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Missile exercises around Diaoyu Islands July 10 to 15

Nov 9, 2011
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Meanwhile a Taiwanese ship has brought the mainland China flag to Diaoyu Island!

Phoenix TV report








Chinese language report
Waoooooo ............Nice article...........................Can u not paste here the English Tranlation.......can't read Chinese....................:rofl:
Chinese doenst even use space? Is this one word or a sentence? : 与日本同样有着岛屿争端的俄罗斯不断发威
Live fire missile exercises are just one step away from war. Japan will soon face its second nuclear disaster in less than 2 years.
Please post the news in English translation as well. Threads not-in-english are no longer allowed

A unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was in July 2 release of "no-fly Notice" and "fishing ban notice.

My Ministry in 2012, July 10 to July 15, connect in Zhujiajian to Yushan the seas east of that is in the 5:00 connection within the waters: Latitude 30, "no-fly notice said: degrees 05 minutes east longitude 122 degrees 25 minutes; latitude 30 degrees 05 minutes east longitude 123 degrees 40 minutes; latitude 28 degrees 40 minutes east longitude 123 degrees 40 minutes; latitude 28 degrees 40 minutes east longitude 122 degrees 13 minutes; 28 degrees north latitude 52 minutes, longitude 122 degrees 13 minutes, the actual use of weapons training. Training is strictly prohibited during all types of vessels entering the waters above the range, and to obey the command of the naval guard ships to ensure safety.

Fishing ban notice said: My Ministry is scheduled for July 10 to July 15, 2012, in Zhujiajian to Yushan connection east of the Sea, which is 184, 185,186,187,190,191, 192,193,196,197,198,199,203,20 4,205,206 fishing zone, the actual use of weapons training. Training is strictly prohibited during the fishing vessels entering the fishery area operations, and to obey the command of the naval guard ships to ensure safety.

In Japan to speed up the Diaoyu Islands pace takes it from me, frequently touch the occasion of the red line, the Chinese navy's interesting in Zhejiang and exercise. Warm-up exercises are generally for a possible war, there are some exercises to a sharp escalation of the war precedent in history. Such as "flash attack" in Germany during World War II Poland is to exercise the name of the most recent examples is taught in military exercises in Russia in 2008 pro-American Georgia. July 7 is the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" 75 anniversary of the Japanese shelling Wanping City is by the exercise, the name of soldiers missing.

Recently, the same islands dispute with Japan Russia angry, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, again on the South Kuril Islands. Japan immediately Medvedev once again landed on the island in protest. But it was Medvedev's cold treatment. Medvedev landing at the same time, the Russian military also began to show muscle. 26 of the Russian Navy warships passing through the were ancient Strait, Russian Air Force dispatched four of the latest Tu-22 Backfire bombers to carry the missile flew over Japanese airspace in Japan's view, is absolutely in line with Dmitry Medvedev landing, a tough declaration of sovereignty of the wrist.

The face of pressing harder and harder in Japan, China and the Diaoyu Islands attitude gradually turned tough. Into the weather forecast from the National Weather Service intends to Diaoyu Islands, a standard name to the State Oceanic Administration, the Diaoyu Island and its 72 islands, a strong protest to the repeated orders by the Department of State, to the Chinese naval fleet through the Osumi Strait, China to maintain sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands the trend toward the use of force means.

The waters of the East China Sea Fleet live-fire exercises from the Diaoyu Islands is only 300 km from the aggressive acts of the recent Japanese point of view, the exercise has the purpose of "killing Japan's arrogance," escorting Chinese protectors of Diaoyu Islands and is also in preparation for the use of force to regain the Diaoyu Islands.

Meanwhile, everybody knows Japan is already surrounded by its enemies.

A Weakened Japan's Relations with Russia and the U.S. May be Changing - Forbes
China’s Navy is starting six-day war games in the East China Sea today.

The large-scale manoeuvres involve battle firing and are held amid the aggravation of China’s dispute with Japan over which of the two should own the Diaoyutai Islands, which are known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan.

The naval exercise will be held in the water area east of the Zhouxiang seaport, in Zhejiang Province.

