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targetted strike on Jamat ul ahrar camp done

Your rants are childish to say the least, the cost of sustaining an attack inside Afghanistan alone will bring our economy to its knees. Type of terrain in most parts of Afghanistan makes it virtually impossible for an aggressor to take a strong hold, look what happened to the British, the Russians and the Americans, Pakistan does not even have their type of financial muscle to keep troops fighting inside Afghanistan. This issue is besides the international sanctions and the fact that India will take the opportunity to engage a weakened Pak Army on the Eastern border.

Let the Army do what they are doing, they know it best. Unfortunately, our geographic location is the worse thing that could have happened to us. I wish at the time of partition it was India which was bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan was on the eastern side.
Pak is not interested in occupying any land in Afghanistan. That would be foolish. But conducting surgical strikes if and when opportune is what is really needed. Afghan government is unable and/or unwilling to act against the terrorists who kill scores of our innocent citizens in schools, markets, mosques, etc. The international community has all the sympathy with the people of Pakistan. That is when it is legitimate for Pakistan to neutralize terrorists on Afghan soil. The key is go, kill, and return promptly. Not once, twice but rather every time a viable target is available.
Your rants are childish to say the least, the cost of sustaining an attack inside Afghanistan alone will bring our economy to its knees. Type of terrain in most parts of Afghanistan makes it virtually impossible for an aggressor to take a strong hold, look what happened to the British, the Russians and the Americans, Pakistan does not even have their type of financial muscle to keep troops fighting inside Afghanistan. This issue is besides the international sanctions and the fact that India will take the opportunity to engage a weakened Pak Army on the Eastern border.

Let the Army do what they are doing, they know it best. Unfortunately, our geographic location is the worse thing that could have happened to us. I wish at the time of partition it was India which was bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan was on the eastern side.
Weakness always invites aggression from all corners that we are facing..No body is saying to invade afghanistan...But if there are camps is afghanistan from last 5-10 years and we are unable to dismantle them then there is something wrong somewhere
Pakistan needs to "Act Like Nuclear Power",
meaning power projection.
There is a time and place to do a thing. Since Pakistan unable to create opportunity nature gave us opportunities albeit at a "heavy price", first APS, then Sehwan.
Now use air strikes and hit them hard. Internation opinion on Pak side and Pak is justified to eliminate the cross border terrorists and masterminds.
Unfortunately these are political decisions which NS Govt can't fathom to understand and take and army has too limited approach.

SomeE="Mrc, post: 9218534, member: 152422"]He was killed few months ago

Someone named narey was killed. Both khalid khorasani and fazlul are alive and enjoying life with RAW and NDS goons[/QUOTE]

I wholly agree with your post...

And i did cofuse them with umar naray

Pakistan needs to "Act Like Nuclear Power",
meaning power projection.
There is a time and place to do a thing. Since Pakistan unable to create opportunity nature gave us opportunities albeit at a "heavy price", first APS, then Sehwan.
Now use air strikes and hit them hard. Internation opinion on Pak side and Pak is justified to eliminate the cross border terrorists and masterminds.
Unfortunately these are political decisions which NS Govt can't fathom to understand and take and army has too limited approach.

SomeE="Mrc, post: 9218534, member: 152422"]He was killed few months ago

Someone named narey was killed. Both khalid khorasani and fazlul are alive and enjoying life with RAW and NDS goons[/QUOTE]

I wholly agree with your post...

And i did cofuse them with umar naray
Your rants are childish to say the least, the cost of sustaining an attack inside Afghanistan alone will bring our economy to its knees. Type of terrain in most parts of Afghanistan makes it virtually impossible for an aggressor to take a strong hold, look what happened to the British, the Russians and the Americans, Pakistan does not even have their type of financial muscle to keep troops fighting inside Afghanistan. This issue is besides the international sanctions and the fact that India will take the opportunity to engage a weakened Pak Army on the Eastern border.

