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technological edge over Pakistan and China has been to some extent proven

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Actually my apologies for talking of this issue.

I know that was the worst period for the Chinese. The Mongols were barbarians and killed millions all over. Chinese were probably the worst sufferers along with Muslims.

we did suffer a lot, but we kicked them out within few decades, but indians``lol they'd rather to be ruled by greeks, huns, persians, turks, mongols and brits for several milleniuum`:P
The accusations of us stealing their train technology is laughable.

Our trains go 30% faster. Most engineers know that to improve an existing process or product by even 1% is incredibly hard, much less improve it with "minimal changes" as they accuse. Yet it is 30% faster. Tell me how did that happen?
The accusations of us stealing their train technology is laughable.

Our trains go 30% faster. Most engineers know that to improve an existing process or product by even 1% is incredibly hard, much less improve it with "minimal changes" as they accuse. Yet it is 30% faster. Tell me how did that happen?

Chinese could not design a train by themselves,let alone 60's or 70's train,so they took help from several countries.When they mixed technologies from several quarters,it became 'improved' like what you claim.
Chinese could not design a train by themselves,let alone 60's or 70's train,so they took help from several countries.When they mixed technologies from several quarters,it became 'improved' like what you claim.

How do you mix radically different technologies and make it improve? Jets are fast. Cars need to go fast. Why don't I just make a car with a jet engine? Hey if you can make a car with a jet engine and it works, that's technically "mixing 2 existing technologies" but who will dare say you're not creative?
You really think you are capable of that!

I have to give you credit for optimism if nothing else. :bunny:

One word answer.

You are a pitiful, self hating banana. :lol:

Whenever race card and name calling don't work, the final Indian trick on PDF

is to move and laugh pathetically ---> like this :bunny: and this :lol: ,

and talk nonsense as above showed, trying to hide the sheer stupidity.

Chinese could not design a train by themselves,let alone 60's or 70's train,so they took help from several countries.When they mixed technologies from several quarters,it became 'improved' like what you claim.

India could not design a rocket by themselves, let alone a 1940's or 1950's rocket, so they took help from several countries.
When they mixed technologies from several quarters, they made a big K A B O O M ! ! !

After 10+ pages we are back on topic !!!!
Train Makers Rail Against China's High-Speed Designs

QINGDAO, China—When the Japanese and European companies that pioneered high-speed rail agreed to build trains for China, they thought they'd be getting access to a booming new market, billions of dollars worth of contracts and the cachet of creating the most ambitious rapid rail system in history.
China's Route for High-Speed Rail
What they didn't count on was having to compete with Chinese firms who adapted their technology and turned it against them just a few years later.

Today, Chinese rail companies that were once junior partners with the likes of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Siemens AG, Alstom SA and Bombardier Inc. are vying against them in the burgeoning global market for super-fast train systems
Whenever race card and name calling don't work, the final Indian trick on PDF

is to move and laugh pathetically ---> like this :bunny: and this :lol: ,

and talk nonsense as above showed, trying to hide the sheer stupidity.


You have been exposed enough. Pasting some random links doesn't cut it.

Your claims of 60 days Chandrayan life and PSLV being Russian (or foreign) have been debunked. Your clutching at straws and speculation don't mean anything.

BTW, it is funny making you look like the stupid fool you are. A pathetic banana that tries to act smart but always fails.

You have been blessed with a pathetic minuscule brain. And I must admire you are doing the best with the limited resources you got. ;)
What you fail to appreciate is China caught up with the Japanese and French in 10 years. Cisco and Ericsson in 10 years.
If you told me that in 2000, neither I nor anyone else would believe you.

China will catch Intel in 10 years and nobody cares about Microsoft.
India could not design a rocket by themselves, let alone a 1940's or 1950's rocket, so they took help from several countries.
When they mixed technologies from several quarters, they made a big K A B O O M ! ! !

After 10+ pages we are back on topic !!!!

