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Tejas Mk-II preliminary design to be ready by next month.

The block 3 when the block 2 isn't even not he horizon and in 2016, really? You guys and your delusions. The Block 2 is nowhere and the block3 has exactly 0 funding so don't expect it anytime soon and certainly not in the next 2 years!!! Good one.

Block 2 is in serial production since late last year. At least 18 planes produced per year, all 50 Block 2 JFT delivered by 2016 which is when Block 3 production begins. Tejas Mk 2 first flight 2017, production start by 2020. Tejas schedule is in the following link.

LCA Tejas attains Initial Operational Clearance with the Indian Air Force
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Block 2 is in serial production since late last year. At least 18 planes produced per year, all 50 Block 2 JFT delivered by 2016 which is when Block 3 production begins. Tejas Mk 2 first flight 2017, production start by 2020. Tejas schedule is in the following link.

LCA Tejas attains Initial Operational Clearance with the Indian Air Force

No The development in LCA is significantly Improved over a year... Everyone thought only after the FOC in end of 2014 MK2's work would start but guess what all are wrong the work started already... its MK2 not like have to design everything from scratch so i'd say the first flight in 2015 or begining of 16 not 2017..... Most probably 2017 would be the year for mass production

Also see According to the link you gave the first 4 IOC standard LCA's would hand over to IAF by march 2015 but you kow what Next month that's within 12 to 15 days or so IAF is getting the first 2 LCA's and i hope in another 2 to 5 months another 2 would be rolled out...

This project is been fast tracked since the new Boss came to DRDO... I like him though still brags about going to do that and this when lots of Projects are running behind the dates
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