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Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

Sri Lanka supports Dravidanadu.

You do know their encompassed make belief Dravida Nadu include Sri Lanka as well.. Right ? What they tried and failed in India in the 1800, 1947 and 1960's, Was reignited in SL in the 70's.. Dont be surprised the next move will be in the Malay peninsular.. Good to see the authorities there are more vigilant than the Lankans were in the 70's.. And thankfully it's quite a way away from TN
Tamil are independent People Like Pakistanis.This is the reason i have always said that Tamil and sikh are by default Pakistanis
Tamil are independent People Like Pakistanis.This is the reason i have always said that Tamil and sikh are by default Pakistanis
Lol next what even Gujaratis and Rajasthanis are also Pakistanis :rofl:
@manlion don't worry as long as Tamils are Hindus, the Sanskrit language will stay strong in Tamil Nadu. ;)

Sanskrit is only limited to some minuscule temple rituals in Tamilnadu, the fact is Tamil Hinduism is not dependent Sanskrit. Tamils have their own scriptures - vedas , Gods etc .

Your so-called "Hinduism" is nothing but the ancient Tamil Dravidian religion, your Aryans gods have been consigned to oblivion

Tamil are independent People Like Pakistanis.This is the reason i have always said that Tamil and sikh are by default Pakistanis

You are absolutely right, that's why they have been resisting Hindi/Sanskrit imposition
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Sanskrit is only limited to some minuscule temple rituals in Tamilnadu, the fact is Tamil Hinduism is not dependent Sanskrit. Tamils have their own vedas , Gods etc .

You can cry us a river, most of the Tamils consider Sanskrit language as the part of their Tamil Hindu heritage and 90% Tamils are Hindus. ;)
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