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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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This is where your delusions, fog your mind. You need quit watching your mudea/ media, bollywood, and start looking at our capabilities, and glaring holes in your hardware, morale, training, and strategy. After you have done that, then come back.

I dont watch TV. So what you are saying is Pakistan is conventionally superior to India?
the fact that as usual Indians Chutya media share this news... where as FM report was published by all international media hahhaha SU yaan F22 mil raha hey kay nahe but tumse bare chutya koom nahe dekhi hahahahha
I agree with you. Pakistan should also join TFX program with Turkey and bring in Ukraine also. Ukraine can be of great help specially in developing latest engine for Stealth Plane.
the fact that as usual Indians Chutya media share this news... where as FM report was published by all international media hahhaha SU yaan F22 mil raha hey kay nahe but tumse bare chutya koom nahe dekhi hahahahha

1. Chengdu J-20 has maxiumum altitude of 65,620 feet. F-22 maxes out at 60,000 feet.
2. Chengdu J-20 has a combat radius of 1,200 miles. F-22 combat radius is only 470 miles.
3. Chengdu J-20 has EOTS (electro-optical targeting system). F-22 has no EOTS.
4. Chengdu J-20 has EODAS (electro-optical distributed aperture system). F-22 has no EODAS.
5. Chengdu J-20 is optimized for both transonic flight and maneuverability. F-22 is optimized only for maneuverability.

Point #5 is a little complicated, so I'll explain it in more detail. The Chengdu J-20 uses a canard-delta wing design to optimize performance in the transonic range of 0.8 to 1.2 Mach. "Leading edge sweep is ~43°, clearly intended for efficient supersonic flight." The Chengdu J-20 has canards, steerable vertical stabilizers, and ventral fins to increase maneuverability.

The F-22 design only maximizes maneuverability by having large trapezoidal wings and 2-D TVC engine nozzles. The friction caused by large wings is a hindrance to efficient transonic flight. The F-22 has a higher and less-efficient leading-edge wing angle of 47.5°.
J11 is Su's clone . Why opt for the clone when you can get the real

I've said it many times that Russia is going to Pakistan with full package, there is no India or Indian influence to stop it. Similarly, same for goes for the US, the UK, the French and all. They've learned from India that there is no loyalty, its pure business. Well, the business now includes an upcoming economy and futures top 15th most powerful country on the map, called Pakistan. All these big powers will now deal with Pakistan on her own basis. India can kick dust, scream, cry or jump up and down, it doesn't matter. The relationship has been de-hyphenated since last year!!!

You probably heard it from me as I've written about it a few times already, including yesterday and you are right, the work on the Sixth gen fighter and future Stealth advance B3 Bomber has also started. The flying terminator is coming......:usflag::sniper:

I'd imagine by 2020 we'd be seeing prototypes and by 2025, flight testing and production would probably start.

Why is that? Mirage carries one Exocet. The JFT can carry two anti-ship missiles and even two BVR missiles and 2 WVR missiles (when more powerful engine is added). Currently is can carry 2 anti-ship and one BVR or two WVR missiles.

For Pakistan's coastal defense, you can fly the JFT on one fuel tank. If you get out by 50 KM from Karachi's short line, your anti-ships can lock on a target over 300 KM's away from Karachi. I think that's a huge area the JFT can cover. Ideally, you should have J-11D in numbers but SU-35 is also a great choice. I hope they get these in 60-80, but let's see.
why should indians be botherred about pakistan getting "4Mi-35s" :azn:

he he he he are your serous :sarcastic:

what if i told you we are opretaing M-35 /mi-25 since two decades if not more and now are "retiring" them from owr service but then no har in dreaming :haha:

Good to know that. I think U missed the part which said figure 4 is just a beginning :-)
Breaking News: Earth quack in office of RAW Delhi, Mumbai, Kabul and Indian high Commission in Pakistan.
Everyone saved only burn injuries reported.:flame::flame::flame::flame::flame:

15 Bell AH-1Z Viper, 10 WZ-10 Thunderbolt, almost 10+ MI 35 and now SU 35.
its gonna be like Aj mai uper Asman nechy India hy PECHY PECHY

I dont watch TV. So what you are saying is Pakistan is conventionally superior to India?

Don't put words in my mouth. But yes I can assure you, Conventionally we can give you quite a good thrashing as well.