Let the Army do what they are doing, they know it best. Unfortunately, our geographic location is the worse thing that could have happened to us. I wish at the time of partition it was India which was bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan was on the eastern side.
Pak is not interested in occupying any land in Afghanistan. That would be foolish. But conducting surgical strikes if and when opportune is what is really needed. Afghan government is unable and/or unwilling to act against the terrorists who kill scores of our innocent citizens in schools, markets, mosques, etc. The international community has all the sympathy with the people of Pakistan. That is when it is legitimate for Pakistan to neutralize terrorists on Afghan soil. The key is go, kill, and return promptly. Not once, twice but rather every time a viable target is available.
How was your personal experience serving with Turkish armed forces?
Are you still serving or left?

Like what?

I was an officer cadet in the navy for 3,5 years. And one year military service as a gendarmerie corporal at a commando regiment.
Now...I have a feeling this is real...Our army won't lie to whole nation just like Indians did with their nation...

Really? Interesting! And I am sure you must already have the proof you were dying to get from Indians?

Oh, I believe PA must have sent teams across to undertake precision strikes or Indian terminology 'surgical strikes' (actually that is for precision itself; with minimal collateral damage). But I doubt they shall take out any videos or photographs. That is unprofessional in subcontinental armies as it compromises our methods ...... So, you may want to revisit your statement over the next few days.

I trust PA on this...They may have targeted the terrorist camp but question is - either thr' air force or artillery? What about creating a buffer zone and sealing the border forever?

If air assets were involved (which so far is not likely) then that would have been from a stand off range. I doubt PAF was needed.

But you can be sure of one thing, US was on board ... so the real question is, was it done under US pressure? I would like to join a few dots .... the restrictions on Hafiz Saeed and the tremendous loss sustained by Pakistani society by the dastardly act the other day may have been connected ... maybe the present Chief, the pragmatic officer he is, decided to act against all those who may damage the national interests in the long run and maybe he might have decided that the US demands, the Indian demands may actually be coinciding with Pakistan's national objectives presently.....

Think about that.

But you can be sure of one thing - US was told ..... or things would be very difficult for PA if indeed it has gone into Afghanistan.

Is this attempt just a face saving tactic or something is big waiting for Afghans if they don't behave?

Make this routine, don't do it for just public....Attack them regularly, be aggressive and pro active

See what you did?

Like Indians make the mistake ... .you painted the nation's citizens with one broad stroke .... Afghans ... and not the terrorists ...
Really? Interesting! And I am sure you must already have the proof you were dying to get from Indians?

Oh, I believe PA must have sent teams across to undertake precision strikes or Indian terminology 'surgical strikes' (actually that is for precision itself; with minimal collateral damage). But I doubt they shall take out any videos or photographs. That is unprofessional in subcontinental armies as it compromises our methods ...... So, you may want to revisit your statement over the next few days.

Then what is this? When your own people are doubting !!!


I believe Indians tried to cross our border to attack our troops but got neutralized/failed...There are no terrorist launch pads on our side nor they were attacked by Indians - as Indians are claiming, the way hype was created by Modi administration, it was just a tactic to calm people down...In our case, things are more clear as ISIS just killed 18 soldiers of Afghans so there is ISIS presence inside Afghanistan and we are blowing them up...We have been operating, covert ops inside Afghanistan, this time probably we went deep inside and announced yes we did it...

If air assets were involved (which so far is not likely) then that would have been from a stand off range. I doubt PAF was needed.

But you can be sure of one thing, US was on board ... so the real question is, was it done under US pressure? I would like to join a few dots .... the restrictions on Hafiz Saeed and the tremendous loss sustained by Pakistani society by the dastardly act the other day may have been connected ... maybe the present Chief, the pragmatic officer he is, decided to act against all those who may damage the national interests in the long run and maybe he might have decided that the US demands, the Indian demands may actually be coinciding with Pakistan's national objectives presently.....

Think about that.

But you can be sure of one thing - US was told ..... or things would be very difficult for PA if indeed it has gone into Afghanistan.

Hmm...Things will get clearer as days pass.

See what you did?

