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Team USA

Need to see spring and summer really quickly, man! This is getting ridiculous and February is starting out with a bang around here.

BTW, Ant, what do you think of this product here? Do you think this gizmo actually produces that much pressure straight from a regular garden hose? I have a pressure washer I paid quite a bit of money for and use it a lot and it's a bit of a PITA sometimes it refuses to start and gotta change the plug and clean it etc. But it needs the motor to produce the pressure. Hard to believe this $16 item bypasses all of that!?

Apparently they're shit -
Hey ain't might get banned from this shiholt of a forum because of and asshole named Mastankhan who disses Egypt and tht's the last thing ii will take from than pakistani fool it's bad enough they diss us Egytpia as if their shit don't stink whn it stinks to no avail fro the shit food they eat.

So se me a pm with you pjon number and Immsend you mind so we can go baoting this suer for sure ror.
Sure thing and **** this forum tne tuike foover.
Hey ain't might get banned from this shiholt of a forum because of and asshole named Mastankhan who disses Egypt and tht's the last thing ii will take from than pakistani fool it's bad enough they diss us Egytpia as if their shit don't stink whn it stinks to no avail fro the shit food they eat.

So se me a pm with you pjon number and Immsend you mind so we can go baoting this suer for sure ror.
Sure thing and **** this forum tne tuike foover.

Calm down brother. That guy doesn't just diss Egypt. He disses the US in plenty of my threads. Take a breather. Don't let the trollers keep winning by chasing off the good guys. Just use the
Screen Shot 2021-02-13 at 10.40.08 AM.jpg

"ignore" button on him (I have a few people blocked) and that can work miracles.

Let me search my desktop for the contact info we used last time so don't leave yet. Hey is that Cheesecake Factory in your town still open?
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Hey @Gomig-21 jay Leno is driving his beautiful 2002 WS6 Firebird. You've got a 2001.

LOVE IT!! Timeless classics. I still get stares from 18 year olds (notice I said 18 loooooooooo) when I had about 6 girls come up to me WITH MY WIFE IN THE FRONT SEAT BRO LOL THESE GIRLS HAVE NO SHAME AND THE OLDEST ONE MUST'VE BEEN 12 LMFAOOOOOOOA and one of them said "is that a Ferrari?" I looked at my wife and said "yes of course" lmao. Then they had the balls to ask for a ride and told us where they live but let me tell you, my shoulder was killing me from my wife slamming it when I told them yes of course it's a Ferrari lol.

BTW, much more timeless than the corvette, the older one like 80s and 90's didn't have that killer timeless style. Now the new $87,000-$15000 certainly do.
NASA lands Perseverance rover on the Mars surface, carrying the first helicopter for another planet

  • NASA successfully landed its fifth robotic rover on Mars on Thursday, with the U.S. space agency confirming that Perseverance touched down safely on the red planet’s surface.
  • The rover is the most technologically advanced robot that NASA has ever sent to Mars, with the agency aiming to spend nearly two years exploring the surface.
  • Perseverance is also carrying a small helicopter named Ingenuity, which is a technology demonstrator that NASA plans to use to attempt the first flight on another planet.
The first image beamed back to Earth from Mars rover Peseverance after landing on the surface.

The first image beamed back to Earth from Mars rover Peseverance after landing on the surface.
NASA successfully landed its fifth robotic rover on Mars on Thursday, with the U.S. space agency confirming that Perseverance touched down safely on the red planet’s surface.
“Touchdown confirmed,” NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory mission control said. “Perseverance safely on the surface of Mars, ready to begin seeking the sands of past life.”

The rover is the most technologically advanced robot that NASA has ever sent to Mars, with the agency aiming to spend nearly two years exploring the surface. The agency spent about $2.4 billion to build and launch the Perseverance mission, with another $300 million in costs expected for landing and operating the rover on the Mars surface.
Based on its predecessor Curiosity, which reached Mars in August 2012 and is still in operation, the Perseverance rover was built by NASA’s JPL in California. Multiple companies contributed to parts of the spacecraft, such as the Lockheed Martin-built heat shield, Aerojet Rocketdyne-built rocket thrusters and the Maxar Technologies-built robotic arm.
Perseverance is also carrying a small helicopter named Ingenuity, which NASA plans to use to attempt the first flight on another planet.
Engineers observe the first driving test for NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in a clean room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, on Dec. 17, 2019.

