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technological edge over Pakistan and China has been to some extent proven

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Speeder's comment is actually based on fact. China had terminal ABM systems in the 1970's and now has Mid course and ASAT with KKV. And in Rocket technology America, Russia, and China are top as they are the only ones capable of independent manned space missions, >3000 KM cruise missiles, and etc......

Trying to claim otherwise would require more than just name calling.

I have no issues with accepting facts.

China may be ahead in some or many technologies. It may be due to several factors, including that India started the race much later or was faced with more external challenges or some others.

Now, the fact remains that as of now, China is not a leader in technology. It is a follower and is catching up. I appreciate that it is doing a reasonably good job of it. There are all kinds of opinions on it but I tend not to take a negative view in general.

My major issue is his trying to be racist and trying to undermine India's achievements and potential. I know he is not alone and there are several like him and I have nothing but contempt for his ilk.

India is not in any race with China or anyone else, only with itself to realize our potential. For a thousands of year old continuous civilization like ours that is finding its feet again, a late start doesn't matter that much. What matters is how we give every Indian the opportunity he deserves and whether as a nation we can achieve our potential.

The big 3 talk is cheap and BS. China was no technological power in the 1970s or even now. This talk of 3 decades lead is again BS. India had its moon mission how many years after yours? Could you have done it decades back?

Only people with deep inferiority complex act racist. He and his ilk have enough causes to have that complex and they have my contempt.
I have no issues with accepting facts.

The big 3 talk is cheap and BS. China was no technological power in the 1970s or even now. This talk of 3 decades lead is again BS. India had its moon mission how many years after yours? Could you have done it decades back?


do u see ur contradiction of urself? in the begining u said u dont hv problem of accepting truth while later u said the ig 3 is bias, lol! he didnt say anything about china was space power in 70's but now which is truth and india is far away from it which also is the truth! besides the indian moon mission wasnt that 'huge' as ur media pictured! more than half of the payloads were foreigns, and including the russian engine and foreign tracking assistant. thats why others didnt get the 'cold' as indians had.

and also we see more media and ur scientists' big talks than real actions, as u said indian launched its first moon sat just right after china's first attempt, but so far china had already finished the second mission months ago yet still havent heard a 'fart' of indians 'second'..any science project has continuity, but on indian's moon mission so far there isnt much continuity can be seen but much national ego.... if wasnt for the foreign parts and engine on Chandrayaan-1, it would probably took india more than 20 years to even hv that mission fisable which is also the reality``

so what Tanlixiiang said abt india is decades behind china isnt bias or cheap. u hv to accept that``
I have no issues with accepting facts.

China may be ahead in some or many technologies. It may be due to several factors, including that India started the race much later or was faced with more external challenges or some others.

Now, the fact remains that as of now, China is not a leader in technology. It is a follower and is catching up. I appreciate that it is doing a reasonably good job of it. There are all kinds of opinions on it but I tend not to take a negative view in general.

My major issue is his trying to be racist and trying to undermine India's achievements and potential. I know he is not alone and there are several like him and I have nothing but contempt for his ilk.

India is not in any race with China or anyone else, only with itself to realize our potential. For a thousands of year old continuous civilization like ours that is finding its feet again, a late start doesn't matter that much. What matters is how we give every Indian the opportunity he deserves and whether as a nation we can achieve our potential.

The big 3 talk is cheap and BS. China was no technological power in the 1970s or even now. This talk of 3 decades lead is again BS. India had its moon mission how many years after yours? Could you have done it decades back?

Only people with deep inferiority complex act racist. He and his ilk have enough causes to have that complex and they have my contempt.

Almost everyone outside the cesspool India knows that "big 3" is true.

Your being able to launch a rocket towards moon means nothing, particularly when

the rocket was with a Russian engine and the on-board NASA tracking devices and equipments.

Heck, those stuff are mostly what a moon-shooting rocket is all about.

What India added to "your" Chandrayaan-1 that run on a Russian engine with key equipments from NASA?

The paint job by India ? :rofl:

This is far from an isolate case, "your" LCA, Brahmos, Arjuk, "Tata"'s Nano , etc. etc. spring to mind

-- all with foreign designs, foreign engines, foreign fire control, foreign radars, foreign weaponaries,

foreign transmissions, foreign ... respectively, yet your overnight paint job made them "indigenous Indian".


Given a Russian rocket engine, NASA on-borad key equipments and some spare cash as

"your" Chandrayaan-1 demonstrated, almost ANYcountry can shoot Moon, Congo, Ethiopia & Somalia included!

