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Tehran plans to open embassy in Cairo


Mar 15, 2011
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Tehran plans to open embassy in Cairo
TEHRAN, April 16 (MNA) – Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Monday that Iran plans to establish an embassy in Egypt.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran is seeking to enhance relations with the country of Egypt to the level of embassy,” he stated.

Salehi also said that Egyptian officials should be given enough time so that the relations can be increased.

Great news. Egypt is an important Islamic country that has touristic and political attractions for the people of Iran. We need to improve our ties with Egypt as one of the most important countries in the Arab world (Actually the most important one in my opinion).
Great news. Egypt is an important Islamic country that has touristic and political attractions for the people of Iran. We need to improve our ties with Egypt as one of the most important countries in the Arab world (Actually the most important one in my opinion).

Timeline: Arabs and Iran
1969: Iran drops its claim on Bahrain.
1971: Iranian forces occupy three islands, including the strategic island of Abu Musa at the entrance of the Strait of Hormuz, claimed by both Tehran and the United Arab Emirates. The UAE agrees to share control of Abu Musa but continues to call for the return of the other two islands - the Lesser Tunb and the Greater Tunb.

March 1975: Iraq and Iran sign an agreement mediated by Algeria ending all outstanding border disputes. Iraq makes territorial concessions, chiefly relinquishing demands for the Shatt-al-Arab waterway shared by both countries in the Gulf. In return, Iran stops supplying Kurdish separatists with arms and money for their war against Baghdad.

October 1978: In further observance of the 1975 agreement, Iraq's government asks Ayatollah Khomeini, the leading Iranian cleric, to leave Najaf after spending 14 years in exile in the country. Khoemini leaves for Kuwait where he is denied entry and diverted to Paris.

January 1979: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran is ousted from power. Anwar Sadat, Egypt's president, angered Khomeini by providing a home for the exiled shah. Iran then severed all ties with Egypt.

February 1979: Khomeini returns to Tehran and is installed as leader and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

November 1979: Iranian students storm the US embassy and take several Americans hostage. The siege lasts 444 days and comes to be known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.

September 1980: Khoemini calls for Iraq's Shia to rise up against the Saddam Hussein government. Saddam responds by annuling the 1975 Algiers Agreement. Both countries shell each others' borders. Iraqi military forces invade on September 22. Saddam, says he is fighting Iran on behalf of other Arab states, who viewed the country as a threat to stability. Almost all Arab countries, except Syria and Libya, support Iraq logistically and financially.

1980: The UAE submits its claims on Abu Musa to the UN. In the same year, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain form the Gulf Co-operation Council in response to Iranian threats.

October 1981: Anwar Sadat is assassinated by Islamic Jihad members. Iran symbolically renames a Tehran street in honour of Khaled el-Islambouli, Sadat's assassin.

July 1987: More than 400 Iranian pilgrims are killed during the Hajj in Mecca when they clash with Saudi security forces during an anti-Iraq and anti-US demonstration.

July 1988: While protecting Kuwaiti oil tankers in the Gulf, US Navy cruiser Vincennes shoots down an Iranian civilian airliner killing 290 passengers.

August 1988: Iran and Iraq sign a UN-brokered ceasefire ending their war. Some two million soldiers and civilians are killed and wounded during the eight-year conflict.

July 1989: Saudi authorities execute 16 Kuwaiti Shias alleging they plotted a number of bombings which killed two pilgrims in Mecca. Riyadh blames Tehran for the attacks.

August 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait. Iranian policy-makers opt for non-involvement.

January 1991: Saddam Hussein revisits the Algiers agreement and concedes the Shatt-al-Arab waterway to Iran.
April 1992: Iranian forces take full control of Abu Musa.

1996: Iran begins to build a runway in Abu Musa and a power station on Greater Tunb.

1997: Mohammad Khatami, considered a reformist among Iran's ruling clergy, is elected president in a landslide win. He immediately embarks on a foreign policy agenda to mend ties with the US and Arab neighbours. Exchange of Iranian and Iraqi POWs is quickened.

November 1999: The GCC fully supports and backs the UAE's diplomatic efforts to regain control of Abu Musa and other contested islands.

2001: Iran and Saudi Arabia sign a mutual security accord.

See how they keep back stabbing

That's not an appropriate comment, Banu.

You're from Syria. Pro-Assad or Anti?

If you follow his post..he is anti off course.
Smart move, after US puppet fell its time to increase bilateral relationships and trade. First was Iraq and Afghanistan, then Pakistan and Egypt, and hopefully PGCC countries too. US clout is falling, so its puppet countries should regain independence as well.
The MB and Wahabi Divides are known, through it would benefit Iran.
Only one difference. One is political the other is not.
In fact the head of MB said that an Iranian offical tried to contact him several times, but he refused saying" untill you stop killing Syrians there will be NO relations"
ill post the clip later.
Since you are Saudi doubly-brainwashed by biased West and Saudi media, you are hardly qualified to judge on the matter. Majority of Syrians support Assad, even Qatar admitted it.
Oh, really?
I didn't know that.
Thank you for changing my mind.
Great step for Iran. The power vacuum should be filled by Iran after Mubarak, ben ali and others fell.
first of all i welcome my iranian brothers to have embassy in egypt
second the power in egypt will be filled by egyptians and we will be as any strong country folowing our intrest and do what is best for our homeland we will not be under the command of west or east the coming governement will serve the egyptian people
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