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technological edge over Pakistan and China has been to some extent proven

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*facepalm* Get a life...

i noticed indians in this forum so touchy with iq , why? i dont believe in them do u? on second thought i think you do , but i dont blame you for being angry and get into personal attack , i would do the same if my nation average iq is 85 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOLLLLLLLL
LOL, then 4 then 8 then WHAT?

Just adress the person or report post you feel is unfair.


You see, No Name,

In a class discussion session, if someone raises his answer which you happen to disgree with , do you report him to headmaster? Or you will try to raise a counter argument ?

In a library, if you knock into a book you don’t like, do you report it to “burn the library down”? Or you will try to find a book with an opposite stance which you thin is better?

In a sport event of 100m Sprint , if Asafa Powell runs faster than you, or Comrade Yuri who runs much slower for that matter, do you report them to the Local Police ? Don’t laugh, because that’s what you are suggesting, or do you try to locate someone such as “Usain Bolt” to compete with them ?

If I go further, do you know岳飛? If you happen to disgree with his opinions and actions, do you report him to 高宗in order to kill him like what 秦檜did, along gone with the country and the “argument” for good? No ? But what you are trying to do is in the same vein of reason , can’t you see, my friend?

It’s all a matter of an opinion, particularly this opinion being expressed by tons of highly respected experts and researchers worldwide. It at least deserves some respect from outsiders like us.

If you disagree with someone, try to find an argument, or a youtube clip in this case if you like, to counter him/her to make your point. This is what European (Western) civilisation was, and probably still is, all about: unbridled personal opinions, peer reviews, and debates in order to stimulate free research and scientific advancement. This endeavour single-handedly launched the humanity into the modern world that we are in.

I see you are living in a Western society but do you actually know what defines it and what makes it so great?

can any indian member tell me what is the reason india only having a low 85 iq
can any indian member tell me what is the reason india only having a low 85 iq

The guy who was taking the IQ scores/survey around the world was unhappy with the food we gave..

Also he missed you while taking the score in China , otherwise u guys will be having such a low score for sure.
Chinese bragging about IQ? With a pathetic list of mathematical achievements and not even one good scientist in over 5000 years with a large population and no major scientific theories/inventions ,I would say their average IQ is 75.

Chinese American David Ho in AIDS research. Okay, I named one in 5,000 years.

What major scientific/invention does India have?? Einstein-Bose?? More like Einstein correcting Bose.
You really want to go down this road ??
When you have nothing to argue with you just call the other person a lier. A very convincing and mature argument indeed.

Only cold hard facts are that you simply have nothing to back your statements with and have to resort to name calling instead.

Let's get this right - you claim in post #81 that I said that India won the war in 1962. Considering I have never said this, this proves beyond an iota of doubt that you are liar.

If not, please show me when did I ever say that India won the war in 1962?
It is understood that most tests in China were done on people in urban areas or semi-rural areas and because of their strict state control - they would have screened the people who gave this IQ Test. Who can forget that poor little girl who sung in the Beijing Olympics but was deemed too ugly to represent China - so they had a better looking child lip sync? Such things are common in China. Even 75 is being too generous - I would put them on par with the Australian Aboriginals at about 60. It also explains why they prefer an autocratic regime - decision making and taking governance in own hands is tedious in a nation with such a low IQ. But if given the opportunity, I am sure we as concerned neighbors can help the poor Chinese people get out of this rut.
Chinese American David Ho in AIDS research. Okay, I named one in 5,000 years.

What major scientific/invention does India have?? Einstein-Bose?? More like Einstein correcting Bose.
You really want to go down this road ??

Sure - C.V. Raman. Chandrasekhar. Jagdish Chandra Bose. Ramanujan.

Your turn.
Stay on topic. You are all over the place.
If there is correlation between hosting an international athletic events and IQ as you claim.
Beijing Olympics = 200 IQ
Commonwealth Games = 55 IQ

It is understood that most tests in China were done on people in urban areas or semi-rural areas and because of their strict state control - they would have screened the people who gave this IQ Test. Who can forget that poor little girl who sung in the Beijing Olympics but was deemed too ugly to represent China - so they had a better looking child lip sync? Such things are common in China. Even 75 is being too generous - I would put them on par with the Australian Aboriginals at about 60. It also explains why they prefer an autocratic regime - decision making and taking governance in own hands is tedious in a nation with such a low IQ. But if given the opportunity, I am sure we as concerned neighbors can help the poor Chinese people get out of this rut.
can any indian member tell me what is the reason india only having a low 85 iq


We don't want to go that far, my friends, as there is a limit in PDF/Mods.

We made a point, now enough is enough, No more IQ stuff. Agree?

Stay on topic. You are all over the place.
If there is correlation between hosting an international athletic events and IQ as you claim.
Beijing Olympics = 200 IQ
Commonwealth Games = 55 IQ

Of course not - what happened in a democratic society can't be compared to what happened to a sporting spectacle put up by a repressive regime - monks were not beaten up and stuff here so if CG IQ would be 55, BO IQ would be pegged in negative.
Like I said Bose needed Einstein. Ramanujan is famous for being self-taught and number theory is the only field of mathematics that's possible. Ask any mathematician.

Here you go...
Category:Chinese physicists

Your turn...

This post once again highlights the limited IQ of the Chinese citizenry - probably as a result of state indoctrination -

Bose-Einstein state is named after Satyendra Nath Bose

There is a difference between him and Jadgish Chandra Bose.

Ramanujan is not famous for being self-taught. Ramanujan is famous for being a great mathematician.
Chinese American David Ho in AIDS research. Okay, I named one in 5,000 years.

What major scientific/invention does India have?? Einstein-Bose?? More like Einstein correcting Bose.
You really want to go down this road ??

It was named Bose-Einstein not Einstein-Bose and that's for a reason.
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