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technological edge over Pakistan and China has been to some extent proven

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The longest range of a rocket gun china can build is over 200km. How to intercept that, 12 or 24 at a time?
the reason last years india missile text didnt have much real combat value. reasons:

1. the best short range BM defence method is to destroy it during the boosting phase. becuase latest short range BMs (china, us, russ etc``) have terminal phase manuverbility, not like indians 40 years backward Agni BMs which is easy to track and the enter phase is as liner as boosting stage.. it is even difficult for US to intercept maneuver warheads. so they focusing on boosting and mid stage interceptions, and relying on future laser weapons to deal with maneuverble terminal stage warheads!

and the termination phase interception technology isnt much different from long range air defence as demonstrated so many times during the gulf war (patriot shooting down scuds) and russians S-300 PMU tests.

so any coutry who is capable of long range air defence capability woundnt deligate significant time and resources to just develop this tech. hence the notion of the test is high questionable (mostly to satisfy their ego rather than real value)

2.mid phase interception is very different from re-entry stage whereas the warhead is in space, which means cannot be tracked by radar, so it requires a constellation of sats and other observation equipments to track the warhead in the space, there are no signs or even speculations about india is capable of developing these systems indigenously. if anything russia is a viable candidates to supply these equips to india, but again, the only sucessfull mid phase ABM test were carried out by russian was with an nuclear warhead which required no pinpoint accuracy which needed for 'direct-hit' warhead like US and china tested.

3.and also in real combat situation, the enemy BM launch platforms are not fixed, so will not be like that 'orchestrated' india missile test last year. if u cant track warhead in space that will leave u very limited time react to re-entry warheads. becuase during the test they know where was the missile coming from and so pointed all radars or sensors to that designated area so reduce responding time dramatically.
2010 January 11


250 KM altitude with KKV targeting a MRBM

"Kinetic energy weapons may be best way to intercept missiles
Published: Feb. 6, 2009 at 1:29 PM
By LOREN B. THOMPSON, UPI Outside View Commentator

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 (UPI) -- Ascent phase is the segment of an intercontinental ballistic missile's trajectory after boosters have cut off, but before the payload has separated into warheads, decoys and countermeasures.

Midcourse phase is the longest portion of the trajectory, during which warheads coast through space before re-entering the atmosphere. Descent phase is the initial stage of re-entry, when contact with the upper atmosphere begins to separate warheads from lighter objects.

Terminal phase is the final, brief stage of the trajectory within the atmosphere immediately prior to detonation on target.

The Kinetic Energy Interceptor is a mobile system of agile, surface-launched missiles designed to intercept most types of ballistic missiles in the boost, ascent or early midcourse phases of their trajectory.

The program derives its name from the fact that the interceptor missiles use the force of impact -- pure kinetic energy -- to destroy their targets. It was begun in 2002 as a hedge against the possible failure of other approaches to boost-phase interception, and to cope with anticipated changes in the threat that would make midcourse discrimination of warheads more challenging.

The Kinetic Energy Interceptor is conceptually similar to a Patriot air defense battery, consisting of mobile launchers, interceptor missiles and a command unit. It initially would be carried by ground vehicles that can be delivered anywhere in the world within a few hours on C-17 cargo planes, but it is designed to also be deployed at sea.

The system's mobility was made possible by the fact that KEI is the first missile-defense program the United States has developed outside the constraints of the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty. As a result, it is more flexible than earlier defensive systems, and can be quickly dispatched to the borders of hostile countries in periods of heightened tension. Proximity to the launch sites of ballistic missiles is essential if they are to be intercepted during the early phases of their trajectory.

Despite its superficial similarity to the Patriot, the KEI is unique in several ways that collectively make it much more capable than other missile-defense systems utilizing ground-based interceptors:

-- Its multistage interceptor missiles are faster than any other tactical missile used by the U.S. military, quickly accelerating to 8 kilometers per second so that the kill vehicles they carry have the speed necessary to destroy target missiles in the early phases of their trajectory.

-- Its command unit is able to receive and process sensor inputs from many different sensors elsewhere in the defensive network, including ground-based radars and satellites using infrared detection, eliminating the need to carry organic sensors with the KEI battery."
As long as both are missile interceptions, who cares the differences between the two.
So knock off, guys.
Don't waste your precious time lecturing the second grade kids on this high-tech stuff.
Oh dear.

Again, I say this: " when there is comparsion between india and China, it is ALWAYS written by indians." Proven by the source's author: Rida Zeenat an indian. lol

So I rest my case in this tread too.

yeah well similarly the aptitude you display is also proven by the poor immigration control at the US border...
No, India is also in the list, here you go..

AFP: India tests interceptor missile

Mid air is different from mid course. Mid course is the stage of a ballistic missile when it passes its apogee, where its velocity is the lowest and its horizontal trajectory has half of its distance left. Mid course for medium range missiles are usually 90 km altitude.

To date only US and China have intercepted missiles at mid course.

All missiles, be it ballistic or anti tank, are intercepted mid flight. Hence the term "interception".
^^^ semantics over language does not make it different. you say ta ma to we say mid air...
^^^ semantics over language does not make it different. you say ta ma to we say mid air...

Its not semantics. A midcourse interception is very different from the terminal interception India has.

China 1979: Fanji-1 tested successfully twice aginst terminal to below exo atmospheric interception

China 1971-1972: Fanji-2 tested successfully 5 times against terminal target.

China 2007 January 11: SC 19 Direct Ascent with KKV interception 8 Km/s at 865 KM altitude against a 750 Kg satellite

China 2010 January 11: SC 19 Direct Ascent with KKV interception 8 Km/s at 250Km altitude against a midcourse DF 21

India 2007

India 2011 March 6: Ballistic missile defense system with explosive warhead 1.7Km/s at 16 Km altitude against a terminal phase Prithvi 2 variant

Technological gap between two countries is enormous.
^^^ semantics over language does not make it different. you say ta ma to we say mid air...

yes thats why india is best at everythin coz they dont give a f**k of terminology, if india built a paper plane, then it will claim it is 'the' best 'plane' on earth!

i think indian was being moderate when saying LCA can be mongest top 7 plane, in fact its the 'No.1' plane within 'Last Chance Airplane' category.! :D
yes thats why india is best at everythin coz they dont give a f**k of terminology, if india built a paper plane, then it will claim it is 'the' best 'plane' on earth!

i think indian was being moderate when saying LCA can be mongest top 7 plane, in fact its the 'No.1' plane within 'Last Chance Airplane' category.! :D

chinese members on the forum always amuse me,the always say that they dont want to compare china and india but are always seen making fun of indias achievements so is it not comparing your tech with ours
chinese members on the forum always amuse me,the always say that they dont want to compare china and india but are always seen making fun of indias achievements so is it not comparing your tech with ours

when u met a guy doesnt know what is terminology and common sense then the best way to deal with him is to either walked way or have a bit fun with it!

the JayAtl guy is totally helpless after so many long posts were trying to have him informed about the matter was discussed, but he faild, so i might as well to have some funs``:D
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