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Tariq Banuri talks to Pervez Hoodbhoy on his dismissal as chairman HEC


Mar 8, 2019
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The reason? Why no charge sheet? What is Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman's role in Pakistan's higher education system? This points to corruption at deep level.

No charge sheet against me.
Pressure from PM office.
Universities has large amount of land and pressure from PM office to launch partnership with private sector.
We decided to add monitoring system to stop corruption after that communication stopped.
Atta ur reham projects were not approved from planning commission but were added at last dates. Very poor projects.
HEC was giving grants without any accountability.
trail of favoritism.
Atta-ur-reham reserach centers were getting grants of 1 billion rupees without any questions asked.
We decided that centers will not get any grants without any performance.
After that we received communication from PM office that you can not ask for accountability from Atta-ur-Rehman.

People were given admission in phd program without any accountability. I remember one woman who was in charge of 32 phd students in Quaid-e-Azam university. When i was in MIT 2 phd students with one advisor were considered huge work load and here people were having 30 30 phd students. This is a joke.

HEJ has so many nuclear magnetic resonance instruments. Even MIT, Harvard and Standford don't have instruments in such numbers but output is zero.

When HEC asked from HEJ what you have produced. The reply was who are you to ask from us, we only talk with noble prize winners. Then i said you can also ask for money from them.
After that we got pressure from PM office to not cut their funding.
PM office wrote letter ordering us to stop asking for accountability from Atta-ur-Rehman because we are satisfied, god knows how. We were told if you try to do so you will be fired.
HEC is funding agency but we will give you no information what we are doing. This is criminal.
HEJ is criminal institution because it has refused all attempts to create accountability in the country.

Atta-ur-Rahman is sweet talker. He made fool out of musharaf, zardari and nawaz sharif and now making fool out of imran khan.

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