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Tehreek-e-Insaaf to block NATO supplies on 23rd April, 2011


Oct 19, 2008
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Imran Khan's party to block NATO supplies


Published: Mar 26, 2011 01:08 Updated: Mar 26, 2011 01:08

ISLAMABAD: Former skipper of Pakistan’s cricket team Imran Khan who also heads the Tehrik-e-Insaf party on Friday announced a three-day blockade of NATO supply lines to express his party’s protest against drone attacks in Pakistan and the disrespect shown by Christian preacher Terry Jones toward Islam’s holy book.

Khan was addressing a large public rally at Qurtaba Chowk in Lahore which was attended by an estimated 20,000 people.

Khan said his party workers will stage sit-in protests at several points to block NATO’s supply routes and will even stage sit-ins in the US.

Khan also condemned the Zardari-Gilani government, saying the current regime is like a vehicle that has exhausted its fuel. He said during Zardari’s annual address to the Parliament, nothing was mentioned about the innocent people killed in drone attacks.

In Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Sukkar, Lahore and Islamabad, similar protest rallies were staged by right-wing parties against the US pastor.
Just a publicity stunt which won't get him new voters But he's desperate
Why all other party leaders are silent on drone attackes on civilians ?

The reason their all assets are in US or UK , they are afraid of them .

The US has perforated ( read infiltrated) so deep in S Asia that nothing happens without their concurrence.

Political parties the world over run on money...
Sab politics hai bhai .

He is doing this stunts just to get some votes.

But I think he should be the next president . Pakistan desperately needs a educated guy like him to lead the country.

Just wanted to knw How is the situation there in pakistan abt Imran khan and what are the chances of his party to get majority in nxt election ? :cheers:
This is a month old news.

Just for everybody's information, this plan is going ahead!

IDPs to join move to block Nato supplies | | DAWN.COM

PESHAWAR, April 17: The displaced persons from Bajaur, Khyber and Mohmand agencies have said that they will take part in the sit-in of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) to block supply of goods to Nato forces in Afghanistan.

Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, tribal elders Saida Jan, Raees Khan, Mullah Khel and Mian Muhibur Rehman said that they would take part in PTI`s sit-in to protest US drone attacks in Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

Flanked by PTI provincial secretary information Zahid Hussain Mohmand, they said that they had always supported Imran Khan for his brave stance against the US strikes in tribal areas.

They said that thousands of internally displaced persons, currently staying in Jalozai camp, would reach Hayatabad on April 23 to participate in the two-day sit-in.

Syed Ishtiaq Hussain Shah, the organiser of the sit-in, said that they had planned a peaceful protest against drone strikes, which killed innocent people including women and children. “People are sick with the government, which has put sovereignty of the country at stake just to placate the US and prolong its corruption-riddled government,” he said.

The PTI workers from nook and corner of the province would converge in Hayatabad to block supply of goods to Nato forces in Afghanistan via Peshawar, he said.

“The weapons supplied to the US and Nato forces through Pakistan are used against innocent people of tribal areas,” he said, adding the supplies should be blocked to save people from being killed and wounded without any fault of theirs.

“The PTI under the dynamic leadership of Imran Khan will not sit idle rather it will offer tough resistance to the apologetic position of government on drone attacks,” Mr Shah said. The so-called US-led war against terrorism, he said, had caused massive mass exoduses from Fata.

He said that displaced tribesmen were spending sleepless nights in camps owing to lack of electricity, water and sanitation facilities.

The government, he said, was responsible for the prevalent lawlessness in tribal areas that had exposed the inhabitants to plethora of problems.

Mr Mohmand said that Nato supplies would be blocked on April 23 as a mark of protest against the US and Pakistan governments. Responsibility of any untoward incident would rest with the government if it tried to create hurdle in the sit-in, he said.

He said that PTI chairman Imran Khan would be present at the sit-in for two days. Arrangements at the district level had been finalised to for the sit-in, he said.

Different committees had been assigned tasks to make the event a success, he said, adding that Jamaat-i-Islami had also announced support for the sit-in. The party provincial president Asad Qaisar had met Maulana Samiul Haq of JUI, who also assured participation to show unity against the US aggression, he added.

The IDPs joining in would give PTI a big boost and confidence to go ahead with this. I will tell you this, if all these people reach there, they won't have the resources to have them removed.
atleast we can differentiate between PTI and other parties, how they speak against drone attacks yet shake hands and make deals with them in private. they are just Kaghazi sher...

atleast PTI is upto something for the things it believes to be right and practically do try to bring change in whatever manner they can with whatever capacity they have,

better than lame ducks !!

Im sure media would be silent on the event like it never happened...

keep it up PTI you are saviours of PAKISTAN.
Imran is just making a point by raising awareness about this issue and make headlines , this is what exactly we cant do since we have cut our balls down.
hhahaha...sorry I just couldnt stop laughing !

yes you are right though !! we require some men in PAKISTAN.

You are wrong bro.. There are men in Pakistan.. but they are like caged lions.. and the cage is self imposed "its wrong to go against the US if we want to survive" chant which is desperately repeated by our leaders and international media.. for those who have really lost them.. please consult corner shops for marbles (bantay) at least :P
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