Like Indians make the mistake ... .you painted the nation's citizens with one broad stroke .... Afghans ... and not the terrorists ...

When I say Afghans, I m talking about northern alliance not common folks...I will be cautious next time in writing.
Yep I wish he carries a gun like Rambo and Jumps into Afghanistan :). But yes you're right since the men paid to do so aren't able to find enough courage, he should do it himself.

He can't even do his own job , what to talk about doing the job of the Army , fatty doesn't even have the courage to visit frontline troops what to talk about leading them .. :lol:

The only thing Nanna is capable of is stealing from the country to buy properties in London and providing services to Qatari royal family, otherwise he is no good useless price of lard

What is NAP BTW? What magical wand does it carry which would solve all the problems. So let me ask you that if all the terrorists are sitting in south Punjab then why are Afghanis and FATA residents are linked to each suicide attack? The terrorists in South Punjab are the Good terrorists I.e. the terrorists boys need against India and Iran. So yes please kill these heaps of cow dung. But will the boys do it? Like ever? Its been 5 years and the things will stay like this for next 5 years when you will grow up and join a university.

Rana Sanaullah is protecting the militant groups operating in Punjab , thats why Rangers have not been allowed to do an operation like it was done in Karachi

So it's being confirmed by Afghan. Unlike Indian fake shur jii kaal hanumaan strike

Now wait and watch the same munafiq types who were first saying that it didn't happen i.e Pakistan did not hit targets in Afghanistan will come out saying Pakistan should not hit targets inside Afghanistan

simply becasue nation demand to clean up after every indecent . so they show us muscles . for example hovering helicopters and jets over abbottabad after OBL raid :rofl: tell me why they were fling hours ?

That was Zardari rule and still we have his remnants in senate and bureaucracy.
Than there is B team of Zardari,,, whose task is to mislead public on public media.

How many people you want planted who can post equitable non-sense in the present scenario too? See the supposed photographs being posted of 'exclusive pics'? You see the compound neatly laid out and not a soul to be seen around as existing in another thread?

That can also fit into the above - as it fits into the exact same situation as being a village anywhere in North Western part of Pakistan.

I believe Indians tried to cross our border to attack our troops but got neutralized/failed...

I told you and here exactly what happened, multiple points were hit with ingress in a couple of points only. There is nothing new in that.

And not, where they were required to get through, they got through

There are no terrorist launch pads on our side nor they were attacked by Indians - as Indians are claiming, the way hype was created by Modi administration, it was just a tactic to calm people down...

Yes there are. I gave specific names. Check with your sources/people who know. Sardari Village-Dhaki Village are the major launch pads for ingress opposite Machhil sector with the former affording position to insert through Eastern Part of Gurez via Taobat.

You see, I know exact points for the sector concerned. Dhaki is exactly 45 minutes of careful ingress from Indian side and lies on Eastern Spur off Lunda Ridge ..... and no, it is not easy to track a small team moving in!

In our case, things are more clear as ISIS just killed 18 soldiers of Afghans so there is ISIS presence inside Afghanistan and we are blowing them up...We have been operating, covert ops inside Afghanistan, this time probably we went deep inside and announced yes we did it...

Yes.....and on our side it is also clear ... and so are you aware of Mr Hafeez Saeed and LeT. In fact, the whole world is.

Exactly, that is what happened in Pakistan's case, and exactly that is what happened in our case. The 'revenge' for Uri agains terror groups was conducted the next night itself. It was not disclosed. LC heated up and on 29 Sep Indian troops made massive fire assaults.

Anyways, I reiterate what I said earlier. I have no doubt PA has undertaken some action and has inserted quite a few teams. And I really cheer that. Terror has no segregation.

However, what really tickles me, is PA has not even claimed anything of crossing over ... and there are people already claiming PAF crossing over and posting pictures as posted elsewhere and the hypocrisy as these were the same people who were claiming no strikes by India

The parameters have just changed.

One needs to look at as a defence enthusiast to enjoy the hypocrisy here.......

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