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Tamil heroes attack weak Sinhalese chauvinist in London.

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We know it's frustrating for you to only be able to post abuse on forums, Spew hate and be a nuisance and sundry to all.. While rest of us are proud to have a identity and a strong vibrant country to call home/ motherland.. It must suck to be a homeless desperado..

hmm , must be very proud of your War Criminal identity and a calling genocidal country 'home'

Recent reports of an Australian/Sri Lankan citizen's alleged involved in the commission of war crimes at the end of the Sri Lankan civil war raise once again questions about where Australia stands on the question of war crimes allegedly committed either by its citizens or by people who now live in this country
hmm , must be very proud of your War Criminal identity
This Gibbs low life consistently makes personal attacks. It's the mentality of these depraved war criminals.
hmm , must be very proud of your War Criminal identity and a calling genocidal country 'home'

Dude.. Finally you found a bum buddy to spread your tiger crap.. But hey he seems outshine even you.. :omghaha:
Dude.. Finally you found a bum buddy to spread your tiger crap.. But hey he seems outshine even you.. :omghaha:
This is how low class immigrant Burghers are raised, look at that disgusting language... Filthy.
God bless UK!
Yes, indeed. We are very successful community unlike Sinhalese who live in rented accommodation and run petrol stations. We are also more popular and integrated with culture unlike Sinhalese who are bullied in Schools.
Yes, indeed. We are very successful community unlike Sinhalese who live in rented accommodation and run petrol stations. We are also more popular and integrated with culture unlike Sinhalese who are bullied in Schools.

that's impressive, keep enjoying the life! :lol:
Yes, indeed. We are very successful community unlike Sinhalese who live in rented accommodation and run petrol stations. We are also more popular and integrated with culture unlike Sinhalese who are bullied in Schools.

Alleluia.. :yahoo:

Just venting off frustration bro.. What else can they do.. nobody really give two shits.. Poor buggers know nothing but hate
Shhh you dirty Burgher immigrant, first you immigrate to Sri Lanka and now too Australia. That's two places in less then one century. Filthy Burgher uni dropout.
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