Yet even Somalia was not deluded enough like Indian gov to waste $$$ on those misplaced ego trips.

So "Indian" Chandrayaan-1 showed the world that Russian rocket worked wonders, and

NASA equipments worked fine and could find water if lucky. Great! :rofl:

Also on that Indian moon shooting, which was decades ( not "months" , literally, as you moron implied ) behind China who made all rocket and equipments herself from A to Z, no Russian engine ! no NASA key equipments !


In your turd logic, if Haiti buys a Boeing 747 (just as India bought Russian+ NASA "Chandrayaan-1") and flied it 2 weeks later, then Haiti must be only "2 weeks" behind the US in Commecial Aviation Technology, right?

"Indian" Chandrayaan-1 mission was desinged for 1-year lifespan, yet you morons completely

lost the contact with it after barely 2 months, making it a loose cannon out there.

What a joke!

Let alone China's A to Z successful Moon mission, the third-hand Russia+NASA technologies that you bought

in order to assemble "your" Chandrayaan-1
was FAR MORE inferior than that of both Japan's

moon shoot
and the EU's Ariana space rocket series .

Finanlly, no amount of Racist Cards that you pull can save your own inferiority mental sickness. :smokin:

Ignore the chinese troll guys......really, why would you feed the fat troll?
why do you even bother to wake your opponent up from the wet dream ,since you all firmly believe that china/india is far ahead than the other side.......
wow! chinese commenting about their technological superiority!!.They do not have a single quality brand from their country.No even one famous scientist.Their so called innovations are joke especially for a country which claims to be a contiguous civilization for 5000 years.Most of their technology is either copied,stolen or done with help from developed countries.Their mathematical achievements are simply pathetic when compared to indians.
Most of their products are third rate crap,even the expensive ones.

this is a 0.01% list of what chinese copied and where they copied from -

China's Missile Imports and Assistance From Abroad

see for yourself the chinese rocket quality - frying 500 'high iq' heads in one go'

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why do you even bother to wake your opponent up from the wet dream ,since you all firmly believe that china/india is far ahead than the other side.......

India should concentrated and solve their domestic problem. The people of India needs the direction and leadership of the country to help them to improve living standards.
Follow the steps:

1) Agriculture then,
2) Utilities then,
3) Education,
4) Technology and industry.

This is a typical steps great countries are normally built.

If India neglect the first and second steps, then it is not heading anyway soon at any moment of time even the next 500 years.

India is kind of incredible and special- In order to have these steps it need step number 0) Political Leadership.

Positively it is oppurtunity for improvements. India future is in very own hands of the indian people.

Life is short please live in reality.
Welcome on board, Yang! :welcome:


1) Agriculture then,

India has no agriculture: tons of Indian farmers suicides annually and 50% of Indian children are either starving or malnutritioned according to the UN.

2) Utilities then,

Basic utilities ( clean water, electricity, in-door pumping, etc) are rare seen phenomina for most Indians.

3) Education

hmm...:no: I would say first thing first. Indians first have to learn how to write their surnames on a piece of paper instead of using thumb prints all the time.

...Just take a look at India's pathetic literacy rate.

4) Technology and industry.

You meant basic In-door pumping technoliges and Garbage Disposal industry?

Both of them have been around for 400 years at least for the most parts of the world... Yet I have great confidence that even Indians would learn how to figure those out by 2180 AD.


If India neglect the first and second steps, then it is not heading anyway soon at any moment of time even the next 500 years.

500 years ? errr... i would not be so optimistic as you are :no:

,,, 0) Political Leadership.

Agreed.:agree: India needs to learn # zero.

,,, India future is in very own hands of the indian people.

I beg to differ, as it seems that China's future is in very own hands of the Chinese people, while India future is in very own hands of the Anglo-American people, and inside wet dreams of Indian people.

,,, Life is short please live in reality.


Again, Indians believe in many many lives, it seems that they are determined to spend this life and the next 10 lives in a wet dream just for the fun of it, as a start. :partay:
Almost everyone outside the cesspool India knows that "big 3" is true.

Your being able to launch a rocket towards moon means nothing, particularly when

the rocket was with a Russian engine and the on-board NASA tracking devices and equipments.

Heck, those stuff are mostly what a moon-shooting rocket is all about.

What India added to "your" Chandrayaan-1 that run on a Russian engine with key equipments from NASA?

