem with Pakistan govt, tum logon ki wakhri national security kay ronay dhonay hain.

You can't stop citizens from coming back --- just place in order the necessary arrangements like the other countries are doing instead of saying, our plan to tackle this virus is we will not bring back our citizens.
Exactly the point i raised earlier... anyone can enter Pakistan indirectly. Provided he /she have visa for another transit country!

While Indians, Chinese, Americans, British etc. have much larger transit possibilities and there's no restriction on them. So to push unprivileged youth into certain death is criminal and hypocrisy.
countries are evacuating their citizens, Turkey also evacuated citizens of other countries -- so what's the problem with Pakistan govt, tum logon ki wakhri national security kay ronay dhonay hain.

You can't stop citizens from coming back --- just place in order the necessary arrangements like the other countries are doing instead of saying, our plan to tackle this virus is we will not bring back our citizens.
The point is they're not special, I'm not special and you're not special.

Clearly the situation is updating every day. If and when Pakistan feels confident enough on the basis of public health consultation, better understanding of disease course and appropriate mobilization of resources, Pakistan will bring its citizens home. My point is that nobody should short circuit that procedure.
Exactly the point i raised earlier... anyone can enter Pakistan indirectly. Provided he /she have visa for another transit country!

While Indians, Chinese, Americans, British etc. have much larger transit possibilities and there's no restriction on them. So to push unprivileged youth into certain death is criminal and hypocrisy.
That's our typical ruling class (and I don't distinguish between PTi pmln PPP), all are same --- Add to it the mummy daddy cry babies. -- Instead of preparation and making necessary arrangements, we outright say we won't bring back our own people -- lakh di lanat on ruling class.

The point is they're not special, I'm not special and you're not special.

Clearly the situation is updating every day. If and when Pakistan feels confident enough on the basis of public health consultation, better understanding of disease course and appropriate mobilization of resources, Pakistan will bring its citizens home. My point is that nobody should short circuit that procedure.
Appreciate your point.
my point is, are we the only poor country which has zero arrangements -- why are all other countries evacuating their citizens, probably we are the only one which said we won't --- This only goes to show how much our govts care for our citizens.
The other fear is that many individuals may be infected but escaping serious symptoms. They're still infectious to other more vulnerable family members during this period. The individuals who have mild symptoms won't present to hospital but will infect others and spread the virus.

The characteristics of a low mortality but highly infectious virus are unique and will make it extremely hard to bring any outbreak to an end.

This will get a lot worse before it gets better.

why are all other countries evacuating their citizens, probably we are the only one which said we won't --- This only goes to show how much our govts care for our citizens.
Look, it might be because the govt doesn't care but I doubt it. I think it does care but on balance, recalling Pakistani citizens is riskier than recalling those from ANY other nation. Why?

Because we don't follow government instructions on public health matters. We think we're special. Our mothers and religious leaders tell us we'll be fine and government rulings are optional for us.

It's precisely because of the elitism culture that you also admit exists in Pakistan that those returning from China are a risk.

We can't even eradicate polio because of our population disobeying government instructions for crying out loud.

A bunch of lawyers trashed a hospital and killed patients because they were angry that they had to follow a hospital's instructions.

Do you forget these things?

It's our people that is constantly at war against any logical processes our government or health agencies try to institute.
Youthia regime have no plans on how to treat /feed the educated Pakistani youth in China.
So in situation of no plan, desperation was a subsequent course.

Corononvirus has been in swing from more than one month, while International flights, including that of Thai-airways has been bringing passengers ever since, and any one thinking that there was no cross with Chinese at Bangkok airport is idiocracy.

Hiding ineptness behind quarantine wall, is not going to work for long, while resting all blame on kids is neither fair and neither wise.
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The other fear is that many individuals may be infected but escaping serious symptoms. They're still infectious to other more vulnerable family members during this period. The individuals who have mild symptoms won't present to hospital but will infect others and spread the virus.

The characteristics of a low mortality but highly infectious virus are unique and will make it extremely hard to bring any outbreak to an end.

This will get a lot worse before it gets better.

Look, it might be because the govt doesn't care but I doubt it. I think it does care but on balance, recalling Pakistani citizens is riskier than recalling those from ANY other nation. Why?

Because we don't follow government instructions on public health matters. We think we're special. Our mothers and religious leaders tell us we'll be fine and government rulings are optional for us.

It's precisely because of the elitism culture that you also admit exists in Pakistan that those returning from China are a risk.

We can't even eradicate polio because of our population disobeying government instructions for crying out loud.

A bunch of lawyers trashed a hospital and killed patients because they were angry that they had to follow a hospital's instructions.

Do you forget these things?

It's our people that is constantly at war against any logical processes our government or health agencies try to institute.
I believe there are ways to handle things --- refusing to bring back citizens straightaway gives a very negative message -- They should have first calmed down the people, explain to them the problems, started doing something practical and finally started bringing back (who wants to come back), it's not like 1000's will at once come back in a titanic ship.