This is a small list of china's rocket espionage,imports and technology transfers.Note,this is only from 90's.Even after decades of stealing and copying,seems like they still haven't learn't.And you can watch chinese rocket fireworks few pages back


MAZ mobile launcher six-axle chassis (same design as launcher for former Soviet SS-20)

--Probably to be copied to improve performance and mobility of Chinese launchers
--Photographed in 1996 at Beijing Nanyuan missile plant
--Possible relationship between launcher and China's DF-31 program


Solid fuel rocket technology (in return for Chinese liquid fuel technology and missile guidance) (1985-)


Assistance in cruise missile development:

--Sharing of technology of Israeli land-attack cruise missile based on Star-1 attack drone (Beijing is contributing financially to missile's development) (1995)
Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation equipment (1991)
Assistance in improving guidance of M-9 and DF-3 (CSS-2) ballistic missiles
US Patriot anti-missile system technology:

--Guidance and propulsion technology (in return for information on M-9 and M-11 ballistic missiles)
--Reportedly used to develop countermeasures against Patriot for China's ballistic and cruise missiles
US Python-3 air-to-air missiles (AAMs)


--"Harpy" anti-radar drones (2002)

Electron beam machine (from Toshiba) (1992)


Cruise missiles:

--Assistance in development of land-attack missile (1990s)
--Assistance in development of anti-ship missiles (1990s)
--Transfer of stealth technology for cruise missiles (1990s)
--Raduga 3M-80 (SS-N-22 "Sunburn") anti-ship cruise missiles (along with four Sovremenny-class guided missile destroyers) (1996). The first lot of 24 missiles were shipped 16 May 2000. The second lot is to be delivered at the end of the year 2000.
--Marketing of Raduga Kh-65SE air-launched missile (?)
--Negotiation for transfer of the Kh-31A (AS-17 "Krypton") air-launched anti-ship missile
--Assistance in development of the Kh-31P (AS-17 "Kryton") air-launched anti-radiation missile (1997-1998)
--Transfer of KR-1 missiles (Chinese indigenous designation: YJ-91)
--SS-N-19 anti-ship missile (?)
--"Kashtan" naval-gun-and-missile complexes (1995)
--"Moskit" supersonic anti-ship missiles (1997)
--"Club" missile complex (2002)
ICBM technology and parts:

--Attempted Chinese purchase of SS-18 ICBM technology (1990s)--ostensibly for improving China's civilian space-launch program using the SS-18 booster
Missile guidance:

--Electronic equipment to improve missile accuracy (1990s)
Rocket engines:

--Three RD-170 engines for Zenit SLV (1991) (sold with Ukraine)
Surface-to-air missiles (SAMs):

-- S-300 PMU-1 [NATO designation SA-10/SA-N-6] SAMs (1990s)
--Tor-M1 short-range air defense missile complexes

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Missile Launchers:

--"Smerch" multiple missile launcher (1995)


Missile technology


ICBM technology and parts:

--Attempted Chinese purchase of SS-18 ICBM technology (1990s)--ostensibly for improving China's civilian space-launch program using the SS-18 booster
Rocket engines:

-- Three RD-170 engines for Zenit SLV (1991) (sold with Ukraine)


Missile engines:

--Digital engine controls for K-8 jet trainer (could contribute to China's design of a long-range cruise missile) (1995)


Guidance technology:

--China may have developed the guidance system for its C-802 cruise missile using US technology
Machine tools:

--Diversion by China of six machine tools to the Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Company (which produces cruise missiles), sold by McDonnell Douglas to the China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation (CATIC) in September 1994
Missile engines [gas turbine engines (from AlliedSignal to Nanchang Aircraft Company)--could contribute to China's design of a long-range cruise missile]

--40 TFE731-2A-2A engines from AlliedSignal
Satellite technology:

--Integration analysis (possibly applicable to MIRV development) (1994)
Supercomputers (possibly diverted to military use)
Missile Technology
--Hughes Electronic Corp. and Loral Space and Communications Ltd. transferred sensitive information regarding 1996 crash of a Long March rocket
India could not design a rocket by themselves, let alone a 1940's or 1950's rocket, so they took help from several countries.
When they mixed technologies from several quarters, they made a big K A B O O M ! ! !

After 10+ pages we are back on topic !!!!

in other words, even some of the Indian paint jobs took 3 decades +, and even their own

army don't want them, such as Arjunk and LCA :rofl:

What you fail to appreciate is China caught up with the Japanese and French in 10 years. Cisco and Ericsson in 10 years.
If you told me that in 2000, neither I nor anyone else would believe you.

China will catch Intel in 10 years and nobody cares about Microsoft.

yeah, microsoft sucks! no Dutch and German software engineers I know of respect MS.
This is a small list of china's rocket espionage...

This is another Hindustan "novelty" - to spam the forum/thread with moutains of

copy+pasty info - usually are disinfomation.

Whenever I notice such a phenominon in a forum, blog, etc. , I know

that the author is an Indian, no doubt.

