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Team USA

don't you get bored of posting this boring shit day in and day out.

Nope! I'm just showing what life in the USA is really like for a typical resident. I'm not showing mansions of the rich & famous or people sailing yachts while sipping champagne. No sugar coated glamorous Hollywood movie make believe.

Just typical everyday stuff in the lives a typical US resident has to deal with and why people like it here. It's the little things that add up here and there.
okay.. I'll sneak in somewhat of a cuisine thing.

Food in the US: Eating uncooked vegetables
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Not uncommon for people to eat a plateful of raw vegetables - especially during lunchtime

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Wash in warm water of course

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Or better yet many vegetables are bagged pre-washed..so you can eat them out of the bag.

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restaurant uncooked salad bar

there's even dedicated salad restaurants
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Bathrooms in the US: One piece shower/tub

Most US homes (if not almost all) have both a shower and a tub. Many are separate units.
However some bathrooms don't have the space for both.

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The "one piece" shower and tub solves this problem. Made of acrylic it has no seams and is pretty common.
Another convenience is you don't have any tile or grout issues to deal with.

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Some have glass doors

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Some have shower curtains
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Well we just had a big snowfall so...

Homes in the USA: Dealing with winter
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Town trucks plow the streets

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If you are lucky they will do your sidewalk - if you have one.

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But most of the time it is you and the Snow blower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Hmm...I think I'll be getting one of these!!!

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Another reason people buy Trucks/SUVs. You can add a plow attachment and make your own path.

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Or if you feel like ripping up your pavement you can put in a heated driveway.
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Keeping up appearances: clean streets and sidewalks

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Nice shoes...but can you really wear them on town/city streets without getting them ruined...yes you can!

Lots of laws have been passed to make sure your trek down the street isn't a game of "dodge it".

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First no dogs running wild pooping everywhere. That solves that problem.

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Solves human problems.

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Street cleaning machines take care of the rest.

So women can wear this without worry.
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Homes in the US: Neighborhood trash day

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The trash truck

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The Recycle truck

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The yard waste truck (leaves, grass, branches, etc)
Homes in the USA: No overnight street parking

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Many cities/towns have passed laws making it illegal to park a car overnight on the public streets.
The rationale for this is:
1) Criminals wont be able to park their cars when looking for opportunities without being noticed.
2) Landlords will have a harder time renting a single apartment unit to say 4 college students since they will each now need a space for their car in the driveway (you can't park in front yards either)

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Dawn on a residential street
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Homes in the USA: Burglar bars/walls

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No, this isn't in the U.S.

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Yes, this is.

You'd think with all the lawless Hollywood movies, gun ownership, and crime stats posted Homeowners would be putting walls around their homes and bars on all the windows to keep themselves and their families safe.

The reality is home property crime is not much of a problem in most areas of the U.S. Seeing bars on homes is uncommon unless you live in some poor areas (like near public housing for instance).


Even homes in NYC don't have bars (although in some bad sections they probably do)
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Homes in the USA: Kitchen garden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infographic: Home gardening in the U.S. | MNN - Mother Nature Network

"The U.S. has enjoyed a home-gardening renaissance in recent years, driven by concerns about health, nutrition and money — and a desire to get back to our roots. Whether you're starting a garden or just curious how yours compares, here's a behind-the-scenes look at gardening in America.

While corn is the top overall crop grown in the U.S. — with 84 million acres harvested in 2011 — home gardeners tend to grow a more biodiverse bounty. Tomatoes are the most popular produce cultivated in yards across the country, followed by cucumbers, sweet peppers, beans, carrots and summer squash.

Home gardeners are relatively evenly spread around the country, although the Southeast has a few more green thumbs than other regions. Most U.S. gardeners have at least some college education, and a slight majority are female. Regardless of their demographics, though, the country's home gardeners seem to be getting their money's worth: After collectively spending $2.5 billion on seeds, supplies and other upfront costs in 2008, American gardeners reaped a whopping $21 billion return on investment. For the average 600-square-foot garden, that comes out to a profit of about $530."

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Contrary to the popular belief that American's don't like to get their "hands dirty" and do work; a good percentage of Americans have gardens. The even greater surprise is the majority are college educated.
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Homes in the USA: Gardening (...continued)

Want to grow fruits/vegetables...it's simple.

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Need some good soil...no problem...many places sell nice rich black soil pretty cheap by the bag.

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Or if you just need soil amendments there is a huge selection of them too.

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pick your seeds...

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or buy a seedling (or even a full plant)

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Pretty much every home has an outdoor water connection in the back with clean potable water.

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Watch it grow in the backyard.

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Enjoy healthy pesticide/herbicide free food!

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