Military analysts point out that although the manoeuvres have been held on a regular basis, it will be for the first time that they have been held on such a large scale.

Also, Beijing has added some new elements, such as an amphibious assault.

Japan protests Chinese ships entry into waters near disputed isles - Yahoo! News Philippines

Japan lodged a protest with China on Wednesday against the entry of Chinese patrol ships into waters near disputed islands in the East China Sea, an issue that has long been a cause of friction between Asia's two biggest economies.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said three Chinese fishery patrol ships entered waters near the uninhabited islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

The islands, claimed Beijing and Tokyo as well as Taipei, are located near rich fishing grounds and potentially huge oil and gas reserves.

Japan said last week it was considering a plan to buy the islands from private landowners instead of letting the nationalist governor of Tokyo go ahead with a similar plan, a move diplomatic experts said may have been intended to dampen tensions but which risked backfiring and sending Sino-Japanese ties into a deep chill.

"It is clear that the Senkaku islands are inherently Japanese territory from a historical point of view and in terms of international law and that they are under the effective control of Japan," Fujimura told a news conference.

The three Chinese ships later left the waters but two of them were still sailing in the contiguous zone as of 10:30 a.m. (0130 GMT), with Japanese patrol ships keeping close watch, he said.

China's official Xinhua news agency said the patrol vessels had entered the waters "to carry out a fishery protection mission in our exclusive economic zone" and repeated that the islands and surrounding waters have been Chinese territory since ancient times.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, a conservative who has shifted Japan's diplomacy back toward a focus on U.S. security ties after his ruling Democratic Party's brief flirtation with a more Asia-centred stance, said on Saturday that the central government was considering buying the isles.

His comments came months after outspoken Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara first floated his own scheme for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to purchase three of the islands, currently privately owned by Japanese nationals and leased to the central government, to "protect" them from Chinese maritime incursions.

Ties between the giant Asian neighbours, long plagued by Beijing's bitter memories of Japan's past militarism and by rivalry over resources and regional clout, plummeted in 2010 after Japan detained the skipper of a Chinese trawler whose boat collided with two Japanese patrol ships near the islands.

Chinese Vessel Spotted Near Disputed Islands On Second Consecutive Day

A Chinese vessel trespassed into disputed waters off the islands in the East China Sea on Thursday, a day after the Japanese government strongly protested against three Chinese fishing patrol ships' entry into the territorial waters of Japan.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told a news conference that the Japanese government had lodged a protest through diplomatic channels with Beijing over the Chinese fishery patrol vessel entering waters near the uninhabited island.

Report quoting Japanese Coast Guard said it spotted the Chinese ship 'Yuzheng 33001' at around 8:10 a.m. near Kuba Island in the zone surrounding territorial waters, and said it was sailing southwest as of at 11 a.m.

:lol: Good! We are doing to Japan what we already did to the Philippines. Coast guard ships on the water surface and massive submarine presence underneath.......
Japan Recalls Ambassador to China Amid Rising Tensions

Japan temporarily recalled its ambassador to China on Sunday in response to renewed friction over a disputed island group, at a time when it faces fresh discord with its allies South Korea and the United States over women forced to work in Japanese brothels during World War II.

While minor, the diplomatic flare-ups underscore how disagreements over history and territory continue to isolate Japan from the rest of Asia. They come after several years of relative calm in which Tokyo had seemed to mend fences with neighbors still traumatized by Imperial Japan’s brutal, early 20th-century march across Asia.

The dispute over Asian and Dutch women forced to service Japanese soldiers in wartime brothels has even put Tokyo at odds with its postwar protector, the United States. Unconfirmed reports that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has banned the use of the Japanese euphemism “comfort women” in favor of the more direct “sex slaves” prompted a curt retort last week in the Japanese Parliament by the foreign minister, Koichiro Gemba, who called the latter term “a mistaken expression.”

