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Tehran plans to open embassy in Cairo

Timeline: Arabs and Iran
Your cheap comment doesn't even require a proper response, wikipedia is more than enough to debate this crap :

September 1980: Khoemini calls for Iraq's Shia to rise up against the Saddam Hussein government.

"[Ayatollah] Khomeini and Iran's Islamic revolutionaries despised Hussein's secularist, Arab nationalist Ba'athist regime in particular as un-Islamic and "a puppet of Satan,"

Saddam responds by annuling the 1975 Algiers Agreement. Both countries shell each others' borders.

"Iraq launched a full-scale invasion of Iran on 22 September 1980. The Iraqi Air Force launched surprise airstrikes on ten Iranian airfields with the objective of destroying the Iranian Air Force on the ground.[49] The attack demolished some of Iran's airbase infrastructure, but failed to destroy a significant number of aircraft. The Iraqi Air Force was only able to strike in depth with a few MiG-23BN, Tu-22 and Su-20 aircraft, largely ineffective due to Iran's sheer size. Three MiG-23s managed to attack Tehran, striking its airport but damaging only a few aircraft.[50]
The next day, Iraq launched a ground invasion of Iran along a front measuring 644 kilometres, in three simultaneous thrusts."

Saddam, says he is fighting Iran on behalf of other Arab states, who viewed the country as a threat to stability. Almost all Arab countries, except Syria and Libya, support Iraq logistically and financially.
Yea, especially on behalf of Kuwait.

"Hussein was keenly interested in elevating Iraq to a strong regional power[citation needed] . A successful invasion of Iran would enlarge Iraq's petroleum reserves and make Iraq the dominant power in the Persian Gulf region[citation needed]. With Iran engulfed in chaos, the chance for Iraq to annex the oil-rich Khuzestan Province seemed too good for Hussein to pass up.[35] In addition, Khuzestan's large ethnic Arab population would allow Hussein to pose as the liberator of the Arabs from Persian rule."

October 1981: Anwar Sadat is assassinated by Islamic Jihad members. Iran symbolically renames a Tehran street in honour of Khaled el-Islambouli, Sadat's assassin.

"He engaged in negotiations with Israel, culminating in the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. This won him the Nobel Peace Prize but also made him unpopular among some Arabs, resulting in a temporary suspension of Egypt's membership in the Arab League,[1][2][3][4] and eventually his assassination."
Anwar Sadat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The assassination squad was led by Lieutenant Khalid Islambouli after a fatwa approving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman. Islambouli was tried, found guilty, sentenced to death, and executed in April 1982."
Anwar Sadat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

November 1979: Iranian students storm the US embassy and take several Americans hostage.
The siege lasts 444 days and comes to be known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.

July 1987: More than 400 Iranian pilgrims are killed during the Hajj in Mecca when they clash with Saudi security forces during an anti-Iraq and anti-US demonstration

July 1988: While protecting Kuwaiti oil tankers in the Gulf, US Navy cruiser Vincennes shoots down an Iranian civilian airliner killing 290 passengers.

July 1989: Saudi authorities execute 16 Kuwaiti Shias alleging they plotted a number of bombings which killed two pilgrims in Mecca. Riyadh blames Tehran for the attacks.

I see, from a US puppets point of view it actually makes sense.

"A violent clash between Shia pilgrims and demonstrators and the Saudi Arabian security forces during the Hajj pilgrimage, which led to the deaths of over 400 people, occurred in Mecca on 31 July 1987. The event has been variously described as a "riot" or a "massacre." It arose from escalating tensions between Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia. Since 1981, Iranian pilgrims had held an annual demonstration against Israel and the United States,[1] but in 1987, a cordon of Saudi police and National Guards had sealed part of the planned demonstration route, leading to a confrontation between them and the pilgrims."
1987 Mecca incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

November 1999: The PGCC fully supports and backs the UAE's diplomatic efforts to regain control of Abu Musa and other contested islands.
first of all i welcome my iranian brothers to have embassy in egypt
second the power in egypt will be filled by egyptians and we will be as any strong country folowing our intrest and do what is best for our homeland we will not be under the command of west or east the coming governement will serve the egyptian people
Iran also supports a independent Egypt
first of all i welcome my iranian brothers to have embassy in egypt
second the power in egypt will be filled by egyptians and we will be as any strong country folowing our intrest and do what is best for our homeland we will not be under the command of west or east the coming governement will serve the egyptian people
welldone brother!
dont follow the Iran dont follow KSA dont follow the everyone side.just go for your intrest.
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