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Tamil heroes attack weak Sinhalese chauvinist in London.

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Why you guys think Tamils are the only minority group in Sri Lanka? Every citizen has equal rights in SL. This issue is with some group of Tamils who live in the northern part not with the rest of Tamils in here.

I don't think that and haven't said that. You should not forget that civil war started because the Tamils felt discriminated, and discriminated they were, there is no denying it. So unless the Srilankan government has addressed those issues, the reconciliation effort will go no where. Yes you might be able to subdue them, but you won't be able to reconcile.
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I don't think that and haven't said that. You should not forget that civil war started because the Tamils felt discriminated, and discriminated they were, there is no denying it. So unless the Srilankan government has addressed those issues, the reconciliation will effort go no where. Yes you might be able to subdue them, but you won't be able to reconcile.
I don't want to take anyone's side and you should not either. Stop whitewashing Tamils as some innocent babies. There were many fascists among Tamils. Tamils who don't intend to conquer whole Sri Lanka and make it to a Tamil land live very luxurious lives. I personally had Tamil friends but there are those who want to turn Sri Lanka into a Tamil land. For example when British were about to give franchise rights to Sinhalese, Tamils campaigned against it and one prominent figure (bastard) is even listed as one of national heroes in our text books.
I don't want to take anyone's side and you should not either. Stop whitewashing Tamils as some innocent babies. There were many fascists among Tamils. Tamils who don't intend to conquer whole Sri Lanka and make it to a Tamil land live very luxurious lives. I personally had Tamil friends but there are those who want to turn Sri Lanka into a Tamil land. For example when British were about to give franchise rights to Sinhalese, Tamils campaigned against it and one prominent figure (bastard) is even listed as one of national heroes in our text books.

Am not taking sides, both sides need to make effort in order to reconcile.
weaker my *** thats why they defeated the tamils? today there is no more tamil tigers because the sinhalese were the better people in the end.
Wrong, Sri Lanka needed support from many other countries in the end to be able to defeat a bunch of Tamils with guns. Also there was much less tamils but we gave them hell. The only way they could defeat us was by killing Tamil civilians and forcing us to stand down.
weaker my *** thats why they defeated the tamils? today there is no more tamil tigers because the sinhalese were the better people in the end.
Let him carry on his show of uncivilized attitude. That shop owner was beaten because Sinhalese are law abiding cirilized people in UK not gangsters to come and beat people up. In a way, I wish that these things happen more often so that the world can realize how barbaric these LTTE Tamil maniacs are.
Let him carry on his show of uncivilized attitude. That shop owner was beaten because Sinhalese are law abiding cirilized people in UK not gangsters to come and beat people up. In a way, I wish that these things happen more often so that the world can realize how barbaric these LTTE Tamil maniacs are.
Yes, sorry innocent Sinhalese. You people are victims of Tamil aggression and are completely innocent in all regards. It's not like you people commited the biggest genocide of the 21st century so far!

Am not taking sides, both sides need to make effort in order to reconcile.
It's no point trying to talk to these people, in their eyes Sri Lanka can do no wrong.
Having a political share is not based on ethnic groups in Sri lanka. The only racist feature of our constitution is that the president has to be Sinhalese.

Nope that's completely false.. Pls quote the aforesaid caption in the SL constitution..

There is nothing like that this is false propaganda used by both Tamil separatists and the majority chauvinists to further their individual causes

The only eligibility to run for the executive presidency is the individual have to be a adult citizen of Sri Lanka in the current constitution which was enacted in 1978.. Nothing else not the Ethnicity or religion.. There is even a precedent being set in 1980 presidential elections when Kumar Ponnambalam a Tamil Nationalist from the All Ceylon Tamil Congress ran for the office against President Junious Jayawardena

Another falsehood propagated is that SL has a national religion in Buddhism.. The constitution only provides protection to Buddhism as the faith of the majority and any government in power has the duty protect it.. SL has a secular constitution

Oh and before the new Tiger wanker accuses me of being a Sinhala whatever.. You will be barking up the wrong tree
What is this tamil dude's problem? Feeling good at the beating of an unarmed, unprovoked cowardly attack?

Lankans did put down LTTE so this is your outlet of frustration?

Come on, quit this macho shit behind the keyboard tough guy.
What is this tamil dude's problem? Feeling good at the beating of an unarmed, unprovoked cowardly attack?

Lankans did put down LTTE so this is your outlet of frustration?

Come on, quit this macho shit behind the keyboard tough guy.

You need to pity them.. Being bought up as refugees, Massive identity crisis because of lack of integration to the adopted country..And parents brain washing them from childhood to hate.. Most of these kids may not have set foot on the island
Nope that's completely false.. Pls quote the aforesaid caption in the SL constitution..

There is nothing like that this is false propaganda used by both Tamil separatists and the majority chauvinists to further their individual causes

The only eligibility to run for the executive presidency is the individual have to be a adult citizen of Sri Lanka in the current constitution which was enacted in 1978.. Nothing else not the Ethnicity or religion.. There is even a precedent being set in 1980 presidential elections when Kumar Ponnambalam a Tamil Nationalist from the All Ceylon Tamil Congress ran for the office against President Junious Jayawardena

Another falsehood propagated is that SL has a national religion in Buddhism.. The constitution only provides protection to Buddhism as the faith of the majority and any government in power has the duty protect it.. SL has a secular constitution

Oh and before the new Tiger wanker accuses me of being a Sinhala whatever.. You will be barking up the wrong tree
False Rajapaksa propaganda. What race are you then? Another race that immigrated here and took our rights?
You need to pity them.. Being bought up as refugees, Massive identity crisis because of lack of integration to the adopted country..And parents brain washing them from childhood to hate.. Most of these kids may not have set foot on the island
Silly immigrant like yourself don't know shit, anti Tamil propaganda is seeping through you. And how dare a dirty burgher immigrant like yourself jump to conclusions on how my parents raised me. You don't know shit about my life you dirty piece of shit. Disrespectful ****.
Silly immigrant like yourself don't know shit, anti Tamil propaganda is seeping through you.

We know it's frustrating for you to only be able to post abuse on forums, Spew hate and be a nuisance and sundry to all.. While rest of us are proud to have a identity and a strong vibrant country to call home/ motherland.. It must suck to be a homeless desperado..:lol:

what happened to your previous avatar ?? :p:
We know it's frustrating for you to only be able to post abuse on forums, Spew hate and be a nuisance and sundry to all.. While rest of us are proud to have a identity and a strong vibrant country to call home/ motherland.. It must suck to be a homeless desperado..:lol:
Dirty Burgher, how dare you jump to conclusions on how my parents raised me. That's just how disrespectful swine like you work. And UK is my home and country and not long from now Tamil Eelam will be my home.
How can anyone justify beating up some randon dude? This is just shameful.
Dirty Burgher, how dare you jump to conclusions on how my parents raised me. That's just how disrespectful swine like you work. And UK is my home and country and not long from now Tamil Eelam will be my home.

Someone who have lost identity...:D
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