Engineers observe the first driving test for NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in a clean room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, on Dec. 17, 2019.
The rover is about the size of a small car, weighing about one ton in total and is 10 feet long by nine feet wide by seven feet tall. It has a robotic arm that reaches about seven feet long, the end of which has a robotic “hand” that has a camera, chemical analyzer, and a rock drill. Perseverance is nuclear powered, with a plutonium generator provided by the U.S. Department of Energy to generate electricity for its pair of lithium-ion batteries.
Perseverance traveled 293 million miles to reach Mars over the course of more than six months since launching on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on July 30.
Sticking the landing
This illustration shows the events that occur in the final minutes of the nearly seven-month journey that NASA's Perseverance rover takes to Mars

This illustration shows the events that occur in the final minutes of the nearly seven-month journey that NASA’s Perseverance rover takes to Mars
The rover’s landing featured the typical “seven minutes of terror” that NASA engineers describe for any spacecraft attempt to reach the Martian surface. That’s the time it takes to enter the Martian atmosphere and descend to the surface, and it’s named as such because it takes 11 minutes for any communication to travel from the rover back to Earth – meaning the time delay requires that the spacecraft and rover perform the landing autonomously.
Perseverance entered the Martian atmosphere in a capsule that protected the rover as it traveled at about 12,100 miles per hour. The spacecraft then deployed a parachute to begin slowing down before jettisoning the capsule and heat shield, and then firing its rocket thrusters to slow itself down from about 170 miles per hour to about two miles per hour
An animation of the spacecraft carrying Mars rover Perseverance firing its thrusters to slow down for landing.

An animation of the spacecraft carrying Mars rover Perseverance firing its thrusters to slow down for landing.
The spacecraft next deployed its “sky crane,” which lowered the rover the remaining few feet down to the surface.
An animation of Mars rover Perserverance being lowered to the Mars surface by the sky crane.

An animation of Mars rover Perserverance being lowered to the Mars surface by the “sky crane.”
Perseverance landed in the Jezero Crater, a 28-mile-wide basin in the northern hemisphere of Mars. Its a place where NASA believes a body of water, about the size of Lake Tahoe, used to flow. NASA’s science team hopes the ancient river delta may have preserved organic molecules and other potential signs of microbial life, which Perseverance will attempt to detect with its instruments.
The target landing area of NASA's Perseverance rover is overlaid on this image of its landing site on Mars, Jezero Crater.

The target landing area of NASA’s Perseverance rover is overlaid on this image of its landing site on Mars, Jezero Crater.
In addition to its scientific instruments, the rover also carries a commemorative plate to honor COVID-19 healthcare workers and pay tribute to the impact of the pandemic.
The rover also has the names of 10.9 million people stenciled into three silicon chips on the rover, with the words “Explore as one” written in Morse code.
Perseverance’s mission
The rover is packed with cameras to capture its expedition, with the robot chock full of scientific instruments to measure the planet’s geology – and hopefully collect samples that NASA aims to one day return to Earth.
NASA plans to drive Perseverance around the surface for one Martian year, which is the equivalent to 687 days on Earth.
It has seven major instruments for a wide variety of purposes: Mastcam-Z, Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA), Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL), Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Experiment (RIMFAX), Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals (SHERLOC), and SuperCam.
The rover also has a sample caching system, which has nine different drill bits and a bevy of sample collection tubes to capture pieces of the Mars surface for eventual return to Earth.
“Perseverance is the first rover to bring a sample caching system to Mars that will package promising samples for return to Earth by a future mission,” NASA said in a press release. “Rather than pulverizing rock the way Curiosity’s drill does, Perseverance’s drill will cut intact rock cores that are about the size of a piece of chalk and will place them in sample tubes that it will store until the rover reaches an appropriate drop-off location on Mars.”
NASA hopes to return the sample as a part of a campaign in partnership with the European Space Agency some time in the future.
The rover is designed to cover more ground than any other robot sent to Mars before. NASA designed Perseverance to drive an average of 650 feet per Martian day, which is close to the longest drive previously completed in a day at 702 feet by NASA’s Opportunity rover.
Aiming for first flight on another planet
The Perseverance rover, with the Ingenuity helicopter visible attached underneath, prepared for launch.

The Perseverance rover, with the Ingenuity helicopter visible attached underneath, prepared for launch.
Perseverance is also carrying the Ingenuity helicopter. A couple months after the landing, NASA plans to deploy the helicopter from underneath Perseverance in a flat area. The rover will then drive about 330 feet away, to capture the flight attempt with the rover’s cameras.
An animation of the Perseverance rover deploying the Ingenuity helicopter.

An animation of the Perseverance rover deploying the Ingenuity helicopter.
If all goes will, Ingenuity’s flight will be the first powered controlled flight on another planet, in what NASA describes as “a Wright Brothers moment” on Mars.
An animation of the Ingenuity helicopter taking its first flight on Mars.