This is a small list of china's rocket espionage,imports and technology transfers.Note,this is only from 90's.Even after decades of stealing and copying,seems like they still haven't learn't.And you can watch chinese rocket fireworks few pages back


MAZ mobile launcher six-axle chassis (same design as launcher for former Soviet SS-20)

--Probably to be copied to improve performance and mobility of Chinese launchers
--Photographed in 1996 at Beijing Nanyuan missile plant
--Possible relationship between launcher and China's DF-31 program


Solid fuel rocket technology (in return for Chinese liquid fuel technology and missile guidance) (1985-)


Assistance in cruise missile development:

--Sharing of technology of Israeli land-attack cruise missile based on Star-1 attack drone (Beijing is contributing financially to missile's development) (1995)
Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation equipment (1991)
Assistance in improving guidance of M-9 and DF-3 (CSS-2) ballistic missiles
US Patriot anti-missile system technology:

--Guidance and propulsion technology (in return for information on M-9 and M-11 ballistic missiles)
--Reportedly used to develop countermeasures against Patriot for China's ballistic and cruise missiles
US Python-3 air-to-air missiles (AAMs)


--"Harpy" anti-radar drones (2002)

Electron beam machine (from Toshiba) (1992)


Cruise missiles:

--Assistance in development of land-attack missile (1990s)
--Assistance in development of anti-ship missiles (1990s)
--Transfer of stealth technology for cruise missiles (1990s)
--Raduga 3M-80 (SS-N-22 "Sunburn") anti-ship cruise missiles (along with four Sovremenny-class guided missile destroyers) (1996). The first lot of 24 missiles were shipped 16 May 2000. The second lot is to be delivered at the end of the year 2000.
--Marketing of Raduga Kh-65SE air-launched missile (?)
--Negotiation for transfer of the Kh-31A (AS-17 "Krypton") air-launched anti-ship missile
--Assistance in development of the Kh-31P (AS-17 "Kryton") air-launched anti-radiation missile (1997-1998)
--Transfer of KR-1 missiles (Chinese indigenous designation: YJ-91)
--SS-N-19 anti-ship missile (?)
--"Kashtan" naval-gun-and-missile complexes (1995)
--"Moskit" supersonic anti-ship missiles (1997)
--"Club" missile complex (2002)
ICBM technology and parts:

--Attempted Chinese purchase of SS-18 ICBM technology (1990s)--ostensibly for improving China's civilian space-launch program using the SS-18 booster
Missile guidance:

--Electronic equipment to improve missile accuracy (1990s)
Rocket engines:

--Three RD-170 engines for Zenit SLV (1991) (sold with Ukraine)
Surface-to-air missiles (SAMs):

-- S-300 PMU-1 [NATO designation SA-10/SA-N-6] SAMs (1990s)
--Tor-M1 short-range air defense missile complexes

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Missile Launchers:

--"Smerch" multiple missile launcher (1995)


Missile technology


ICBM technology and parts:

--Attempted Chinese purchase of SS-18 ICBM technology (1990s)--ostensibly for improving China's civilian space-launch program using the SS-18 booster
Rocket engines:

-- Three RD-170 engines for Zenit SLV (1991) (sold with Ukraine)


Missile engines:

--Digital engine controls for K-8 jet trainer (could contribute to China's design of a long-range cruise missile) (1995)


Guidance technology:

--China may have developed the guidance system for its C-802 cruise missile using US technology
Machine tools:

--Diversion by China of six machine tools to the Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Company (which produces cruise missiles), sold by McDonnell Douglas to the China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation (CATIC) in September 1994
Missile engines [gas turbine engines (from AlliedSignal to Nanchang Aircraft Company)--could contribute to China's design of a long-range cruise missile]

--40 TFE731-2A-2A engines from AlliedSignal
Satellite technology:

--Integration analysis (possibly applicable to MIRV development) (1994)
Supercomputers (possibly diverted to military use)
Missile Technology
--Hughes Electronic Corp. and Loral Space and Communications Ltd. transferred sensitive information regarding 1996 crash of a Long March rocket

u did ur homework very well to suit ur funny and laughble argument
the so called china 'steal' or 'copy' lists are consist of most words like possibly, maybe, reportedly, assistant and ToT transfer which none of them can comprehend with 'copy' and 'steal'``

but with indians the most words u would notice are going to be bought, bought and failed to assemble, bought, assemble successfully hence 'indigineous' and the best of the world``:D
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