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Tawheed Jamath Protest against Minimum age of Marriage in Sri Lanka

13. And handsome 'men'?

I am out. No offence intended.
It is a civilization shock that I don't wish to get over with.

She's 25+.

I was answering baajey, that if she wanted to marry at 13 I wouldn't have stopped her.
Then we will make sure it becomes compatible . That is what we have been doing for thousand of years .

Not really. Without centuries of invasion ending with European colonialism, you would still be stuck with ancient rituals like Sati and stuff.

Making an organized religion compatible with liberal values is nothing short of an impossibility without a major war or revolution.

I've given up trying to beat certain liberal values into traditionalists around me.
Not really. Without centuries of invasion ending with European colonialism, you would still be stuck with ancient rituals like Sati and stuff.

Making an organized religion compatible with liberal values is nothing short of an impossibility without a major war or revolution.

I've given up trying to beat certain liberal values into traditionalists around me.

Biggest voice against Sati ritual was Raja Ram Mohan Roy . He was not an European . We have to move on along with the world or we will be left behind .
Biggest voice against Sati ritual was Raja Ram Mohan Roy . He was not an European . We have to move on along with the world or we will be left behind .

Dissenting voices are put down when traditional elites are in power. Foreign rule in India fostered an environment that nurtured these reformists.
A 42 year old man marrying a 13 year old girl without her consent is unacceptable. And in all likelihood, a 13 year old will never consent to marry a middle aged man/woman.

What we want is a system that let's two consenting individuals do whatever they want with their lives - it is not the state's job to interfere in private affairs. So you don't decide the age gap between the couple with your votes.

The term "Consent" is a very loose term when it comes to child marriages. Even in law, person below the age limit of 18 is not considered as to eligible to enter into contract on their own. That's because they are considered as mentally incapable to decide on their own about issues. Voting is also generally prohibited to people below 18 years of age. Because they can't decide on their own. Therefore how can we argue that a 13 year old girl could decide without any hindrance about marrying a guy 40 years of age.

If the state regards the subject is a minor who can't decide on their own; the state has the right to intertwine on the behalf of the minor.
Partially agreed . What about Pakistan . It was also under same rule .

Muslims had their own reformists during colonial times, like Al-Afghani.

All that Muslims have to do is catch up with Western science & tech, and social reforms like more liberty for the common people (not like the West - that's going too far).

But the Salafist influence (with $$$) from the Arabian peninsula is holding us back.
Muslims had their own reformists during colonial times, like Al-Afghani.

All that Muslims have to do is catch up with Western science & tech, and social reforms like more liberty for the common people (not like the West - that's going too far).

But the Salafist influence (with $$$) from the Arabian peninsula is holding us back.

There is a lot of catching up to do . Everyone had reformists I consider Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan and Syed ahmed khan to be on similar league with lets say Ambedkar . Education is the only way to break out of these shackles of demagogy which is holding our society back .
Marriage is not = reproduction. Stop equating them.

Reproduction is a choice. You can choose to postpone it.

Marriage is the legal signal to start reproduction.

Just like reproduction marriage is also a choice to be taken. It can be postponed.

For Muslims, the only way to legally have sex is marriage. Either make it legal to have sex before marriage or let people marry earlier.

Why lose out on all those post-puberty years?

Having sex is not the only thing people needs to do. It is just a part of the far boarder picture.

Are you people only think about sex your entire lives?
The idea of marrying off your daughters to older men was because older and powerful men could protect younger females in a lawless tribal society. In modern age the state is responsible for the protection of its citizens and education is a right of everyone. Knowledge of Psychology and Reproductive health has advanced as well. Further it should be noted that Sri Lanka's population is mostly buddhist and Sharia law is causing conflict and fuelling Islamophobia among Muslims and other communities.
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