The paint job by India ? :rofl:

This is far from an isolate case, "your" LCA, Brahmos, Arjuk, "Tata"'s Nano , etc. etc. spring to mind

-- all with foreign designs, foreign engines, foreign fire control, foreign radars, foreign weaponaries,

foreign transmissions, foreign ... respectively, yet your overnight paint job made them "indigenous Indian".


Given a Russian rocket engine, NASA on-borad key equipments and some spare cash as

"your" Chandrayaan-1 demonstrated, almost ANYcountry can shoot Moon, Congo, Ethiopia & Somalia included!

Yet even Somalia was not deluded enough like Indian gov to waste $$$ on those misplaced ego trips.

So "Indian" Chandrayaan-1 showed the world that Russian rocket worked wonders, and

NASA equipments worked fine and could find water if lucky. Great! :rofl:

Also on that Indian moon shooting, which was decades ( not "months" , literally, as you moron implied ) behind China who made all rocket and equipments herself from A to Z, no Russian engine ! no NASA key equipments !


In your turd logic, if Haiti buys a Boeing 747 (just as India bought Russian+ NASA "Chandrayaan-1") and flied it 2 weeks later, then Haiti must be only "2 weeks" behind the US in Commecial Aviation Technology, right?

"Indian" Chandrayaan-1 mission was desinged for 1-year lifespan, yet you morons completely

lost the contact with it after barely 2 months, making it a loose cannon out there.

What a joke!

Let alone China's A to Z successful Moon mission, the third-hand Russia+NASA technologies that you bought

in order to assemble "your" Chandrayaan-1
was FAR MORE inferior than that of both Japan's

moon shoot
and the EU's Ariana space rocket series .

Finanlly, no amount of Racist Cards that you pull can save your own inferiority mental sickness. :smokin:


very well said
All these pathetic rotten bananas are epic fail.


Chandrayaan-1 (Sanskrit: चंद्रयान-१, lit: moon vehicle[3][4] About this sound pronunciation (help·info)) was India's first unmanned lunar probe. It was launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation in October 2008, and operated until August 2009. The mission included a lunar orbiter and an impactor. India launched the spacecraft with a modified version of the PSLV, PSLV C11[2][5]

PSLV has nothing to do with Russia!

These pathetic fools don't know jack, are probably high on opium as they fart here and definitely not worth engaging as civilized human beings.

End of the mission

The mission was launched in 22 October 2008 and expected to operate for 2 years. However, at 09.02 (UTC) on 29 August 2009 communication with the spacecraft was suddenly lost. The probe had operated for 312 days. The craft will remain in orbit for approximately another 1000 days, eventually crashing into the lunar surface

They do earn the contempt though. Richly deserved!


The rotten bananas can't seem to be able to check even basic facts.
PSLV has nothing to do with Russia!

So Indian PSLV (and GSLV for that matter) have nothing to do with Mother Rus?

Great, when you will start to claim that you have nothing to do with your Mom either I wonder?

These pathetic fools don't know jack, are probably high on opium as they fart here and definitely not worth engaging as civilized human beings.

End of the mission

They do earn the contempt though. Richly deserved!

Lies ,


and more lies... *sigh*

NO amount of lies can cover the simple fact that with 1.2 friggin billion "brains", your India still can not

independently design and manufacture a simple workable rifle, let alone assembling a 1970s-level

functional tank or airplane with all the foreign key parts you managed to accquire - which speaks all one needs to know on India's sci-technological and industrial capabilities...

... then suddenly out of nowhere " India [built] PSLV on its own ..." ?

it's like for a guy who literally doesn't know how to string a sentence together, he claims that

he has written a thesis on Shakespeare, and so on ... :woot:

Who's gonna believe your stupid lies except you & your liar ilk?


"No amount of moronic laughs could save you from obvious Medal of Estupido Award, either."

What did I tell yer?

So Indian PSLV (and GSLV for that matter) have nothing to do with Mother Rus?

Great, when you will start to claim that you have nothing to do with your Mom either I wonder?

You moffa, remain in your fuckin limits!

I have not started talking of your mother so far!

I have only pity for you and your ilk, I know they call you slitty-eyed there, your "prince Philip"!

During a state visit to China in 1986, he famously told a group of British students: "If you stay here much longer, you'll all be slitty-eyed".

I think he was a fool to do that.

You can wallow in self pity and hatreds and inferiority complex. No one gives a damn!
Vinodji, Forget that nutjob and go easy riding the waves. Dont want to see you in exile.......again...
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