It's been so many days, I would like to know what precautionary arrangements govt has taken so far ------ like they have planned to build some facility where the people coming from china could be taken for screening+ whatever necessary medical treatment --- I don't believe in the rubbish that we don't have the funds, apni ayashion kay liye in kay paas bohat paisey hotay hain.
Serious update: Pakistan now has a serious supply shortage of n95 masks, suppliers in Karachi and Lahore are sold out, there is only one stockist in Pindi who has the n95 rated masks in stock and is selling them for 350 rupees per mask, these are normally for 150 rupees.

Now I have 1500 masks in stock in my officer in Pindi, I can donate masks to poor families for free, but we only have 20 n95 masks and we are keeping these for 1122/hospitals if they need them. I would strongly recommend that every PDF member who cares about their personal/family health to raise awareness for people to start stocking atleast 10 masks per person per family (minimum ).

The simple surgical masks are selling for 2500 rupees per box, these are normally 500 rupees a box. If you are struggling to buy masks, Bohar bazar Rawalpindi has wholesalers who can supply at wholesale prices.

Details of a Chinese National taken I’ll at Lahore Airport. He flew to Lahore via Karachi:

220 million people, in come 10 who possibly carry the virus, what could go wrong....
Allah rahem kareh.
These students must be taken into immediate custody and put into quarantine. No nation has allowed their folks to walk around like this.
@masterchief_mirza @Hiraa
People are posting Hadiths of plague inflicted areas and giving it their own meaning,.here's the Hadith:

Narrated `Aisha:
(the wife of the Prophet) I asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) about the plague. He told me that it was a Punishment sent by Allah on whom he wished, and Allah made it a source of mercy for the believers, for if one in the time of an epidemic plague stays in his country patiently hoping for Allah's Reward and believing that nothing will befall him except what Allah has written for him, he will get the reward of a martyr."
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3474
In-book reference : Book 60, Hadith 141

One, If this has to enter Pakistan with ALLAH's hukum, no power on earth can stop this and if there's no hukum, than no amount of flights can inflict Pakistan. ---- so Pakistanis must relax and make Duas+ govt must start doing something practical instead of doing press conferences of not bringing back people.

Two, Prophet Muhammad saw' adviced not to enter the area of plague+ not leave, if you are in the area, in order to flee it. --- and if a Muslim dies of this plague, he gets status of martyr.

People are giving the meaning that one should stay there, whereas scholars say that if someone went there for a specific purpose than he can come back as he is not fleeing the disease, but his purpose of stay was done and now he wants to go back. --- like Pakistani traders are also stuck there, they are not fleeing the disease, but want to come back.

As for those, who want to flee the disease, the hukum is to stay with patience --- Now this goes down to individuals, as to how much strong their faith is ---- The one staying with patience is accepting the Hukum and the one not is not showing patience, but whatever the individual case is, the Govt can in no way refuse to evacuate it's citizens+ if this was this much dangerous, why our govt didn't warned the people and gave out travel advisory?
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Karolo gal:


لاہور ایئر پورٹ پر چینی باشندے کی حالت اچانک خراب,ناک سے خون بہناشروع،سروسز ہسپتال منتقل
Feb 02, 2020 | 13:18

لاہور ایئر پورٹ پر ایک چینی باشندے کی حالت اچانک خراب ہو گئی ،ناک سے خون بہنے لگا ، سروسز ہسپتال منتقل کر دیا گیا ۔ نجی ٹی وی کو لاہور ایئر پورٹ کے ذرائع نے بتایا چینی مسافر صبح نو بجے کراچی سے لاہور پہنچا تھا کہ ایئر پورٹ پر اس کی ناک سے خون نکلنا شروع ہوگیا۔ایئر پورٹ ذرائع کے مطابق کہ ایئر پورٹ پر سول ایوی ایشن کے ڈاکٹرز نے چینی مسافر کا معائنہ کیا، چینی مسافر کا بلڈ پریشر نارمل تھا اور اسے بخار بھی نہیں تھا۔ائرپورٹ کے ذرائع نے مزید بتایا ہے کہ ابتدائی طبی معائنے کے بعد چینی مسافر کو سروسز ہسپتا ل منتقل کر دیا گیا ۔ایئر پورٹ ذرائع کا یہ بھی کہا کہ مذکورہ چینی مسافر چین کے شہر ارومچی جانا چاہتا تھا، جبکہ ان دنوں ارومچی کی پروازیں منسوخ ہیں۔واضح رہے کہ چین میں کورونا وائرس سے مزید 45 افراد ہلاک ہو گئے جس کے بعد اس موذی وائرس سے ہلاکتوں کی تعداد 304 ہو گئی ہے۔

Read my last tweet! Thank you!

In Coronavirus you don't get nose bleeding. Coronavirus kills you by effecting your kidney.

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