Secondly, you need to look at your multiple freedom movements, and how they would a manipulate a skirmish on the border.

Do read this:

India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war - The Times of India

SOS. Army is Seeing More Suicides.

597 military personnel have committed suicide in last 5 years, government says - The Times of India
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you could not design your own Tejas how you gona design a stealth fighter that too in india :lol:
its better Pak gets Su35.. pls get 60-80 birds by buying it outright with or without credit from Russia.

@For all indian members:
Thats the best news as finally any such decision will ensure India and IAF gets the squad strength up by way of either Rafale, Pakfa, LCAs, and more MKIs Super standard. If we need any urgency to kick in our modernisation then thats the best moment.

Perhaps this actual signing news may wake up the GOI's shopping list execution which so far had been more of hunting for best bargain deals and leading to long gestation periods....
No matter what ever Pakistan buys, it will never reach our level because of financial constrains. So no concerns.

But please keep on spending a huge fraction of your tiny GDP on military, its good for us.

Good to know U have got no issues with that. n we exactly know what we are doing :-)
Will not take any step detrimental
to India’s security:Russia.

New Delhi, Sep 10: Russia today said that it will
never take any step detrimental to the security
and safety of its special strategic partner
India.Russian Embassy here issued a statement in
the backdrop of a report that said Russia and
Pakistan were in talks on the delivery of Russian
multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest
Su-35 fighter jets.
“Time and again, the Russian leaders have stated
at the highest level that Russia will never take
any steps detrimental to the security and safety
of our special and privileged strategic partner ?
India, or the security structure in the South Asian
region, or any other region for that matter,” the
statement said. (Also Read: India, Pakistan
membership in SCO to be finalised in 2016:
“This assurance is fully valid today as it was
valid yesterday. This is the guideline of our
President’s foreign policy concept,” it said.”As
regards the newspaper report from Nizhni Tagil, it
is a sheer case of overstatement by the agency,
on the one hand, and of overreaction by a section
of the Indian media, – on the other,” it added.

Will not take any step detrimental to India's security:Russia | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com

Breaking News: Earth quack in office of RAW Delhi, Mumbai, Kabul and Indian high Commission in Pakistan.
Everyone saved only burn injuries reported.:rap::rap::rap::rap:

15 Bell AH-1Z Viper, 10 WZ-10 Thunderbolt, almost 10+ MI 35 and now SU 35.
its gonna be like Aj mai uper Asman nechy India hy PECHY PECHY
Pakistan should grab these planes ASAP if on offer and give all those Indians who yap about Pakistan not having enough money/resources a proverbial middle finger. Pakistan is way more important for Russia than India due to it's immense geo-strategic importance, vast untapped resources, deeper,sweeter,higher best friendship with China in addition to CPEC which is going to completely transform Pakistan.

It is good that Pakistan waited for so long before inducting a modern twin engine fighter jet, now Pakistan has an opportunity to get it's hand on a true beast which is going to have Rafales and SU-30 MKIs for breakfast and not even burp.
Doesn't matter how much they cost as it gives an unparalleled capacity to PAF in the subcontinent. Maintenance, spares, operating costs, availability and all the other pesky details can be worked out in leisure, any way Pakistanis are master of Jugad and resourceful innovators.

One in a lifetime opportunity to get Russian's on Pakistan's side and make new global axis of Russia -China - Pakistan

Sarcasm aside, I don't think it makes a damn difference to the Indo pak conflict scenario.It may make things a little bit more expensive for India as the move will need to be countered. However, if either party feels at all threatened by the buildup of the other, the nuclear threshold will be lowered. So it will be a case of "if we go we will take you with us". So while kids will get excited on either side while squeezing their pimples, the older ones amongst us will raise an eye brow and a groan and a hope that one day both the countries will see the light of the day, resolve their differences, open up the borders to free trade and resolve to spend their meagre resources on the betterment of the hungry and naked shelterless masses that inhabit both the countries.
Breaking News: Earth quack in office of RAW Delhi, Mumbai, Kabul and Indian high Commission in Pakistan.
Everyone saved only burn injuries reported.:rap::rap::rap::rap:

15 Bell AH-1Z Viper, 10 WZ-10 Thunderbolt, almost 10+ MI 35 and now SU 35.
its gonna be like Aj mai uper Asman nechy India hy PECHY PECHY

sheher bassa nahi maskharre pehle aa gaye :sarcastic:
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