An animation of the Ingenuity helicopter taking its first flight on Mars.
LOVE IT!! Timeless classics. I still get stares from 18 year olds (notice I said 18 loooooooooo) when I had about 6 girls come up to me WITH MY WIFE IN THE FRONT SEAT BRO LOL THESE GIRLS HAVE NO SHAME AND THE OLDEST ONE MUST'VE BEEN 12 LMFAOOOOOOOA and one of them said "is that a Ferrari?" I looked at my wife and said "yes of course" lmao. Then they had the balls to ask for a ride and told us where they live but let me tell you, my shoulder was killing me from my wife slamming it when I told them yes of course it's a Ferrari lol.

BTW, much more timeless than the corvette, the older one like 80s and 90's didn't have that killer timeless style. Now the new $87,000-$15000 certainly do.

LOL! Hey remember I had one of the 1st 4th gens in Massachusetts back in 1994. People were crowding around it saying it was a spaceship. Even the cops would pull me over to check it out. Parking next to a Corvette brought many sly grins from me as the C5 style didn't come out until 1997. So I had the cooler looking car...especially with the crazily raked windshield. HAHA!!
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LOL! Hey remember I had one of the 1st 4th gens in Massachusetts back in 1994. People were crowding around it saying it was a spaceship. Even the cops would pull me over to check it out. Parking next to a Corvette brought many sly grins from me as the C5 style didn't come out until 1997. So I had the cooler looking car...especially with the crazily raked windshield. HAHA!!

Speaking of driving, how do you suppose Tiger Woods ended up crossing the medium into the oncoming lane and then flipping his SUV a couple of times? Hope he's ok and makes a full recovery. That was crazy. I doubt he was messed up at 7:30 a,m trying to get to the golf course to meet up with a couple other players for 18 holes, but you never know. Maybe he was texting.
Speaking of driving, how do you suppose Tiger Woods ended up crossing the medium into the oncoming lane and then flipping his SUV a couple of times? Hope he's ok and makes a full recovery. That was crazy. I doubt he was messed up at 7:30 a,m trying to get to the golf course to meet up with a couple other players for 18 holes, but you never know. Maybe he was texting.

Looks like we'll never know.
Police have accessed the vehicle's black box after a search warrant.

I wonder if they can find out if he was on the phone at the exact time of the accident. I think the only way for them to determine that is to check his phone records and match the exact time of the incident with any phone activity he might've been having at the time. But I believe the police department needs a search warrant signed by a judge to obtain those records and to get that, they need enough probable cause which I don't think they have. An accident is just an accident, which is why they call it an accident! lol. Not sure where the boundaries are where it becomes more than just an accident and they need to investigate it as if it was a criminal act or whatever it's called.

Either way, the dude has had a tough time with vehicles, that's for sure. Aside from the time he was pulled over all messed up on medication pills, there was that one time he crashed in his driveway and into his garage, and now this. He should hire someone to drive him around, no doubt.

Speaking of unfortunate accidents, my buddy Drew has been boating all his life and he was starting to venture longer distances with his girlfriend and got sick and tired of paying so much money for fuel. Marina fuel is much more than street gasoline even though it's the same crap lol. But when you're on the water and nowhere else to go, they stick it to you. So he figured they would try sailing and use the wind to travel these long distances. Bought a 40ft sailboat and fixed it up and loved it for a couple of years until they got sick and tired of all the work you have to do with all the lines and sails etc, LOL! Yep, sold the sailboat and bought a powerboat and was back to being a powerboater. Just a couple of days ago, he gets the news that the guy who bought the sailboat from him took it from Miami and sailed north and before he even got passed the South Carolina border, he ran into 35 foot waves!!! Now I've been in 8 ft waves with our boat and let me tell you, it is NOT fun at all! It is scary as heck and you really feel like you're gonna flip over off one of them and then it's survival after that. So I can't imagine what this guy and whomever was with him must've went through facing 35ft waves, but we know the boat sank and he's alive after being rescued by the US Coast Guard. What a nightmare, but glad he and whomever was with him are ok. Scary stuff.
Dems sometimes have the most idiotic of ideas - Colorado passes gun laws that require you to lock your gun while at home as well. So basically, I’m struggling with the lock while the intruder is already in.
Dems sometimes have the most idiotic of ideas - Colorado passes gun laws that require you to lock your gun while at home as well. So basically, I’m struggling with the lock while the intruder is already in.

It's one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think it's still better than if a youngling finds it and gets a hold of it and accidently blows half his face off or accidently kills a friend of his while showing it off. Or stealing it and committing a crime of any kind with it. I guess the trick is to lock it up in a way where only you can access it quickly.

I gave up on my car radio. I lost the 4 digit password on the anti-theft and haven't called up to get it unlocked after the last battery disconnect.

And how about this weather? We go from 74 degrees to 0 practically overnight lol. That was crazy and it's not much warmer out there right now either. These are the type of nights where one really should plug in the diesel or it just might not start in the morning from gumming up in this cold temp. Even the coil heater sometimes doesn't cut it.

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