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Tejas Mk-II preliminary design to be ready by next month.

HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions | Page 596

JFT and LCA were both supposed to be MiG-21 / F-7 replacements. JFT is now mainly a Taliban bomber. PAF's frontline fighters are PLAAF's J-10 and Flankers. :bounce:


Mk2 will have all of it too and some more like oxygen generator. Anyway regarding clash, you forgot that both aircrafts has different role(though similar performance) to play. JFT is your frontline aircraft while LCA will be our interceptor/point defence aircraft. Our front libe aircrafts are MKI and Mig-29UPG.

MK2 design is going on since years now. Initially it was meant to add a carnard too but later it was dropped. There is nothing to speculate about time anymore as this news says that next month design is ready(even take 6 month still it wont matter).

Kindly give source.
We are going for the DFMA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) technique for the production of Mk-II. The DFMA concept will be used for the first time for an Indian aviation programme, which will decrease the production time and cost, also increase the quality quotient,” the official said.

ADA/ HAL are they really working for aviation/ aircraft industry? :hitwall::hitwall:
Isn't it mandatory for all programs in aircraft design and manufacturing?

Every tom, Dick , Harry is (even for low value consumer items) using DFMA for new product and our babus just woke up as if they are talking about something revolutionary.

More I read more skeptical I get!
I a have a noob :-) question though, If mkII is going to have oxygen generation system then, did we used pressurized air cylinders for this version ??? And how dose it stack upto our competition ??
JFT and LCA were both supposed to be MiG-21 / F-7 replacements. JFT is now mainly a Taliban bomber. PAF's frontline fighters are PLAAF's J-10 and Flankers. :bounce:
Well , with reports coming in that Indian Ministry of Defence might increase the orders for Tejas from 169 to 294, their is a chance that Tejas might play a greater role than it was planned to
Well , with reports coming in that Indian Ministry of Defence might increase the orders for Tejas from 169 to 294, their is a chance that Tejas might play a greater role than it was planned to
I wish so,because todays see all do all fighters are becoming so complex that they cannot be produced in numbers(rafale,f-35) and stealth is a mindless cliche(it can be added as a part but basing a platform primarily on it is absurd and is a recipe for failure).
No air force in the world today designs aircraft for the main purpose military planes emerged!!!! Close Air Aupport and even the existing ones A-10,su-25 are not received well by generals who cant fill their pockets with these cheap planes which had saved countless lives and heck even in the IAF it will buy super expensive C-17s with a meaningless mission of global reach while it could be performed cheaply by c-130j,but not dedicated CAS aircraft.
While dassault says 2 rafales can do what 6 mirages did,they forget to mention that the 2 rafales cannot be in as many places at a time like 6 mirages nor can 2 rafales carry as any micas as 6 mirages,all this is just marketing BS.I wish Tejas is produced in numbers to keep up sqd strength and rafales are used for more specialized roles.

All air forces are corrupt ,all bureaucracies are corrupt and have deep pockets which dont care about saving a soldiers life.
For sure, Block 3 JFT which is scheduled for 2016 which has AESA, IRST, 22000+ lb WS-13A engine would be the biggest rival of Tejas Mk 2. Can't wait for the clash between these two. :p:
The block 3 when the block 2 isn't even not he horizon and in 2016, really? You guys and your delusions. The Block 2 is nowhere and the block3 has exactly 0 funding so don't expect it anytime soon and certainly not in the next 2 years!!! Good one.
JFT and LCA were both supposed to be MiG-21 / F-7 replacements. JFT is now mainly a Taliban bomber. PAF's frontline fighters are PLAAF's J-10 and Flankers. :bounce:
Are you high?? The PAF has ZERO orders for the J-10 or Flankers (really?) and even less money to buy such systems where do you even come up with such nonsense? For the foreseeable future the PAF's frontline are the Thunder and F-16.
To get back to the topic again...

It will also have considerable amount of extra fuel capability in operational clean configuration,” he added.

This will be the crucial factor of the worth of the upgrade, because additional internal fuel is crucial to free weapon stations. Interestingly the quote says "in operational clean config", which hints on weapons but not external fuel tanks. That however would only be possible for interception roles, where LCA normally should use a centerline fuel tank. Not flying with it is good, since it reduces drag, weight and RCS, but the question remains if enough fuel can be added to free wingstations from fuel tanks and add BVR missiles for multi role configs?
A standard strike config of LCA includes 2 x 1200l external fuel, if you want to replace that you need a centerline 800l fuel tank and cover the rest with additional internal fuel, means around 1600l. If that is not possible, the fuel increase is only an advantage for IAF in A2A roles, while it would be next to useless for IN, which actually required that change.
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