Under its conservative prime minister, Yoshihiko Noda, Japan has recently tried to challenge some of the claims made about the women, whom many historians say were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military but many Japanese say were willfully working as common prostitutes. Those assertions have drawn angry reactions in South Korea, where they are seen as signs that Tokyo remains unrepentant for its harsh colonization of the Korean Peninsula. On July 9, an irate South Korean drove his truck into the front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.

Mr. Noda has similarly provoked Beijing, with a move earlier this month to defend Japan’s claims to disputed islands in the East China Sea that are also claimed by mainland China, and Taiwan by announcing he wanted to nationalize them. Last week, China apparently responded by sending three fishery patrol ships into waters around the uninhabited islands between Okinawa and Taiwan, known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China.

The incursion prompted Tokyo on Sunday to temporarily summon its ambassador to China, Uichiro Niwa. He returned to Tokyo for what Japanese officials said were discussions over how to prevent the island dispute from further escalating and damaging ties between the two Asian powers.

“We’ll send him back to Beijing soon after he finishes” the discussions, the foreign minister, Mr. Gemba, said late Saturday in Hanoi. Mr. Gemba has already lodged a protest with Beijing over the entry by the Chinese ships.

Mr. Noda announced plans to buy three of the uninhabited islands, which are currently owned by a private Japanese citizen, after Tokyo’s rightist governor announced that he wanted to buy the islands. China says Japan seized the islands after winning a late 19th-century war between the two nations. Uninhabited and virtually worthless in their own right, the islands are located near rich fishing grounds and possible undersea oil and natural gas deposits.

Mr. Gemba was in Southeast Asia to attend a regional meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, that failed Saturday to find an agreement on how to respond to China’s separate territorial claims to the South China Sea, which are also claimed by several other nations in the region including Vietnam.

On the sidelines of that meeting, Mr. Gemba had been expected to hold a routine meeting with the South Korean foreign minister, Kim Sung-hwan. But the meeting never happened because, the two nations remained too far apart on the issue of sex slaves and also a scuttled military pact, the Japanese news media reported.

The pact, which would have allowed the Japanese and South Korean militaries to swap information on North Korea and China, was aborted at the last minute after a sudden eruption of public opposition in South Korea over closer ties with its former colonial master.

After being dormant for years, the sex slaves issue suddenly got renewed attention in May after Japan’s consul general in New York tried to have a monument to the sex slaves removed from a public park in New Jersey. The move drew the ire of Korean-American groups, which rippled back across the Pacific Ocean to South Korea.

Many of the sex slaves were Koreans, some of whom, though now in their 70s and 80s, still hold vigils in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. They are demanding compensation and an apology; Japan says all war-related claims were settled when it established diplomatic ties with South Korea in 1965.
Japan is losing territorial claims against Russia and China. Why?

It's an island with no natural resources that is constantly being threatened by mother nature. Large scale earthquakes are very common and a big threat to nuclear power plants as we have seen what had happened in Fukushima. The disaster from last year resulted a nationwide shut down of all those power plants. It is also a country occupied by the Americans and will listen to what they have to say. For instance Japan has no choice but to stop importing oil from Iran due to the sanction. Japan must rely on Russia for energy export which means further weakening Japan's position to claim the Kuril islands.

China is Asia's big brother. As the world's 2nd largest economy it will not benefit Japan if they continue to provoke China on the sovereignty of Daioyu island. Will Japan risk a war against a giant? They have a lot to lose, not only a major trading partner but their Navy is simply no match for the PLA.

Unlike Germany, Japan has never handled the matter properly for their war crimes against Asians. Whereas Germany seek reconciliations with EU countries especially Russia, Japanese felt too proud and saw other Asians inferior. After WW 2 Japan remained isolated and failed to apologize or compensate the victims. Insulting China, South Korea and other nations by calling the female victims comfort women rather than forced prostitution.
This was recently flared up when Clinton talked about sex slaves and the Japanese immediately insists that she had mistaken it for comfort women.
Therefore South Korea won't discuss with Japan about the possibility to play an important role in the ASEAN summit nor will they support Japan regarding the Kuril and Daioyu island. Vietnam won't show any support either regarding the Kuril island issue because they wouldn't want to piss off the Russians.
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